
Skeleton Detective : rise of the underworld

{ Mature Contents} R18..... Riya steps out of her favorite bar around the corner, only for her to bump into a gruesome murder scene with a strange entity lingering around that reveals a dark side of her she hadn't realized exists and takes her into the supernatural world. Journey with Riya and Elijah on Skeleton Detective: rise of the underworld.. ******************************************* Stepping out of the bar, Riya continued to walk down to her apartment which was just around the next street. Crossing an alley to take a short cut to her street, the wind started to pick up and Riya immediately regretted not wearing a Hoodie. "Shitty brain" she muttered, "Just a few walks and I'll be ho... thud!!!!!!!!!!! She turned around startled to find someone had dropped something from the top of one of the buildings she was walking in between. She walked towards it in curiosity and almost screamed at the sight of a dead man. He.... Riya started to throw up until she could almost throw up her intestines, the man wasn't just dead, but his body wasn't really left in a sane condition. His chest had a big hole where it seemed like his heart had been pulled out, his intestines were out too and his eyes were gauged out from the sockets, there was also a cut from both sides of his lips up to his eyes that made him seem like a more twisted joker character. Suddenly, the wind picked up again and this time it was heavy. Riya immediately stepped away from the dead man and just then she started to hear whispers, not very distinct but it seemed like they were flowing with the wind and it suddenly made cold air creep up her spine. Just then, she felt like someone was watching her and has in fact been there for a while but she was too engrossed in staring at the dead man in front of her to notice. She then remembered that the man's body was thrown from the top of the building and looked up just in time to find a pair of red eyes staring at her. The person was wearing a cloak and the only thing she could make out was those red eyes. She blinked twice and the person was gone like it was part of her imagination. Wait what!!!!! she thought. She immediately ran back towards the way she was coming from to Mr Andrew's bar. She met the place still crowded and he seemed busy, she immediately ran to the counter while avoiding the weird stares she got.

Okhiria_Gift · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
38 Chs

Jumping portals 2


Morning came with light trickling into the sitting room, Elijah stood at the window watching the street bustling with activities and scoffed.

" If you hate humans so much you shouldn't be residing in one" Riya said coming to stand close to him at the window.

"I see the little brat is up" Elijah said turning to give her a half smile.

"I hate that hideous smile, smile like that outside and see where it lands you" she said eyeing him warily.

"This body is good-looking" he muttered grudgingly.

Riya chuckled at his childlike behavior and went to the kitchen to make coffee, Rick wasn't up yet.

Poor thing must be exhausted. she thought.


Chief Anthony stood by the window in his office and went through the files concerning the recent case in town, after staring at the details Josh sent him yesterday for a while, he went to his desk and spoke through the intercom.

" Miss Ann please ask Josh to see me after checking in" he said and sat down.

"Have to go see the priest" he muttered.


Sergeant Joshua stood outside the morgue in thoughts. He hadn't been able to talk to Miss Sindell anymore since she just faced another attack. He wanted to give her space and little time to calm down and recover from the shock.

Meanwhile, he would go and see the priest and ask some questions, nothing about this case was normal, they had to switch tactics and fast too, before more bodies turned up.

"Josh" Dr Leya keys called out to him as she walked towards him.

Josh turned around and smiled seeing her.

"Always nice to see you Leya" he said hugging her.

" Someone has been busy" she said

" Yeah, watsup with the tests?" he asked fully focused.

"The body obviously seems deteriorated and it seems like a virus ate through it, aside from that, I've got nothing" she said sighing.

"Nothing makes sense" he muttered.

"What are you going to do?, it gets weirder day by day" Leya asked looking worried.

"I should see the priest, his family is one of the oldest in this town right from the Conjuring days, he should be able to throw some light, sounds crazy but that's all we've got now" he said sighing.

"Alright then, take care josh" she said patting his shoulder and walked back into the hospital.

Josh smiled as she disappeared out of sight and inside the clinic. Leya has been a good friend to him for years now, they've worked together on some quite strange and interesting cases, they always worked well together.

His phone rang, disrupting his thoughts.

"Watsup Kol"

" I'm good Josh, where are you?" Kol asked

" Just outside the clinic, came to see Leya, and before you ask, it's the same, nothing" he said frustrated.

" Alright, let's stop by the station and see the priest together afterwards then" Kol suggested.

"Alright then" he said and ended the call.

"it's gonna be a long day" he said out loud and walked towards his car.


Riya walked out of the kitchen with the coffee pot and a mug in hand.

"Coffee?". she asked as she noticed that Elijah was still standing close to the window.

"No thanks" he replied without turning.

" Someone seems moody all of a sudden" she said noticing his voice had lost its usual amusement.

"Check on your boyfriend, we need to go" he said.

Riya finished her coffee and went to Rick's room. When she got there she saw him coming out of the bathroom as he wiped his face.

"Good morning" he greeted smiling at her

"Good morning" she said smiling back

" I smell coffee, where's the weird guy" he said

" He's in the living room sulking, he said it's time to go, wanna eat something?"

" Nahh, not hungry, why should we trust this guy again?"

" We don't have a choice, if he wanted to hurt me, he would have already done that" she said going to hug him.

" Okay". he said hesitantly.

They both walked to the living room.

When they got there, they met Elijah chanting something and a purple circle started to form, with each chants, it became bigger and more brighter.

"We have to go" he said as he stood in front of it.

" How do I even trust that thing" Riya asked

" It's going to be a hell of a ride, and a bumpy one too, watch your steps" he said signalling for them to go first.

" And ohhh, don't forget to hold your breath" he said smirking.

"I hate that smile" Riya murmured and stepped into the portal holding Rick's hand.

Elijah followed behind and the portal closed.

Riya and Rick felt like they were falling from a Cliff into nothingness and falling really fast too. They screamed and it was hard to breathe. The next thing they knew, they stopped falling and the portal opened up in front of them and they walked out of it with Elijah following behind with amusement in his eyes.

"Remind me never to use that again" Riya said feeling nauseous.

Rick just stood there looking lost like he had totally lost it.

"Told you twas hell" Elijah said still looking amused.

Riya looked at her watch and was alarmed to see that they had just used less than 10 seconds.

"Are we here yet?" Rick who had recovered from his daze asked as he looked around.

They seemed to be in a big museum or secret Lab, he couldn't tell which.

There were ancient paintings that seemed to be expensive on the walls and some parts of creatures in fancy glass boxes, which made the place seem like a Museum, but it had this clinical scent that made it seem like a Lab.

" You always come uninvited Warlock" A feminine voice spoke from behind them.

Riya and Rick turned abruptly to the direction the voice came from, while Elijah just stood there smiling.

" Hello Voleth meir". he said grinning and facing the direction the voice came from.

" Hello warlock, it's never a pleasure to see you though" she said walking slowly towards them in a graceful manner.

Elijah laughed out loud and walked up to her to kiss her knuckle rings.

Riya watched the woman closely as her and Elijah engage in their dramatic greetings. She was pretty and had a bad ass shape, she was also innocent looking but had a deadly aura to her too.

"Is this Meredith?" Voleth meir asked snapping Riya and Rick from their trance.

"Yes she's Meridith, and we're here for answers, The emperor thinks you can help her regain her memories" Elijah replied.

"Hello Meridith, I'm Voleth meir or Kayla as the humans call me, I'm a mind demon, it's pleasant to finally meet you". Voleth meir said extending her hands

Riya shaked her hands and smiled warily

"well come come, let's begin". she said walking away as they followed closely behind her.

hello it's the author, I'm sorry for delay in chapter updates, I hope you all still follow this book and journey with Riya Sindell.


you can also contact me via email okhiriagift1@gmail.com for questions and hints on chapter updates thanks

Okhiria_Giftcreators' thoughts