
This novel is on hold

Just like my other novel:

I'm not quite sure how to proceed with this novel. It's not that I lack motivation; I've simply fallen into a discouraging slump and have no idea what to do.

My thoughts are scattered and indecisive, which makes it even more challenging to write. Between school, family, and the increasing number of people reading my novel, which I initially enjoyed, I'm starting to feel overwhelmed.

I don't want to give up on this project; I just feel a bit stressed about it, even though I know I shouldn't. I've considered some potential solutions, such as creating a Discord server, for instance. This could make things easier for me since I'd be able to receive your ideas, suggestions, and helpful tips. It wouldn't stress me out as much because it would feel like a mutual project.

I apologize if this is disappointing, but I'm genuinely making an effort to overcome this challenge, I'm thinking of whether to write in a way people would like or just write my dumb fantasies up.