
[]Chapter three : The speach

"Good, now let's welcome our new comrade." However, this time, the slimes looked at each other in confusion, and some even glanced around to check if someone new had arrived.

I couldn't help but smirk at their reaction.

I opened the system panel and tapped on the Dungeon Lord's Summoning function. A gacha-like interface appeared, offering two options: "Summon 10x" and "Summon 1x."

"Can I stack them too? What are the benefits?" I wondered, quickly scanning the provided information.

The small text at the top of the panel mentioned that the 10x summoning option increased the chances of summoning higher-tier species by 30%. Intrigued by the possibility of encountering rare creatures, I decided to give it a try.

However, for now, I selected the "Summon 1x" option. Suddenly, a portal materialized beside me, startling the slimes that had been by my side.

Before I could say anything, Violet and Scarlet quickly moved to the front and stood in front of me, ready to protect. Realizing their intention, I reassured them, "Guys, that's where our new comrade will come from." My words seemed to ease the tension, and the slimes, though still vigilant, relaxed slightly. However, Scarlet and Violet remained in position, their eyes fixed on the portal, ready to use their skills.

As the figure continued to materialize within the portal, a hushed silence fell over us. It was then that a small, unassuming black slime emerged from the gate, its gelatinous body glowing.

The other slimes that had gathered instinctively made way for the newcomer, recognizing it as a fellow comrade. The atmosphere shifted from tension to curiosity as they observed the new addition to our group.

I approached the black slime and extended my hand, offering a gesture of welcome. The slime, seemingly understanding my intent, cautiously extended its body, forming a small hand, and made contact with my palm. It was a simple yet profound gesture—an acceptance and acknowledgment of our bond.

As I connected with the black slime, I could sense its essence blending with mine. It carried a unique energy, different from the other slimes but still connected to the same source.

I checked its details.

[Name: Unknown

Level: 1 (0/10)

Title: •Curse Weaver

HP: 7

MP: 33

Attack Power: 1

Agility: 13

Defense: 1


• Fragile Defense: This curse weakens the target's defensive capabilities, reducing defense by 60%.

Restrictions: Target shouldn't be 2 levels higher than the caster.

One level higher mobs have a 40% success rate.

And below caster level, it's a 90% success rate.

Cast: 1 cast per battle.]

"Hmm, a cursing ability. Nice, that curse is useful against powerful foes. I'll have to use this wisely," I muttered and looked ahead, where the slimes were gathering beside the new black slime, jiggling together in happiness.

I could feel their joy through our connection.

"Listen up, everyone," I called out to all the slimes, including the generals, who had gathered around me.

"Tomorrow, we will be facing an unknown danger. We have approximately 23 hours and 42 minutes left until then, and it may put our lives at risk."

The slimes trembled in fear upon hearing this, but the generals managed to maintain their composure.

"I understand that it's frightening, but we have no choice but to face it. I promise you all that I will do my best to protect each and every one of you within my abilities."

Their spirits lifted slightly upon hearing my words.

"However, for that to happen, you all must follow my instructions. We still have 23 hours to train and prepare ourselves. Together, we will emerge victorious and safeguard our fellow comrades. Are you with me?"

The slimes and generals looked at each other, exchanging glances filled with determination and resolve. Slowly, their fears were replaced by a newfound sense of courage.

One by one, they began nodding their slimy heads, their eyes shining with trust and loyalty. It was a heartwarming sight to behold.

"Let us begin our preparations. We will face this unknown danger head-on and emerge victorious. Together, we are an unstoppable force!"

The slimes started jumping with determination.

(One might think the speech was a grand spectacle with a crowd full of determination. Well, in their perspective, it was, but in the human perspective, it was a slightly bigger slime standing on a small rock with all the slimes surrounding it, jumping from time to time. Back to the story.)

I quickly tapped on the Dungeon Lord function and examined the map.

I thought of lifting a rock from the corner.

Soon enough, the area beside the rock rose, and all the slimes became alert, sensing something had changed.

"No need to worry, guys; it was me," I assured them.

After hearing my words, I felt a mix of shock and respect from their emotions.

"We will change the terrain for our battle. But before that..."

I looked at the energy stones, a total of 20 of them, enough to level up two slimes.

"Ah, let's use them later. First, the formation."

"Move all of the stones to the corner of the room."

The slimes quickly moved, and within a few seconds, all the stones were gathered in the corner.

"Okay, everyone, follow me to that corner where we stored our energy stones."

Soon, everyone followed behind me.

As ideas swirled in my mind, one suddenly stood out. I accessed the dungeon lord function and opened the map feature. The dungeon appeared before me like a glass container, a three-dimensional object that I could view from any angle. I tapped on a corner of the map and focused on lowering the soil in that specific area.

The ground trembled slightly, causing the slimes to become alert. I assured them that it was my doing and asked them to follow me, bringing along the energy stones. The slimes immediately went to work, following my instructions. Standing in the middle of the dungeon, I examined the map function, taking in the surroundings.

"Stay calm, no matter what happens. Trust in my power," I reassured the slimes.

I decided to test the capabilities of the soil before proceeding with my plan. I attempted to lift a small portion of the soil, creating a pillar-like structure. To my delight, the soil rose, but the moment I released the function, it collapsed back down.

"Sigh, how can I create formations with such fragile soil?" I closed my eyes, processing all the information.

[To be continued..

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