
This a story of a sleeping person who see dream in enytime and any place

There was a man who had a very simple life is life was full of struggle he was very unlucky and un happy man but somehow he find some happiness for his work he had a very most and dangerous illness that he saw dream in any hair but any saw dream he is not in sleep when the man has 18 years old fast his father in mother give me mobile phone he was very happy birthday didn't know this is the life turning point of his life his life and he is not only a true but also false after that he took out exam police Life turning point of HSC exam he prayer for god many time that you be past this exam but he didn't pass the exam he is very disappointed and he decided to suicide but this man is very afraid very week so we can't suicide tennis father taking away from home to work anywhere then this boy what day and night struggles and struggles battery couldn't find happiness he was a dreamless person always he saw a dream that on the he will might a big amount of money and get his all happiness and buy all happiness so this money that you both a house for his father and mother