
all Journeys Start with Step One

Today was the day anxious energy suffused my body today was the day that decided my fate today was Class Selection day most people got the classes their parents had but there were exceptions like when Dan the son of the head guard got selected to be an Adventurer that was the job I wanted to be an Adventurer so desperately I want it more than anything I have ever wanted in my life every cell in my body is yearning for it.

I could hardly sleep last night Exhausted was steeped into my very being making my bones heavy it gnawed at my core still I got up and got dressed and walked downstairs into the Kitchen where my father was cooking the pleasant aroma of bacon suffused the air I took a deep breath "smells good doesn't it" he said with a smirk I smiled sitting down at the table "aw sweet pancakes!" my father smiled down at me "thought you could use a pick me up I know you're stressed".

We ate in comfortable silence and when everything was said and done we wordlessly began walking toward the Town Hall

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Everyone gathered in the semi-large building, all of them gaunt and near lifeless. They looked more like zombies than living breathing things humans with hopes and dreams. This was the curse that plagued the land.

Long ago there was an Elder Dragon, a dragon of death that terrorized the land burning down cities killing millions finally an army of great heroes Adventures of the strongest ilk.

They had a mighty fight and eventually, they struck the dragon down but with its final breath it uttered a chant of the darkest arts a spell that would allow it to live on it became a massive tree that emitted massive amounts of dark cursed magic it is drawing in our vitality our very essence our life force out of both the people and the crops and the animals drawing it into the tree so the might beast can reform.

That's why a person long ago stepped up to chop down the tree the Adventurers Guild just gave us a dragon bone axe and said good luck all but abandoning us but it was not as easy as it looked the tree is thicker and taller than any tree in existence and it heals itself from the damage taken it's been a thousand years and of all the generations of that one man nobodies been able to chop it that's the family I was born into The DragonSteel Family they call us that both cause of our bloodline quest but because of they say our resolve is stronger than dragonsteel when we set our minds to something we are not easily swayed the list went in alphabetical order so I was up first I took a steadying breath and stepped forward having seen this process done many times I placed my hand upon the orb.

[Synchronizing you with The System Wait one moment]

I waited with bated breath as the system synchronized with my body and finally just as I was about to lose consciousness it happened.

[We apologize for the wait! Welcome To The System]

Finally, I tentatively said the words almost like a whisper.


[Name: Asterea Dragonsteel]

[Race: Half-Fae]

[Class: Lumberjack Of The Dragon Tree (Mythic)]


[Health 20/70]

[Mana 500/500]


Stamina: 6

Strength: 6

Dexterity: 4

Intelligence: 5

Wisdom: 3]

These stats were great for a commoner but utterly terrible for an adventurer but then it sunk in. I would never be an Adventurer. The only way to switch classes would be to complete it and nobody has ever been able to cut down that damn tree.

[Quest: Cut down The Draconic Tree The Tree that has stood for Centuries]

[Reward Class Change: Adventurer A Elemental Spellbook Spell 1 Mythic grade Necrotic Scale The Spell: Life Drain 10000000000 EXP]

[Difficulty: Mythic]

I knew deep within my very soul that it was impossible but a spark of hope ignited within me. I had a shot and I would chase that shot with my very being "I am just like my ancestors before me A lumberjack and I shall be that tree's bane!" I exclaimed and just like that the town hall erupted in cheer and had a few Awakenings after that but none could beat mine.

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Finally, we left the Town Hall and went to an old shack the shack's only purpose was to Hold the Dragon Steel axe The Adventurers Guild lent us when the Tree first formed and it wasn't even close to breaking that's how strong Dragon Steel is I picked it up and it felt right in my hands like I was born to wield it.

Then we walked to the tree as we approached I was blasted with a wave of Necrotic energy eating at my very life force Luckily I had plenty of Health potions till I could resist the Necrotic energy Dad was there for at least an hour teaching me proper stances and then we sat down together as this would be the last i would see of him till my lunch break and then not till the end of my work day.

"I'm sorry you weren't able to become an Adventurer as you dreamed of" I spoke confidently even though I knew it was an impossible task "I'm going to cut this tree down and then I'm going to become an Adventurer" he laughed "I use to be just like you I too wanted to become an Adventurer I got that quest too but I never could" he looked out at the scenery not that there was much the tree having sucked the life from the place he looked wistful "but if anyone could do it I truly think that would be you" I felt my cheeks flush at the praise I hugged him as he chuckled,

"I should get going and let you do your job," he said leaving the area and I began hacking and chopping with all my heart

[Page break]

The sun was setting and other than a few points in strength stamina and a level up I had made no progress whatever damage I did just healed near immediately what could I possible do differently than my ancestors.

I had more Mana than them.

Thats it! The answer was magic!

So I closed my eyes and felt for my Mana it was their instantly and i pushed as much as i could into my arms and swung.

[Skill Created!]

[Power Strike] [Level 1]

[By pushing Mana into your arms you create a powerful Strike with your Axe]

[Cost 10 Mana per Strike]

[Skill Detected!]

[Skill Evolution Has Dectected a new Skill!]

[Skill Activated!]

[Since this is the first time Skill Evolution has been activated the more serious requirements shall be Waived]

[Evolution Requirements]

[Use power strike 1M times]


When the hell did I get a skill like Skill Evolution.


[Skill Evolution] [Passive ]

[Due to your Fae Ancestery whenever you get a new Skill and the Requirements are met that skill evolves into a more powerful version of itself]

[Power Strike] [Level 1]

[By pushing Mana into your arms you create a powerful Strike with your Axe]

[Cost 10 Mana per Strike]

Wait for a minute I'm part Fae?!


[Name: Asterea Dragonsteel]

[Race: Half-Fae]

[Class: Lumberjack Of The Dragon Tree (Mythic)]


[Health 55/70]

[Mana 500/500]


Stamina: 9

Strength: 8

Dexterity: 4

Intelligence: 5

Wisdom: 3]

[Available Stat points: 5]

I clicked on the Half-Fae part


[you are the offspring of a human and a fae because of this unholy union you get a few perks]

[Racial Traits]

[Fae Tethered]

[whenever desired you can enter the Fae Realm be careful as the Faewylds are extremely dangerous]

[Magical Being]

[due to being a magical creature your magic coils are much denser than normal mortals so instead of getting 10 mana per Intelligence point you get 100]

[Evolutionary beings]

[since the fae are Evolutionary beings you can evolve in your special way giving you access to the one of a kind skill [Skill Evolution]]

[Magic Absorption]

[Usually humans can only use Magic Scales to augment spells or craft equipment and potions but you like monster and fae beings can absorb their magic directly to boost strength and top off your Health and Mana Bars]

"Woah" this explained some things why i always felt like an outsider in this town even though everyone was so friendly and my allergy to iron "this is a lot" it was from the buffs to wondering if her father knew about this and thus hid it from her.

She pushed these thoughts aside "its time to get chopping" she said determined and set to the task but then fell to the ground exhausted "tomorrow" setting the axe in the shed and setting off to her house for dinner than sleep.