
After defeating the World Eater.

This is my first attempt at professional storytelling so I humbly request you all to be kind to my work. Thank you.


All that he could see while walking down or rather strolling very tiredly down the Throat of the World, highest place in all of Skyrim,was fog - misty white fog. As he was about to collapse from exhaustion, a hand reached out from the fog and held him before he hit the snow covered ground. When he looked up to see who it was,he was shocked to find out that the one who was holding him was his trusted housecarl,Lydia.

No matter how shocking it was for him,he was greatly relieved when he heard her familiar and loving voice -"My Thane."Tears rolled down her cheeks.The saviour of the world, the Master of the Thu'um, the last Dragonborn,the Dohvakiin smiled wearily as if saying-'Yes Lydia, it is indeed me.'

In midst his heavily sustained injuries and at his joy of reuniting with his trusted companion, the Dragonborn failed to hear the flapping of large wings. He became aware of them when the fog surrounding him became clear and he could fell and see an emerald coloured dragon land nearby.

He replied in a tone as if he was about to collapse but then controlled himself-"Parthurnaax".The dragon looked towards him and replied in his deep and philosophical voice,"It seems that you did save the entire world...." But then his voice expressed a very deep sadness,"...by killing my brother."Before the Dragonborn could reply, Parthurnaax the wise, continued in his deep and philosophical voice-"But it was necessary. My brother, no , in fact my whole kind,had become very arrogant and bloodthirsty for revenge. It was necessary to show them that they are not gods. But still Alduin was my brother and it will hurt me to know that he is gone."

Parthurnaax looked to the sky when he said that and then shook his head a little, the dragon equivalent of wiping one's tears. He continued-"You have done the world a huge favour.I congratulate you heartily." Parthurnaax bowed. As he bowed, the Dragonborn saw many dragons circling around the mountain peak. He was taken aback.Parthurnaax noticed this and said-"They all know that their leader is now dead. They shall be more confused than ever. They now know that they are no gods as Alduin had them believed. They recognize your Thu'um and acknowledge it's power.I will lead them and try to make them follow the teachings of the Way of the Voice. But don't be surprised if some of them go astray and resort to their old habits."

The Dragonborn spoke with a slight grin,"I am gladly not looking forward to it."Parthurnaax's eyes showed a hint of happiness and then he took off , the other dragons following him. The Dragonborn and his housecarl looked at the dragons flying away towards the horizon knowing that they will never see such a magnificent sight ever again. Their admirance was disturbed when they heard another set of wings clapping and yet another dragon appeared.

This time this was an crimson ruby scaled dragon,Odahviing.Odahviing landed and stared at the Dragonborn for some time and remarked as joyfully as his dragon face could produce-"You are indeed worthy of the Thu'um. Truth be told,I started preparing for a revolt against the World Eater but it looks like you spared me all that trouble." The Dragonborn stood up ,with the help of Lydia,saying,"So then am I worthy enough for being your master."

Odahviing roared aloud, indicating laughter."Indeed.You have proved your worthiness twice. You have earned the right of becoming the master of a Dov. Call me in your hour of need and I shall answer within my full capability. For the time being, I will drop you off at the abode of Parthurnax's disciples.Come fair maiden,I shall drop you off too."

Before he could open his mouth to reply, the Dragonborn saw darkness before his eyes and fainted from the exhaustion of the great battle with the World Eater in Sovngarde.The ruby coloured dragon let out a draconish grin and indicated Lydia,who was still holding the Dragonborn in her arms,to get atop him.She wiped off her tears and then lifted the exhausted,passed out saviour upon her shoulders and placed him atop the ruby dragon. Then they took to air and proceeded towards the High Hrothgar monastery.


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