
The Companions

Brom awoke the next morning rested, he did not have the nightmarish dreams haunt him this time. Instead, he didn't even dream, it felt like he closed his eyes and then opened them and then it was morning. He headed out to the market, bought food for his next trip. And then left to go to the stables.

Upon arriving, Brom bought a horse for 1000 gold, and a saddle with plenty of storage for another 300 septims. This brought his total to a whopping 12 septims. He really needed some money, but to make money one needs to spend money. That he did learn from working in a business, even if he was only a programmer.

So Brom, using his new horse, would collect a bounty, hunt it down and kill whoever or whatever it was, and return to collect his reward. In between these events he would also ride down to the Halted Stream Camp where he collected his first bounty and store any extra resources deep in the mine. On days where he didn't want to work, he would go there and build up some defenses and do minor repairs. All with the purpose of making this his first home.

It had access to a nearby stream, a trap for mammoths that would supply his food if needed and was reasonably defensible even for one person due to the restricted quarters of the mine. He also remembered to collect and study the Transmute spell he had forgotten about when he first pillaged the mine.

The Transmute spell was an adept-level alteration spell that could convert iron ore to silver ore then silver ore to gold ore. It was costly in magica though and Brom learned he could only convert one iron ore to one gold ore before having to rest. This crossed out that as a money maker for now. Although he still would do it once a day to stock up on some gold, every little bit helped.

This pattern of life where he collected bounties and slowly built up his new home stuck with Brom for a month before he decided something had to change. He had amassed a small wealth around 15,000 spetims from the bounties and had another 10,000 in supplies at his home from the loot he acquired during hunting the bounties. But he needed to grow stronger, and he needed to make money faster than this allowed. He had now relearned most of the spells he felt he should already know and was now fighting at his best, but there was still a lot of room to grow. And to grow stronger, he decided he would join the Companions and train with them. And to make more money, he decided he needed a business. Something that would passively make him money so he could focus on training. But this solution needed more though. So Brom decided to leave his new home for now, that he now just called The Mine, and head to Whiterun to seek training from the Companions.

The Companions are the warriors guild of Skyrim. It serves a similar function to the Fighters Guild chapters of other regions of Tamriel. While they have no official leader, an elder known as Kodlak Whitemane acts as the Harbinger (counselor). The Companions can trace their origins from the Five Hundred Companions which the legendary army Ysgramor raised to wage war against the snow elves and avenge the Night of Tears. After defeating the snow elves in the Nordic-Falmer War, the remnants of the Five Hundred Companions went their separate ways to inhabit the unexplored lands of Tamriel. This period of exploration and colonization is known as The Return.

As Brom entered Whiterun he headed to Jorrvaskr, the home of the Companions that is located on the eastern side of Whiterun in the Wind District. Beside the mead hall known as Jorrvaskr, there is also the legendary Sky Forge. This forge is said to make the strongest metals in all of Skyrim.

Brom entered Jorrvaskr unfazed by all the stares he got, he was an experienced warrior now and had ever-growing confidence in his abilities. He continued past all the members which were much more than ever shown in the game, and there was a whole extra sleeping quarter required outside of the mead hall. He walked to the back of the hall and down some stairs, following a path that was etched into his memory from his countless times playing through the Companions quest line.

As he descended the stairs and entered through a door, he came to the underground part of Jorrvaskr. This was a stone hallway with doors on either side leading to sleeping quarters for the more senior members of the Companions. As Brom moved further down the hall a burly Nord with black hair and steel armor stepped in front of him.

"Just where do you think you are going?" This man, who he knew to be Farkas, crossed his arms, his posture gave off nothing but confidence.

Brom, not used to dealing with such figures yet as he only dealt with bandits and commoners, gave off his best stance of confidence too.

"I'm here to join the companions, I hear they are the best fighters around and I want to learn from the best" He decided a little flattery would be appreciated.

"We are not…"

"Farkas! Let him pass, I want to look at this one." Kodlak Whitemane himself intervened before Farkas could finish.

"Fine" Farkas grunted as he brushed passed Brom.

"Now come here young one, tell me why you are here" Kodlak gestured for Brom to join him in the room at the end of the hall.

As Brom entered he remembered this is Kodlak's study for lack of a better term, and the door to right in the room led to his actual bedroom. Brom looked around and noticed that the Daedra Heart was there, and it looked much more demonic in person than the game ever showed.

"Ah, never seen one before then?" Kodlak questioned as he noticed Brom's eyes linger on the heart.

"Only in books" Brom told a partial truth.

"Well let's discuss the reason you are here, I assume it is not to look at a simple heart all day?" Kodlak said with a smile.

This man was kind, just like the game.

"No, I'm not" Brom said as he sat down. "I want to train to help me become the strongest fighter in Skyrim"

"Hm, an honorable path. Why do you think you will succeed where many have failed?" Kodlak questioned with no hint of mockery, simply curiosity.

"I'm both equally talented in magic and sword, and I have knowledge no one else does."

"These are advantages, tell me how well can you use that sword of yours?"

"I have killed many bandits and mages but all these were weak compared to what I'll face in the future. I have much to learn"

"Wise words from someone so young, tell me, when you gain this knowledge and experience to forge you into a great warrior what next?"

Knowing that this man can probably smell lies, Brom had to give some truth 4

"I will become my own master and rule myself" This was as close to the truth as Brom could say without outright being branded a traitor to the throne.

"Hm, it is decided. You can learn from us. But in return, you will have to carry out missions for us" Kodlak stated his terms.

"Terms accepted" Brom knew that this was his best chance at becoming at least an expert physical combat.

"Good, you start tomorrow," Kodlak said in a way that was somehow clearly a dismissal yet not rude.

Brom then walked out of the room and through the hall where Farkas was waiting on him.

"I don't know what you told the old man but until you prove yourself, you're nothing but a whelp." Farkas made sure his position was clear. "Follow" was his next command.

Brom decided to remain silent and followed Farkas to the sleeping quarters here underground.

"You sleep here, pick a bed and fall into it. Just don't expect it to be here when you return" Farkas said and then left.

Brom was left in a kind of dormitory where whelps (New recruits) were kept. He saw other people about this age here, but none spoke to him. This suited him fine, all he wanted to do was train, not make friends. Brom settled into this new temporary home and laid down. He would finally begin growing as a warrior tomorrow.

Add ideas for his business! It will come in a few chapters.

Mr_McGuffincreators' thoughts
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