
The Destination

The next thing I remember was riding in a van that had the windows blacked out. I was sitting next to my brother he was holding on to his paper folded inwards. "What does your paper say? What's your new identity?" I asked him.

"I... I'm getting located at..." the van started getting really bumpy, then all of a sudden thud we were rolling through the van as it flew into the air. I grabbed on to my brother. "Don't let go of me ok Eenic?" He grasped her inside of him, protecting her from any injuries. The van landed upside down and started on fire.


"What's happening Cirus? Where are we going?" I looked down and seen that my brother had scrapes on his sides, legs, and back. "Cirus your body! I need to help you!" I grabbed some cloth and grabbed some water and poured the water on his wounds and wrapped him up. "That should make it feel better! You should start healing now? But we need to get you to the doctors." I tried to lift him up and carry him off the van and to a hospital, but he was too heavy.

After we got out of the van the ambulance took my brother to a hospital. "Cirus, please be ok..." I go with Sarlox in a new car. "Can I visit my brother at the hospital please? I want to make sure he's ok..."

"I'm sorry, but I cannot let you see your brother now. It would be against the rules and regulations. I'm sorry Eenic."

We kept going the first drop off was two twins in Frankfurt. As the car kept going I kept looking at where my brother would be sitting... I was on my own now... I had no one... The last stop was Skylanta, "Carly Simmons! We are at your destination." I get out of the vehicle and stare at the house. *What if they don't like me? What if I don't fit in here?* I stood there as Sarlox said goodbye. The van left and I slowly started walking up. I started to knock on the door.




I wait for someone to answer. The door slowly opens, "Hello Carly. Welcome to your new home," answered the mom. she brings me to the kitchen.

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