
1- The worldwide Warning!

They say that someone's exceptional achievements are completely used at the end of their life, that is, their achievements are used at the time of their death!

A young man was lying on the ground, rain falling on his body as he looked at the sky.

Screams were heard around him, only the young man's gaze seemed to show that he didn't care. That's because he was dying, it was strange to tell the truth, he didn't even know the reason for knowing, he just knew he was going to die.

In that strange moment of his death, the young man remembered that phrase, and a faint smile left his lips when he remembered it!

The people who were shouting or whispering next to him all stopped. They were walking down the street a moment ago, just to see that teenager get knocked out of nowhere. They were shocked until they noticed the blood coming out of their chest, and a small hole showing itself brazenly there.

People were shocked and scared, until they realized it could be a missed shot and urgently called the ambulance!

Because of the thunder in the sky and the darkness, no one knew who shot or for what reason, they just got agitated and scared, some even ran as far away from that spot as possible, thinking it might be crazy to kill people.

But only the people who stayed were even more startled when they saw the young man's smile, they all froze!

The young man was called Matheus, an extremely common name, he was twenty-five years old and would be twenty-six this year, unfortunately his appearance always deceived people, since he looked like a teenager from sixteen to seventeen years old.

He could only smile weakly when he remembered that phrase, because he had read it on a website.

That day he had stayed up three days and two nights walking on the internet in his research on other worlds, it was just a little research to discover content for his new book, but even though he was "small" it took him three days constant.

Since he had made a small fortune with some "gambling" game and some well-invested investments, he was able to live a carefree life. So his day to day was all about creating stories and writing his books as a hobby! That's how he found a website, a website that changed his life!

This site showed incredible things, something that always made your eyes expand as much as possible!

In fact, if any normal person found this site, they would just look at it with some interest and then leave, but that was for "normal" people. Of course, Matheus did not fit this context!

Would anyone spend years and years watching animes and reading manga until the wee hours of the morning? Yes and no, normal people, no, antisocial people, maybe, people with no lives, yes!

Although Matheus was rich, he was ultimately, someone who gave up on society altogether. So this site caught a lot of his attention, it showed something he had never seen, something that would make any otaku tremble with excitement!

The site was called "JT 859647821- finally, infinite numbers", on this site when entering, it showed a small planet rotating, its color completely blue with some brown or yellow parts with small reds or blacks, it was extremely beautiful!

That little spinning planet was "JT 859647821- finally, infinite numbers" or as Matheus called it "Jutoi", clearly an inelegant name.

There were several things to look at, but all of them were blocked from being viewed until an account was created.

It had sections to see as "Map", "Monsters", "Artifacts", "Magic", "Skills", "Professions", "Beasts" and many more things, a huge list!

Matheus was delighted and happy just to see it, maybe it is a game or a guide for a book, but even all of this made him excited, mainly due to the small publication that appeared, he went down in the world turning!

[Alert- The {God- Music} has lost its divinity, descending on the mortal realm!]

[Alert- {Mortal- Facno} won the deity of {Music}, ascended into the divine realm!]

[Alert- {Species- "Slime of Time"} was discovered, {Mortal - ????} won the title {Discoverer of species- Slime of Time}]

[Alert- Sub-dimension {CoBty4789} has been destroyed, reconstruction will take {78-years}.]

[Alert- Sub-dimension {CatY89652} has been opened, specs being analyzed .... {58481521615} additional specs to find out!]


so the list is almost endless!

Anyone reading the list would sigh, it seemed to be a magnificent game, so Matheus was delighted to see it and quickly created an account!

Account creation started with something simple!

{Name- Matheus}

Something simple!

{Soul password implemented- 4A1486LKS7895462155FDMP $ 154MASLPA ....}

That unfortunately, there was no way to change, it was a password created by the website itself, fortunately the "CRTL + C and CTRL + V" was always in service for him!

{Choose how you want to die-}

There was a section to describe the facts, strange and macabre, but it had to be normal, after all, it seemed to be more cool for your account to have a story ... especially if it's a game, so maybe it's a story of your characters!

He was creative and created his story as best as possible, just as he wanted his main character to die!

{Choose how you want to die- Despite being a tiring day, I decided to walk a bit to get some air, the heavy rain with darkness ravaging the streets, pedestrians in a hurry and cars in motion, all creating a harmony and softness that refreshed tiredness, despite walking with calm and tranquility, my body fell to the floor quickly, as if someone pushed me with great force. The thunder in the sky was so loud that the soothing and harmonious noise was completely destroyed, the screams and whispers in a row created a sense of tragedy quickly. Despite all that, my head just resonated, I was dead!}

That was the little story he created, although he was not so creative he still liked it!

At the end when you press "Create account", a message appeared on his screen!

[Warning- Waiting for death for creation to be confirmed!}

He looked at it and laughed until he laughed, the people who created this site were very good, something like "Wait for confirmation from moderators" or "confirmation of email", started to come out like this! They were a genius!

Maybe it was the sleep that took over him, his thoughts never reached the part where he said "put your email", something strange in an account creation.

Anyway, he could just say that this was their specialty or something, that he didn't need an email, in the end he just left and went on to see the "alerts". Only that in this search he saw something strange!

[Notice- {Mortal- Matheus} being transferred to the Planet {JT 859647821- finally, infinite numbers} space-main {HGT-48975}, awaiting confirmation of the {ERROR}.]

He had been surprised that the "Alert" went from "Warning", but he was happy to see that warning, his name was in the first row! Of course, that was until something else appeared.

[Comment- {Small slime}: Small tip- They say that someone's exceptional achievements are completely used at the end of their life, that is, their achievements are used at the time of their death! Enjoy hehe!]

He was surprised until his eyes widened, the "adm" had responded! This was, of course, a tip from adm, after all, it was a "global server" ad spot, so he deduced that it was obviously adm or gm!

So your actions were quick to try to open your account, but without success.

So he nodded, thinking that maybe it would take a little longer to be accepted, as such, he delved deeper into the ads and his heart was full of satisfaction with the adm's comment!

Months went by with no results, yet he stayed on the site!

Until the day he stayed up two days writing the book and decided to walk to relax ... on a rainy day.


He could only smile weakly when he was down, his thoughts ran quickly, despite the thought "I'm dying" was getting in the way!

Ache? He didn't feel it!

Sadness? He didn't feel it!

Anger? Well, he couldn't say.

Was it all a coincidence? He doubted it!

Like an otaku and a whole month to think, obviously his thought changed to something like "What if I go to this world", when you read the alerts!

His expectations were high, but obviously a mere dream of someone isolated for a long time!

Now, seeing the scene he described, his thoughts ran that way, although it seemed impossible, since, he was about to die, but his expectations were still high.

Perhaps it was the enormous sleep of those two awake days, or the isolated years, or merely the fact that he had no fear of death at that moment ....

As his thoughts whirled this way and that, and he quickly lost consciousness!

For those who are reading my story and find it bad, thanks for reading and sorry for the time wasted (^ - ^)

Unfortunately English is not my "first language" and neither is my second hahaha, I can only cry in the bathroom ;-;

I thank you for those who decided to continue reading, I will strive ^ - ^

I'm just putting it here to share, unfortunately in my country there aren't that many people who read it ... so I'm going to share it with these beautiful people <3

Koshizo_Mastercreators' thoughts
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