
Another Mistake

Wearing a patrolling soldier's attire, Laura snuck out. Her hair was tied back and hidden behind a hat.

While walking by, her ear caught the sound of stone blocks smashing. It was vague but she was sure. It's a familiar sound. Hiding behind the walls, Laura inched closer and the noise increased. Yells of thugs could be heard. There were groans as banging sounds appeared. Laura was nervous. She doesn't know how much exactly but assuming from the sounds, there seem to be more than 15 people behind the wall. The soldier wasn't going to act but there was a sudden sound that pushed her to scream out. "Who goes there? What's happening?"

Laura showed herself behind that wall and in an instant, the thugs ran towards the other exit. After they left, there were about 5 people lying around including the little boy. Laura ran, kneeling in front of him. Blood was gushing out of his back. He appear to be 10 years old with smudges of dirt on his face. For a mysterious reason, she rushed the wounded boy to a public clinic and ran to report the incident to another soldier. She led him there and went back to the clinic.

It was an unknown feeling but she felt responsible for him. Maybe it was because something similar had happened to her before. Bullied and abused. When she came back, the boy was unconscious. She yelled at the nurse, "Save him!"

The nurse flinched back. She stuttered as she explained, "It's already patched up. He's just unconscious, sir."

Laura took out her money pouch and tossed some silver. "Take care of his wound then give him 2 silvers. Bring him back to his parents, if he's orphaned then send him to the church." She then exited the clinic and ran home but today, she's unlucky. Two guards seized her and made her kneel in the study. "Lord, we've caught her."

"Leave us alone." The tone of her father was icy. Void of any emotions then, his anger burst. "What did I tell you!!?"

Laura flinched. As if that yell has never occurred, her father's tone changed to disappointment. "I'm done, Laura." He got up and left the study.

Sitting on the floor, she felt empty. Blank. Never had her father made her kneel, nor would he respond that way. Usually, he would scold her and convince her not to do it again. Threaten her and lock her in a her room. Getting up, she left to her room but met with her mom. "Mother," She was to say something but her mother didn't even glance at her. This time, she knew. She fucked up. But didn't this happen one time as well? What's different now?

Three days passed and her parents ignored her. Not even giving her a glance as if she's not there. Giving up, she asked her brother. She went and bothered him. "Aldwin," She didn't know how to phrase her words.

"If you're here to explain to me what happened, then don't. Rumours are running about and ruining our family's reputation. The patrol officer recognized you, I don't know how, but he did. It's the hot news in the capital."

Laura was silent. Unable to digest what she heard. This was why she hasn't received an invitation letter in any tea parties. To bleach it, she has to cover it up with a plausible reason. A tear jerking one is the best. "Then?"

Her brother looked up, connecting gazes with her. "Father and I are trying to spread rumours of your good deeds, saving lives of people and having the passion to serve the country. I advise you to play along." He took back his gaze and began scribbling on the parchment. "Currently, your image is of a barbaric, loose woman's and our family's pride has gone down. Think of something to fix it."

"I understand." Laura went to her room and brought her allowance money, leaving towards the church. She secretly spoke to a few citizens and gave them a little something. She then entered the church, speaking to the head nun. It was a small church, originally an orphanage but turned church since the capital's richest church with the government was paying for their expenses.

She proposed volunteering. Knowing that the child she has saved had been sent here. Naturally, she has asked using others. The head nun could not refuse. Laura is a noble whereas the nun is a commoner.

Upon receiving the affirmation, she immediately began. Speaking to some nuns and convincing them. It took a whole week before the nuns began to loosen up. The children she has saved spread the words of how kind and magnanimous she is, even staying up to take care of a child. Some called her a fraud and some were neutral. She didn't mind. Laura knows that three months after and most would forget, gossiping about another matter.

"Laura, could you teach me the sword?" The little person whom she'd saved, Marcos, asked.

Laura stopped reading a picture book. She glared at him, "First of all, I am here because of following the way of the sword. Second, before learning the way of the warriors, one must be literate and knowledgeable. In that way, you will be in higher ranks becoming a new recruit, so take these lessons very seriously. Third, the military is not a good choice to be in. You never know when you will pass away." Images flashed in Laura's eyes. Dazed.

"If I become serious, would you help me become a cavalry recruit when I grow up? And a tactician!!!" He screamed in her ears.

Laura shook her head, finished with kids. "I'll be taking an early leave. I'm not feeling very well." She stood up but was clutched by Marcos, hugging her leg together. "My men, come and let us defeat the enemy general!"

"Rahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!" Screams of girls and boys resounded. Even older orphans joined in, pinning her under the ground. Laura closed her eyes, accepting the reality that her pride as a lady is disappearing little by little.