

Aaron looked around the expanse, and estimated that, as far as his vision would let him see, there were about a thousand monsters. He needed to gain Exp to evolve more. He lifted up his fingers, and prepared to snap them, when he stopped, and dropped his hand to his side.

"What's the fun in just killing them all by snapping my fingers? Let's enjoy this! Light! Yua! Go wild!"

Light let out a large roar, as he began to make his way out of the cave, his tall frame fitting through the ten meter tall cave entrance.

Yua let out a high pitched demonic giggle, as she went running into the crowd, her hands splayed wide, planning to use her claws and some magic to attack her enemies.

Light opened his mouth, and a blue stream of energy erupted from his mouth, killing any monster who touched it, although most monsters were able to run away.

[Light has learned Burst Stream]

Aaron put on his white helmet, as he unsheathed his Skelengel Sword. He was gonna have fun doing this.

He used his wings to propel himself forwards, as he went into the crowd of monsters, spinning like a drill, with his sword outstretched. He was like an unstoppable force, going at one hundred and thirty kilometres per hour, rotating at a speed of thirty rotations per second.

Monsters fell to pieces left and right, as they were all sliced up by his sword. Blood sprayed everywhere, but this was nothing in the grand scheme of things. Although, there was no point in continuing.

[You have killed 259 monsters]

[49,287 Exp awarded]

[You have reached level 40!]

[Evolution Available]

[Light has killed 18 monsters]

[4,283 Exp awarded]

[Light has reached level 25!]

[Evolution Available]

[Yua Tsanru has killed 12 monsters]

[2,829 Exp awarded]

[Yua has reached level 25!]

[Evolution Available]

'Well, wasn't that quick? It's annoying that it was over so soon though. There's no point in killing any more monsters until we evolve though.'

"Yua! Light! Fall back!"

Yua and Light returned to the cave, as Aaron teleported there, using Boundless Telekinesis.

"Why did you have us leave? I was just getting into the swing of things.", Light asked.

"All of us are, surprisingly able to evolve. Again. I don't think that we are actually meant to be going this fast at levelling and evolving, but hey, we are."

"How the hell are we evolving already? Not ten minutes ago we were finished evolving beforehand!", Yua complained. She didn't even get a good chance to properly use her new corruption abilities.

"Hey, I didn't make the system! I didn't make it so that we level up and evolve freakishly fast! It just happened!"

Aaron took off his helmet, as he went through his system menus. Skills were interesting things. They allowed for feats that should not be even possible, such as telekinesis, or the ability to create whatever you want. Even the passage of time can be altered. Why is that?

Well, nobody knew. And the only person who could use those abilities, to Aaron's knowledge, was him. Now, he didn't know if anyone else could use these abilities, but let us assume there is, or was. Would they know? Probably not.

"Alright, I'll evolve you two first, and then evolve myself. Let's start with Yua...]

[Evolve Yua Tsanru?]

[>Yes<] [No]

[Evolution Paths loaded]

[Corruption - Corrupted Demon]

[Corruption - Corrupted Succubus]

'Oh? Two paths? Let's see what they do.'

[Corrupted Demon]

[A full demon, which has been corrupted by an unknown source. They lose any resemblance of humanity, and transform into a, usually, more grotesque form of themselves, namely with purple skin, a monstrous voice, and extreme strength. There is the odd occasion where a corrupted demon which gains a human appearance, which indicates extreme power or royalty, and they lose lose the corruption upon their skin, but still have access to it in the form of their abilities.]

[Corrupted Succubus]

[A Corrupted Succubus is a being which specialises in seduction magic, or, if you don't understand that word, the magic that makes people fall in love. They have a seductive appearance, which they use to their advantage, usually against their masters, for most Succubi are slaves.]

'Nope. Not the succubus', Aaron decided. He wasn't going to have that travelling along beside him. He'd rather have a giant hulking monstrosity following him.

[Corrupted Demon has been chosen.]



Yua collapsed to the floor, as her skin started to bubble. It began to expand, as callous lumps formed across her skin. She was transforming into the non-royalty form, which was honestly expected, but it surprised Aaron to find out that she was not one of the stronger demons. Although, half-way through, it did look like the skin was starting to turn a peachy colour.

To take his mind off of that, he went looking into Light's evolution lines.

[Evolve Light?]

[>Yes<] [No]

[Evolution Paths Loaded]

[Rare: The Moon Dragon]

[Rare: The Sun-Stealing Dragon]

[Rare: Shooting Star Dragon]

"Hey Light, you have three evolution lines. Moon Dragon, Sun-Stealing Dragon, and Shooting Star Dragon. Which one do you want?"

"If it wouldn't be too much to ask, may I take the Shooting Star Dragon evolution? It sounds powerful, and, if it lets me do as its name implies, I can shoot stars at things. It'd look cool, and probably kill a lot of monsters."

[Shooting Star Dragon has been chosen.]



Light collapsed in a large heap, as pipes, made of a clear, strong membrane, began to form along his body, almost in the pattern of a spiralling star. His body began to form pearly white scales in place of his blue scales, as his mouth changed shape once again. It would be a while until the transformation was finished.

Aaron then looked at himself. He probably had some good evolutions waiting for him. He was genuinely curious as to what the system would prove for him today.



[Evolution Line Loaded]

[Boundless - Skelengel Mk. G]

[Boundless - Demonic Skelengel]

Oh woah, new evolution lines!

But Where's Mk. III?

Gone. Reduced to atoms.

Also, I really do appreciate everyone who adds this book to their collection, and gives it a power stone. This book has over two times the amount of power stones as my first ever book here, so that's a great achievement for me! :)

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