

It was hard.The gods were counting on him.Or so he thought.

Mevolent entered the chambers of his castle,the stone walls lined with weapons shimmered in the little moonlight that passed through the windows.Swords,spears,bows,and wands.The wands were for the necromancers,everything else was free game.

"We call together today for a change.Our gods lay the challenge of releasing them from their prison upon us!And for our help,they shall reward us,with riches,power,magic,anything that we should require."Molevent said,raising a fist in the air,others followed."We are ready to fight our battle!"

The others chanted,and chanted.It was the discovery of old books that made this happen,old books of the ancients.They all lead back to one holy god,the faceless ones.They had to come back,Mevolent decided it was best.

Serefina,Mevolent's wife sat beside him,along with a vicious China sorrows,Bliss,Zhang Sorrowful,China's father.Many others filled the room,all powerful.All wanted more.

They headed to the Irish head tribe,Gold,named after the metal,riches awaited everyone there,so long they could deliver.

Mevolent wanted to deliver teaching.

He snapped his fingers,serefina clasped her hands,bliss just stood.China,in her half hide,half cloth clothing looked at the hill that was filled with wooden houses and sorcerers.

He threw the fireball in his hand,lighting up a cabin,he threw another,setting a mansion on fire.Everyone ran towards the objective,the first step to reaching the gods,to have only the devoted live.

He could see China touch symbols on her skin,barely noticeable if you didn't know what she was,who she was,why she was here.Her family was the most powerful,Bliss matched Mevolents power,a surprising feat in itself,and China was just as bad.But Zhang was getting old,he was already 300,so was the weaker of the bunch.The grandmother had no use,but was a devoted follower of the dark gods,and taught the children their insignificance to the gods.

The 100 men and women killed everything in sight.Men screamed as their houses burned into ash,then screamed again as they burned into ash.Women and children were slaughtered,decapitated,crushed,cut,dead.

Then something happened.A young looking man moved towards the fight.Not bothering to fight himself,he was Metorious.

"Leave and I shan't kill you where you stand,"he said,voice commanding.No one stopped,instead they charged into him.

Shields came from him,some made of light,some made of magic itself.Cutting some with a swipe,the rest were blocking attacks.

China saw this,and tapped her shoulder,a blue light started following her finger as she flicked,the light didn't follow any longer,as it hurdled towards Echan metorious.He held up a shield and the light stopped completely.Weird.She thought,she did not break her calm.

But as more died,more people came,not Molevents.A certain individual named Ghastly Bespoke stepped out of the crowd.He threw a punch at a incoming follower,he doubled over,ribs breaking,lungs breaking,spine shattering completely.

His hide clothing shimmered like the silver weapons the other side had,but they were not for offence.The arrows shot at him bounced off.The punches shot back didn't.

This was too much.Losses were piling up,30 counted.This was a peaceful town,this was meant to be an easy victory.They had to fall back,or their losses would be even.Houses still burned,men were still killed,this was still a message,a message of their dark gods coming back.

Teleporters teleported,necromancers shadow walked with anyone they could shadow walk with.Molevent tapped his faithful teleporter and vanished.

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