
SLF: Human Emperor

This is a solo leveling fanfic about a guy who was reincarnated in the Solo Leveling universe, come and see as the lazy author create another noob ass fanfic about something that he never finished reading. I don't own anything here except for my handsome main character. MC is op, and a little bit op and more op.

LazyTanaka · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 18

Fighting against slimes was fairly easy, the danger was almost none, but the students didn't get arrogant because of it and they cleared the gate seriously, teachers always reminded them that anything could happen inside the gate.

And that reminder happened today, no, there is no red gate or unexpected boss that they encountered, what they encountered is a monster that was always lurking beside them, a beast in human clothing.

-10 minutes earlier-


A slime was devoured by flames then turned into a puddle of water.

"Hmm, I really don't like slimes, they don't get burnt"

Choi Jong-In said as he looked at the puddle of water in front of him, he liked the smell of something being burnt and slime is something that could not be burnt so he didn't like it.

Bethany Jo and Cha Hae-In didn't say anything about the slimes but they were also disgusted since mucus splashed everywhere whenever they killed a slime that will stain their clothes, and they didn't really like it.

Only I am in a good spot since I am acting as a tanker and I have a fire shield that could block the mucus that comes towards me, fighting slimes really doesn't bother me but I feel like they are very harmless compared to the world serpent that I fought.

Well, comparing them is like comparing an ant and an airplane, but anyway, we have already killed plenty of slimes and our teamwork isn't really that bad since we are fighting weak slimes.

I looked at everyone and they seem quite tired, I am not the leader but I could always say my opinion.

"Shall we take a rest? we have been hunting for an hour now"

"That is a good idea"

Bethany the acting leader nodded, she was very tired from moving around too much too.

We found a good spot to rest and decided to eat, we have brought some bread and water on our bags since the expedition will last for a whole day, as we rested I felt 4 presence coming from the distance.

I may not be able to know who they are but I am fairly good at detecting people, there were 4r people and their strength is about the same as ours but I could feel something unusual from one of them but I couldn't pinpoint it.

But I remember there were hired people who came to test the students of being wary to other people, it was like a trust test, remembering it, I immediately notified my teammates.

"Some people are coming"

Bethany and the others were surprised at first then looked at each other and nodded, a simple sign of be alert in your surroundings.

We ate quietly while waiting for the people to come but they stayed a few meters away from us seemingly observing us, I looked at our acting leader and nodded.

"Whoever you people are come out, we already discovered you"

Bethany stood up and looked at the bushes where the people are hiding.

"We are not enemy!"

Someone yelled from the bushes, it started to rustle and one by one 3 figures came out from the bushes, it was 3 middle-aged hunters who were wearing leather clothes and swords on their waists.

"What is your purpose?"

Bethany asked as he looked at this 3 people warily, while I was focusing my attention on the fourth person who didn't come out from the bush, I can't see what the guy was doing but I could hear some movements from the bushes.


"Everyone take cover!"

I immediately went in front of my teammates and conjured a wall of flames in front of me.

The three hunters looked confused at first until a ball rolled below them.

"What is thi-!"


A loud explosion came out from the ball but I was still aware of my surroundings, and I noticed there are also a lot of explosions happening from different surroundings, some were very far and some were a little close to them.

It meant that they were not the only ones who were attacked, and looking at the expression of the 3 hunters earlier, it seemed like they were also victims, then their real opponent was the guy hiding in the bushes.

Because of the explosion, a lot of dust kicked up and covered the whole surroundings, we were alert waiting for an unexpected ambush but there was nothing, the dust that covered our surroundings disappeared leaving a huge deep bit in front of me which was where the explosion came from.

The 3 hunters who were at the point of the explosion died, but I don't care about that now as I stared at the man standing in front of us, he was wearing black robes that were different from usual hunters, but one thing I noticed the most was the huge ring on his finger.

"Did you like my gift?"

The man said then started laughing maniacally like he was crazy, but I don't really care, the moment I saw his ring, I knew that every one of them was crazy.

"He is from the Laughing Shadows"

I told my teammates in which they immediately frowned, laughing shadows are the infamous terrorist organization that was wreaking havoc lately, they were being hunted by almost every guilds in the world but to think they will attack a join expedition of every guild.

But it was also understandable, the future of Korea's hunters was in their hands, and Laughing Shadows' purpose was very easy to know, they wanted to kill the students, which will cause the force of Korea to weaken.

"You guys are brave to come towards us, aren't you afraid that the other guilds will come for you?"

Choi Jong-IN decided to provoke him.

"Come for us? hahaha, that is a good joke but you don't have to worry, there will no one who will disturb our fun, those hunters that want to save you are now occupied by our strongest members, and even if they come, when they arrive, what they will see your dead cold bodies, I can't wait to see their expression oh, my nose is bleeding from excitement HAHAHA!"