
Level Up

"How? How did you throw away your limits? Limits are there for a reason, and you just...casted them aside?", the Arch-Bishop asked, incredulously.

"In all honesty, it was more based around luck. Some stuff happened, I got some abilities, and now we are here. I'm not really sure how to describe it."

The Arch-Bishop held his head in his hands. It was too much. Such power, all because of luck? How is that possible? It shouldn't be!

Aaron simply smiled. He looked over at Yua and Light, realising that Yua was now unconscious and Light was just trying to process everything. He wasn't the smartest of monsters, despite his rarity. This didn't mean that he was stupid, it just meant that he wasn't a quick thinker.

"So, Aaron, why did you come here? You surely had a reason for being here."

"I did, actually. It was just to show you how much I have improved in the last few days. A bit of gloating, if you would call it that", Aaron said, with his grinning face.

"Ah, so you came to just show me what you were up to, huh? Well, I'm glad to know your level of progression, but I need to get to some urgent matters occurring within the Holy Church. I shall hopefully hear from you again."

And with that, in a flash of light, the Arch-Bishop was gone, leaving Aaron, Light, and the unconscious Yua in the office of the Arch-Bishop.

Aaron placed right hand to his head, while placing his left hand on Light's head, who was currently supporting Yua with his tail. He then teleported, bringing them to his little cave. The sudden movement woke Yua from her unconsciousness, as she began to lift herself up.

"Whe...re am I?", she asked, groggily.

"You are where I teleported you to. My cave, in the first floor of the dungeon."

This sentence shocked her out of her sleepy state.

"I'm where?! Why am I here?!"

"This is where I live. This simple little cave, inside The Great Expanse. It's where a lot of monsters spawn, and fight. The best place to level up."

"You do realise that I have had no training in fighting the underground monsters? I will die in seconds!"

"That's why I'm going to train you. That black stuff on your body reminds me of something called 'Corruption'. A special little thing that can be very deadly if let spread. I want to see if I can make you evolve while having that on you, so you can unlock a special evolution, if at all possible.", Aaron said, thinking of an idea.

"And how am I meant to get to that stage? I can't fight the monsters here! They are so much more powerful than the ones on the surface!"

Aaron snapped his fingers, and three monsters behind him spontaneously collapsed, as their bodied teleported infront of him.

"Now you can kill them. I haven't killed them, simply knocked them unconscious. Stab them with this."

Aaron pulled his Skelengel Dagger out of its sheath, and handed it to Yua. Yua looked at him, taking it in both hands, as she drove the blade down through the skull of a bear, cracking it, and pulled it out, black blood dripping from it.

[Yua Tsanru has killed Lv. 17 Destratos Bear]

[Yua Tsanru has gained 280 Exp]

[She has gained nine levels!]

[Level: 10/10]

"Well, that was way too easy. I thought you'd have to kill at least two monsters to prepare for evolution, but I guess not. You must really have a low Exp requirement."

"Monsters on the surface barely give Exp. We are the ideal evolution candidates up there due to our low 'Exp to level up' requirements."

"Well then, time to design an evolution for you."

"Wait wha-"

[Evolve Yua Tsanru?]

[>Yes<] [No]

[Choose Evolution Line]


[Evolution Line Corrupted]

[Choose Evolution Line]

[Corrupted - Corrupted Half-demon]

[Corrupted Half-demon]

[A half demon who evolved while under any form of corruption. This causes this to be the only evolutionary path that can be taken. The corruption becomes infused with the host, creating new skills and adding extra power to their stats.]

[Select Corrupted Half-demon?]


Yua fell to the ground, unconscious, as her body started to turn black. This was the corruption fusing with her. She grew a single horn out of her forehead, it being placed more to her right side.

Her back started to stretch, as black wings burst from it, pulling skin off, letting a black and purple mixture of blood slightly flow. Her hands became more human like, but she still had sharp fingertips and fingernails. She looked pretty much exactly like a human twelve-year old, but made out of black material.

Her body began to stood up, as she regained consciousness. She looked at her body, and almost screamed, but then realised something. Her hands were like a humans. The one thing she was ridiculed for when she was in captivity had been fixed. She began to move around, and realised that her balance was very slightly off. She looked behind her, and saw her pair of black wings.

"Aaron, may I ask what you have done?"

"I've evolved you. I've turned you into a Corrupted Half-demon. I was right about the corruption giving you new evolutions, but hey, how do you feel?"

"I feel strange. It feels much more natural being like this then I was as a demi-human. It feels stronger aswell. Like I could take on a monster over there."

"Now now, let's not get ahead of ourselves. We need to make sure you know some magic, and I know how to teach it to you, but first, we need to find out what your magic specialty is."

"Oh? It's this."

And with a swipe of her hand, a cloud of black mist flew towards a nearby monster, hitting it on the head, causing it become corrupt for a short amount of time. It began to attack a different monster, which isn't something a normal monster would do.

"It's called Corruption Possession. It's a skill I was given just a few seconds ago. It allows me to control a monster for around ten seconds.

"That's incredible."

Aaron then turned to Light.

"Shall we see what you can become?"

Hehe Light gonna become a Blue Eyes White Dragon lol

ShadowAmeratsucreators' thoughts
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