
My body is prefect (Extra Gift)

On the last chapter of Slave System, MC finally met the system and of course scolded each other off screen.

Me:"Now where was I? Oh yes welcome to chapter 2 of SS, Where I will finally get my body back so SS what do I have to do to get my body back?"

SS:"well you can't get it back"

Me:"???? Why not? can't you just poof it into existence?"

SS:"Of course not, it is long gone and I don't have the power to do that yet but fret not as there is a package by yourself for yourself. It's called <body creation package> self explanatory."

Me:"Wow what a shitty naming sense I have, anyway SS use it."

SS:"Alright on it."


<Body Creation Package>

Well its to create a body what you want?



Me:"What? no rules? SS?"

SS:"Simple you can create your body how ever you like, no restriction what so ever"

Me:"HOHOHOHOHO I like that ok let me spend some time customizing my new body. Oh the interface looks very similar not sure where I seen it."

A few hours later-from Spongebob

Me:"Finally I done with this shit, took far too long well not like it matters."

SS:"Note to MC please remember that other packages might have rules that you have to follow, that is till you get strong enough or getting a skill to ignore it."

Me:"Damn I am loving my new body #nohomo, Btw heard you SS no need to repeat again."


Body Created

Unlimited Body

Grade: Indeterminable

Rating: Too retarded OP


Me:"Hi to all readers, don't be too confused on what the above means and let me explain. Unlimited Body basically means anything and everything is possible but there is a catch, I need to get a powers into it first, an example would be a devil fruit or a bloodline and once it is in my body it will be fused into my body and become part of me and I will be able to use it's powers.

Btw there is no and shall never have flaws to this body, an example would be the devil fruit again once it fuses with my body its weakness sea water will be gone and that's why its called Unlimited Body.

A side note to this huge body of text is that this body can still be hurt since I still haven't gotten any powers yet"

SS:"Great job, now before you connect your soul and body. <You exceed the expectations so the secret gift that came with the body creation package is now unlocked.>"

<Soul Reconstruction Package>

<Skill of your choice x2>

<1 Billion Slave Points (SP)>

<Your very own dimension>

Me:"Woh wait WTF if I didn't exceed the expectation what would have happen to this?."

SS:"Forever remained locked away."

Me:"..... ok whatever at this point I don't even care anymore. Just use the Soul Reconstruction Package"


<Soul Reconstruction Package>

Well its to reconstruct a soul what you want?



SS:"Warning Warning using this package will hurt a lot since you are reconstructing and not creating so please keep that in mind."

Me:"Wtf did you only now then tell me. 'Screaming' 'pain' '<repeat'."

A few hours later [you get it by now]

Me:"'panting' 'panting' Fucking Hell that lasted too long. Show me my new soul"


Soul Reconstructed

Omni Soul

Grade: Indeterminable

Rating: Too retarded OP


Me:"So what does this mean?"

SS:"Its almost like your Unlimited Body just a soul version, it still can get hurt and you may still fall under illusions so keep that in mind."

Me:"Alright nice, SS connect my soul to my body now."

SS:"On it."

Me:"Oh OH OHHH its feels so orgasmic, my body is too prefect that I just want to cum #notegoistic.

Now I want to use both <Skill of your choice> and the skills are instant mastery and omni eye."


<Instant Mastery><Omni Eye> Obtained [Remember I still haven't gotten any power yet so this will be useful]

<Instant Mastery> [Instant Mastery isn't really a skill but I am lazy to think of another way to write it]

Well to instantaneously master any and all skill but that doesn't mean you will be proficient at using it.

<Omni Eye>

Lets the user see everything and appraise them all. <Omni Eye> is the strongest version of the skill <appraisal>.


Me:"Show my Statues"



<Body:Unlimited Body>

<Soul:Omni Soul>


<Attribute:Slightly better>

<Ability:Instant Mastery>

<Skill:Omni Eye>



<SP: 1 Billion>


Me:"Cool but why does my race say ??? and not human?"

SS:"Well your body and soul has change quite drastically and since both your body and soul has the ability to swallow any powers its hard to determine what exact race you will have."

Me:"Why can't you just put me as god?"

SS"Gods aren't really as OP as you are in terms of both body and soul."

Me:"Oh okay, btw I have my own dimension?"

SS:"Yes. The dimension is for you put your harem into or have it as your base/HQ/palace for your journey. The dimension you have is the highest level of what it can be, it is able to run by itself and it is able to adapt to any creature that may live in it."

Me:"Nice. Now let me buy some skills, I am rich baby 1 billion SP." [Too fucking lazy to type out the list of skills in the morning]


<All Martial Arts> Obtained

Combining <All Martial Arts>

NEW<Omni Martial Arts>

<All Body Strengthening Methods> Obtained

Combining <All Body Strengthening Methods>

NEW<Omni Body Strengthening Methods>

<All Soul Strengthening Methods> Obtained

Combining <All Soul Strengthening Methods>

NEW<Omni Soul Strengthening Methods>


Me:"Damn what the hell why is everything omni? Its not like I am The Strongest Omni Traveler."

[Yea I put it cause I want people to also check out the novel, I love it so much]

SS:"Well its just so hap thpen that Omni ise word for every or all so can't blame me."

SP: 500 Million

Me:"Why do I only have half SP left?"

SS:"You bought all of those skill which sums up to 250 Million SP and as for the other 250 Million SP it was used to combine the skills into their Omni version."

Me:"Btw why is there not a skill about enslaving or anything related to the Slave System?"

SS:"You will get skills related to SS after you finish your training."

Me:"Oh ok well looks like all that is left to do is to train. Que the training montage. Of course in the next chapter."

[Probably gonna skip training montage since it will just be me doing the same shit over and over again]

Mango here.

After this whole thing I will just probably throw myself into DXD enslave all that can be enslaved and do some fucking.

Also side note not really sure how I am going to do

H-Scene. Should I make it long or short or should I just leave it up to your imagination?

BTW please do leave a comment on how I did, after all I still want to get better at writing this for myself.

Should I continue to skip things?

MangoSupercreators' thoughts
Next chapter