

A young man lay on the crown of a tree. His body glistened a bright red from the reflection of the sun. Naked.


"Damn, who left the door open. Piece of shit..." he mumbled in a state between sleep and wakefulness. He rolled over onto his stomach.

There was no classes today for him. He had a free day, and he planned to spend it all in bed. Well, at least the good part of the morning.

He rolled back over onto his back, and reached out looking for his duvet. Strange he thought to himself he felt cold, yet warm at the same time. What's going on. A creak, like the sound of a bed settling. A sigh escaped his lips, he let out a groan. The wind was starting to pick up in intensity. "Great. The idiots also opened the windows".

"Tch" he opened his eyes. He saw the azure skies. He closed them, and then opened them again. Same thing, the wide blue sky, with not a cloud in sight.

Again he closed his eyes this time he began to focus on his breathing. Once in, once out, he kept his eyes closed for a few more seconds before opening them.

Nothing had changed.

"The fuck!" he whispered. His body began to feel warm as adrenaline flowed through his veins. His eyes widened his pupils dilating.

Ba-dam Ba-dam Ba-dam.

His heart rate increased. He began to breathe faster. He could feel his blood flow increase, flowing through his body into his limbs.


He sat up, shaking the tree and causing leaves and fruits to fall off the branches, littering the jungle floor.

He turned his head rapidly in every direction, looking around him, then he saw it, a speck on the horizon of endless trees.

As he stared at the spot, it began to grow larger and larger, coming ever closer.

His eyes then graced the body of the majestic Eagle, it looked so close yet it was so far, the white featherd head led to its curved yellow beak, with a deadly hook leading to the tip. The feathers of the beast looked Sharper than the sharpest sword, they where a beautiful brown that captivated one's attention. One's eyes couldn't be helped but be drawn to the talons of this Eagle they where large and curved coming off the yellow legs and leading to black claws.

As the Eagle came closer he saw specks of red splattered across the brown body of the Eagle, with the majority of it concentrated on it's black talons.

As the beast flew closer he noticed that the beast seemed to be increasing in size. The beak was the size of a car and its body was 25 metres in length.

As the beast came closer he saw a glint in its pitch black eyes, the sides of its beak curved higher than it was before, almost as if it was smiling, mocking the blood soaked boy.

The boy began to panic as he saw the beast tilt its body reaching in front of it with its claws reaching out for him. Yet before he could do anything to escape from the beast, its back talon pierced through his stomach and out his back, tearing through his spine and immobilising the boy.

It's left talon rested on the boys right shoulder with the claw impaled into his right shoulder blade, but not reaching too deep, and it's middle talon rested on the boys left shoulder also piercing slightly into his left shoulder blade.

It's right talon held tightly to his body as it crushed his left arm against his body, leaving it dangling off a few strands of muscles.

The boy had passed out from the pain, yet by some miracle he hadn't died.

As the Eagle began its asscent away from the canopies of the trees, a large tree appeared in front of it, the beast tilted to its right narrowly avoiding it.

However, the boy wasn't so lucky his dangling left arm had hit a branch and was ripped off.

A sudden jerk coursed through the boy, causing the beast to loosen its grip, due to the wetness of the blood that covered the boys entire body.

Then another jerk caused the body to slip out of the beasts grip. The pain from his arm tearing off had caused the boy to awaken, a hoarse scream escaped his lips both from fear and the pain wracking through his body. He saw the Eagle in the sky as he felt his body in freefall.


Pain once again wracked through his body as it briefly stopped after hitting a thick branch. Then the branch cracked, dropping his battered body once again.

Thump. Crack.

Another branch and another crack only this time it was from his body, he couldn't care at this point.

His eyesight had began to darken and the only thing in his line of sight was the Eagle hovering above him in the sky. It looked down at him as if a human looking at an ant.

An overlord, condescending and all powerful.

The only thing the boy could feel was, Fear. Fear of death and an instinctual fear of the creature above.

He fell continuously for what felt like an eternity passing out and reawakening a wretched cycle, and a cruel miracle that he hadn't died yet.

At long last, his final breath escaped his body, that lay at the foot of a 90 meter tree, mangled and destroyed with not a single intact bone.

Finally, the darkness wrapped him up with death taking his soul and claiming it, as its own.

please leave a comment on how I could improve

Green_wolf_newbcreators' thoughts