
The wolves' Nightmare

The wolves were running toward the village. Shiro was floating above the walls of the village, his eyes glowing red and purple.

When the wolves were around hundred meters away from the walls, he vanished. Then out of nowhere, he suddenly appeared in front of the wolves with a katana in his hand, which was reflecting the dim moonlight. 

'Armament Haki'

The katana was coated in black, looking even more menacing. 

He slashed the katana at the neck of the leader of the wolves, the poor fellow died without even knowing how...the cut on his neck was so smooth, like it was not a neck that was sliced but a butter by a knife.


All of the wolves halted in their track seeing how pathetically their leader died. 

Shiro just stood there, his katana pointed downwards, with a bloodthirsty smile plastered on his face. His hair which was previously white was now dyed in blood red, his left eye glowing in red while the right in purple. If anyone were to see his face right now, they would probably piss on their pants. Blood was dripping from his katana...


"Choose, submission or death?" A soft voice escaped his lips like a devil's whisper, yet every existence on the battlefield heard the message.

Then suddenly...

"Awoooooooo!!" A loud howl reverberated through the field. It was sad, angry yet melancholic.

Following it's lead came the howls of every other wolves, each one more desperate and angry than the other...




The wolves started running towards him, growling like mad dogs, as if they had lost their sense reasoning.

"Tsk. This is why I hate dealing with morons..". He muttered softly.


Shiro disappeared from the front and then out of nowhere, another wolf's head fell on the ground. One by one every wolf's head was separated cleanly from their body.

No one could sense or see where Shiro was. All they could see was the occasional red and black streaks of light. The way he appeared and disappeared suddenly, it was as if space itself was bending according to his will. One by one every wolf fell. There was a pool of blood on the ground.

Shiro was floating slightly above on the top of the corpses, his legs crossed and arms folded. His sword was stabbed on the skull of a wolf, it lost it's black color now dyed in blood red.


Black fire started to spread from the sword, swallowing the corpses of the dead wolves hungrily. The ground was charred in black and not even blood was left.


Suddenly everything disappeared, the black charred ground, the sword, even Shiro who was bathed in blood also vanished.

The surrounding changed and Shiro was seen levitating in front of the wolves. The wolves were in daze staring at something, as if their soul was sucked from their body. A katana appeared in his hand, coated in black. He grabbed the hilt tightly and slashed, the leader of wolf was beheaded again.

"Choose, submission or death!!" Shiro asked again.

But this time no one did anything. No howling, no crying, absolute silence!!

Shiro started to get irritated. The pressure from his bloodlust flared again, the wolves started to shiver due to fear. The scene of their death was continuously replaying in their head. Then one of the wolves moved forward, bowed his head and spoke...

<W-w-we will surrender! P-please forgive us O great one !!>


A small smile appeared on Shiro's face...


[Shiro's POV]

The goblins said that the wolves mostly attacked at night time so after planning with Veldora and Rimuru, I rested at the walls surrounding the goblin village, waiting for the wolves to come.

I don't know why I decided that I would face off the wolves. I even convinced the tsundere dragon to accept that haha...

Since I arrived in this world, it feels like I have changed a lot...like I have not been myself.

I feel like....I'm free...I don't know how to describe it. Am I being influenced by something...I honestly do not know...

But does it really matter? Now I have two idiot like friends, more like brother, who care for me....Or do they? A hint of doubt appeared in my heart.

Tsk...these old habits are really hard to abandon...

Well now I've got enough power to protect myself and those I care about...A little girl's image appeared in my mind.

I looked toward the sky...The moon was up high in the sky, spreading its silver radiance. Soft breeze was blowing, I closed my eyes feeling the wind in my face...

An hour later...

I sensed the presence of a little more than eighty wolves, around two kilometers away from the wall of goblin village. I thought of killing about these wolves and my heart became ecstatic at the thought of it.

'Tsk. This bloodlust is acting again.'

I took in deep breathes to clear my thoughts.

'Hmm...why not just tame these wolves...if goblins can speak I am pretty sure that these wolves can communicate as well...and I will not be there to take care of these goblins all the time right?'

And with this thought in my mind, I decided to use 'Tsukuyomi' on them, after all they won't listen if I just go there and tell them to be my pets.


I killed the leader of their pack but this time in reality. I have seen enough atrocity in my past life from those who were in power but lost them later. Power and authority is like drugs, you can never have enough of it, this is especially true for those who just like to abuse it.

Now if I choose one of them as a leader, he will make sure that he himself and the whole pack will be loyal to me.

'The stick and then the carrot.' The same ol' technique that my previous organization used to control us. Now I am doing the same thing...*sigh*.

I looked toward the wolves, who were in daze, staring at something...

"Choose, submission or death?" I asked again, releasing a little bit of my bloodlust.

A wolf came forward, with his head bowed toward the ground..

'Hmm...a sub-leader or something like that?' I thought.

<W-w-we will surrender! P-please forgive us, O great one !!>


Well, I hope they don't get PTSD or something when they see me next time...


Shiro was moving toward the goblin village riding a wolf which seemed taller and stronger than others, Shiro had appointed him as the leader previously.

He knocked on the gate of the village but there was no reply, so he jumped over the walls to check what was going on...

Two goblins carrying a spear each, donned in a rusty armor, one was sleeping leaning on the wall and another was...trying to swat a...mosquito.

Seeing this his eyebrow twitched and he put his hand across his face..

'These are the idiots I choose as the guards? Ughh...give me a break..'

"Oyy dumbasses!!, open the door we got some company."

"S-s-sorry!!, please forgive us, your grace!!".

They bowed down and opened the door. Shiro walked in with eight wolves in the tow. The guards were shocked seeing the bloodthirsty wolves walking with their head hung low like the docile dogs. A newfound respect appeared in their eyes for Shiro, if this was anime then there would probably be stars appearing in this eyes.

'Ughh...I don't want some goblins looking at me with those eyes. Tsk.'

"Call everyone outside, we need to short out these wolves and shit."

The guards bowed down and ran toward the houses to get everyone out.

First came the chief the followed by every other goblins. The goblins were sweating seeing the amount of wolves inside the village. Rimuru and Veldora came form the back covering his mouth with is hand, yawning.

'Oi oi, what happened to I'll fight the strong ones thing?'

"Hmm...Shiro, didn't you go to kill the wolves, why are they still alive?, yawnnn~~" Veldora asked in a lazy tone.

"I will tell you later." He turned toward the goblins, "Now every one of you take one wolf with you and get lost!!, You get it?"


'I hate this job.'

"Tsk. I mean that from now on, make friend with a wolf, take it as your pet, tamed monster type shit. Take a wolf and make a pair, one goblin, one wolf and you will work together from now on, you get it?" He asked again.

All of the goblins nodded collectively. The goblins met the wolves, the wolves met the goblins.

"guga."(Please take care of me)


"So from now on no hunting each other, no fighting in the village and no on will attack the humans, I don't want them coming after your ass again just when I saved you lot from wolves. Everyone understood?"

All of them nodded including the wolves and returned to their houses in a pair.

"So what made you change your mind?" Rimuru asked when everyone left. Only Veldora, Rimuru and Shiro were left behind.

Shiro just looked toward the sky and muttered with a small smile, but both of them heard what he said...

"I don't want to kill anyone if possible, even if they are animals...I have already accumulated enough sin...got to clean up a little, hahaha..."


(A/N: Yo...i'm back, back again lol. Yeah I'm not filling the word count by AN so don't worry. Anyway, I tried writing in 3rd person POV, so how is it? Should I continue like this or return to 1st person POV again, or maybe a mix of little bit of both. Also please comment something, lol, seeing the comment section empty feels like no one is reading..UwU..

Also a question, I'm thinking about making diablo female, I saw the image in the review and was like, dayum that's hot. SO answer in the comments what you think about it. Don't blame me later alright?

And finally GIVE ME POWERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR stones *cough* if you like the chapter.....Bye!!)

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