

Brom was not idle for the next few days, he appointed Taruk to a member of his council. While this meant little now when he built his kingdom this would be a position of great power. He also had a supply wagon built and personally trained with the soldiers of the camp. Erin was appointed as his right-hand and lastly, Brom needed to name his company. It only took him a few minutes before he decided on a suitable name.

His company and the future kingdom that would follow it would be called Faal Vul Kun. This translated to the dark light, it gave a symbolic name to his conquest. His conquest over Skyrim would probably be brutal and many would see it as a dark time in the beginning. But when the dragons came, he would be the light in the new, greater darkness that would follow. When he decided on the name, he told Erin.

" I'm going to name us Faal Vul Kun, it means The Dark Light in the dragon tongue."

"… hahaha! That is your name?"

Brom gave her a hard stare.

"I mean, yeah. That sounds like a great name. It is really… symbolic."

"Exactly, I'm glad you agree. Now come on, we have money to make."

Walking out of their room with Erin following Brom mad his way to the main chamber of the mine where Taruk was stationed.

"Hey Taruk, gather 4 guards and your best negotiator. Then load up all of the jewelry we have made onto our supply wagon. We are heading to Whiterun to set up a business partnership to sell these items."

"Alright, on it. Right after I finish my drink."

Brom's eyes went cold, and he tugged on the string of their oath compelling Taruk to listen.

"Taruk, now." Turning, he called over his shoulder, "And a negotiator of words! Not someone who is good at bashing skulls, okay?"

"Yes, Thur,"

Setting down his drink and stomping away, Taruk started giving his men orders. Thur was what Brom decided he should be called, as it means lord or master in the dragon's tongue.

With that cleared up and on the way to being ready, Brom took stock of their current supplies. They had made enough jewelry to cover the remaining expenses of fixing up this place to be as efficient as possible. There was just enough left over to cover labor costs as Brom had to pay them, otherwise, they were slaves in his mind. So, with only 37 septims to add to his personal purse, Brom and the crew he had Taruk assemble headed to Whiterun.

The ride was uneventful and Brom took the few hours to meditate on the words of power for the unrelenting force shout.

"I think I got it!" Brom suddenly shouted after riding silently the whole time.

"Have what?" Erin questioned.

"Just watch, and we will see if it works. Oh, and you might wanna back up."


Riding away from the group and focusing, he Shouted for the first time


A wave of force flying through his throat as he spoke the word meaning force in the dragon tongue. The grass in front bent under the strong gusts of wind and a small tremor could be seen moving through the air. This was only one word of three for the shout, and it was already much stronger than in the game. Moving back to the group he was met with stares and agape mouths.

"He just Shouted!"

"I thought that was just a Nordic legend…"

"That... That is impossible!"

The clamor of disbelief continued until Brom started speaking again.

"Wow, that was better than I expected. Erin, what did you think?"

"How are you able to speak after that?"

"What do mean, why would I not be able to? It was only one word after all."

"One word? One word! It takes years of study and devotion to master one word! And it destroys the voice of the person after use, at least for a few hours. The only ones able to speak after Shouting are the Greybeards."

"Well, did you really expect me to be limited so much? After all, an Elder Scroll blessed me."

"Unless that scroll turned you into the Dragonborn, you should not be able to do that. How long did it take you to learn that anyway?"

"I would guess I really studied it for a total of two months. But that was spread over the last 4-5 months I've been in Skyrim."

"Two months… You are impossible! Everything is so easy for you! At least when we first met I'd been able to beat you with magic, but now I doubt I could even do that!"

Smiling Brom only looked at her and laughed. It was a deep and hearty laugh, the first one Erin had heard.

"What is so funny?"

"Oh, it is nothing."

Brom clicked his heels and trotted ahead of Erin. 'And to think, she doesn't even know that I could Shout again already.' Brom thought to himself. Deciding not to push his luck with her sanity, and the rest of the groups for that matter, Brom held his tongue. They were all still muttering about his new power, some could not help but stare at him. This was the only person who they have ever seen use the Thu'um, and he does it like it is as easy as breathing.

The rest of the trip was uneventful, but as they neared the gate guards came running out to intercept them. After all, they couldn't have armed caravans entering the outer city without permission.

"Halt, who are you and where are you going?"

"My name is Brom, and I'd like to start a business partnership here in Whiterun."

"Oh, is that so? Why all the mercs then?"

"These are my guards; the roads can be dangerous after all"

"Hmmm, they don't look like no guards I've ever seen. Closer to barbarians I'd say."

"Well, what better defenders than the ones who know how bandit raids actually work?"

"Fine, what are you transporting anyway?"

"Just some simple jewelry."

"That is a lot of storage for some jewelry"

"Well, I figured I might buy things while I was here and would need a way to transport them back"

"Alright, you can go on through. But we will be watching you and your… guards."

"Thanks, have a good day."

Brom was acting smiley and cheerful, trying to fit into his predetermined role of a new merchant. They are always annoyingly cheerful.

Brom stopped the supply cart at the stables and left the guards to, well guard it. Taking Erin and the negotiator he headed into the city proper. When they were in the city Brom pulled the negotiator aside and set some rules and procedures down.

"Okay, first your name, then why Taruk chose you."

"My name is Jim, and he chose me because I tried being a bard before they made me into a warrior."

"Jim… Okay then. Well, Jim, you are my ambassador so to speak. I will introduce you and my company, but you must sell him on the product. I could, but we need you to start on solid footing with him."

"Got it, what kind of prices are going for?"

"Well, I decided we would go for production cost plus 35 percent. You need to negotiate him down to accepting a 20 percent cut, lower if you can. Got it?"

Yeah Thur, I got it."

"Good, let's go meet Belethor."

Heading towards the main general store in Whiterun was a big first partnership. But Brom knew him from in the game and that would give him a bonus in trying to negotiate with this man.

Entering the store, Brom walked straight to the counter.

"Everything's for sale, my friend. Everything. If I had a sister, I'd sell her in a second."

"Well, I guess it is good that I'm not looking for a new sister. Belethor, I want to make a deal."

"A deal? What kind of deal?"

"The kind where you and I both walk away rich."

"My favorite kind! Come to the back and we will talk details."

Heading into the back, Brom motioned Jim and Erin to follow. He introduced his company and Jim, telling him that Jim is the go-between here. After that he slowly let Jim take more and more control of the conversation until Brom was only watching the events unfold.

After an hour of negotiations, Brom left with a frown on his face and Belethor was smiling. Grimly he shook Belethor's hand and parted ways. Once outside he turned to Jim and said.

"Good job, you got him down to about 15%. Having such low production costs really helped us make him think he got the better part of the deal. Alright, Jim, you can handle things from here. Make sure to keep an extremely detailed record of all transactions and production."

With that Brom motioned for Erin to follow and started towards The Sky Forge. Walking through the streets of Whiterun brought so many memories for him, not just of when he was here last, but of when he first played the game. Pushing the nostalgia away, Brom kept walking towards the forge.

Erin had become his shadow since he discovered her oath, and it was time she was outfitted with better weapons and armor. Brom was also due for an upgrade, so he was going to learn from the best blacksmith in Skyrim. He planned on making himself and Erin new armor and trying a new form of enchanting at the same time. He would be the first one in history to attempt enchanting with the Thu'um.

A little bit of a crafting scene coming up next. I know this is a little more slice of life than usual so bear with me.

And, sorry for the late upload! I was busy working these past few days and had to resort to my stockpile. So I'm running behind.

Mr_McGuffincreators' thoughts
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