2 Chapter two


"More and more keep coming! Hurry up boys!"

Lily forced open her eyes to see a world colored in green mist . She was no longer breathing as she floated around in the deep abyss of green.

Roaring voices sounded around her and loss souls floated near her. Some of the souls looked peaceful, like herself. Others were screaming in agony, sadness, or rage about something that happened before they died. Others she couldn't find out their facial expressions as their species were something she ever came across before. Lily didn't think much about it though as this was the underworld. It is expected that things aren't the same as on earth.

"This isn't fair it shouldn't have been me that died! I did everything right!"

"Where am I!"

"Save me god! Please save me!"

Souls appeared out of thin air in the green, wailing in confusion about their deaths. However, after an unknown amount of time they would realized that no matter how long they yelled it wouldn't change a thing. Returning to their previous lives was not an option.

Floating around in the green abyss, time passed rapidly. Souls around her would disappear suddenly going somewhere unknown to her only to be replaced by more souls. Lily didn't know how many months or years have passed since her death.

Did James continue living guilt-free after killing her? Was he arrested? Did anyone know she died? Questions drifted into her head about her past life, however as time passed those questions no longer had any meaning to her. Nothing had any meaning to her. Maybe she would float here forever.

"Next one coming up!" A sound broke through her newly discovered peacefulness. A oddly shaped webbed hand reached into the water to grab her arm before rudely yanking her out.

Thrown out, Lily sat up on the hard ground in a daze.

"So this must be the real underworld..." She looked around in curiosity taking in the strange new world without understanding any of it. Behind her was the pool of green mist where she came from and in front of her was a dark rocky area. Little goblin like things walked around moving souls into lines leading to the only cave in the area. After leaving the cave they would be taken to different pools with wooden signs next to them and dropped in. The signs included the rebirth of the holy, the wicked, the lazy, the rich, the poor, the humble, the demons, the angles, and the heroes. All of the signs made Lily curious, however at that time something else had her attention.

Noticing that everyone had been relieved of their injures from their past life, Lily hesitantly tested out her once useless legs.

They moved.

Happiness filled her heart as she unsteadily stood up. Unable to stop, Lily ran around taking in the feeling of having working legs. She felt like a butterfly taking flight and a heaviness she never knew was there lifted off her chest.

'Maybe dying was worth it just to feel like this again.'


Unknown to Lily somewhere in one of the lines leading to a pool, a woman was watching her with malicious intent.
