
Sister's Rivalry

There were two girls, they are identical twins. One of the twins is called Kelly Tran, the other twin is called Teresa Tran. They go to Harold high. They trust each other and are best friends, when a new boy comes they put their friendship aside to fight for the new boy. Apparently the new boy has feelings for Teresa. What will she do, her sis also likes him. there are many boys who like Teresa, Kelly is all jealous of her. Will their friendship be put on a test and will they become rivals or will they patch up their friendship.

christinazheng101 · Teen
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5 Chs

Chapter 2- the new ap student

During my science class, my teacher Mr. Smith said, "Hello everybody today we are going to start brainstorming for the science fair. You will come up with a topic with your partner, both of you will have to agree on it."

I looked to my left and saw that Linda the girl who usually sits next to me wasn't there. I looked around the room then I spotted Linda sitting with her boyfriend Michael. She turned to me with a sheepish smile. I didn't really get her because I thought that boys were rude and selfish.

That's when I heard a familiar voice "hello is this Mr. Smith's AP science class."

"Yes this is my class, and who might you be?"

"Hello my name is Kenneth Zhou, and I just transferred to this school. My schedule says that I have this class."

When I heard that name I perked my head up, I was surprised that Kenneth was going to be in my class. But at the same time, I felt happy and overjoyed that I could jump until the whole class thought that I was crazy.

Mr. Smith said, "Okay Kenneth today we are choosing our partners for the science fair, but now that you are here the class is now an odd number. So you will have to choose from either Teresa Tran or Elizabeth Gonzales."

I saw Kenneth looking around the room to see which partner he is going to choose. He first looked at a girl named Elizabeth Gonzales then he looked at me, he smiled at me, I felt my face turn pink.

In my head I was mentally saying, stop looking at me, and please don't choose me. I won't be able to concentrate.

He turned to Mr. Smith and whispered," I would like to be partners Teresa Tran.

Mr. Smith said back, "okay, Teresa you will be Kenneth's partner. Both of you will need to brainstorm ideas and then tell me which one you guys had agreed on."

Kenneth walked over to me and said, "Hey, you were in my homeroom right? I was wondering why you looked so familiar, oh yea I choose you to be my partner for the project."

I said, "I know that Mr. Smith just said it. Why did you choose me? Why didn't you choose Elizabeth?"

He said, "I chose you because you are the only person I know in this class, also I have something I want to ask you, Teresa."

I said," what do you want Kenneth?"

Kenneth said with amusement, "you don't recognize me? I'm disappointed in you Teresa."

"Why would I recognize you? I don't even know you."

"That's odd because I know we went to the same middle school, also we're neighbors, and our moms know each other."

I was shocked; I couldn't believe that he was one of my neighbors, I had never noticed. I knew that the apartment next door was for rent but I didn't know it was already rented out.

I shook my head and said to myself "Right now isn't the time to worry about those things."

"So Kenneth, what should we do for the science fair, I think we should do a solar system?" I said

He responded with a sigh, "Do whatever you want."

"Hey! Mr. Smith said to come up with a topic together." I said

"Hey, just choose one for the group. I hate doing science fair, it is the worst part of science class," he said

"Ugh, I give up on you. Fine I will choose and tell Mr. Smith you didn't contribute." I said back when I said those words I saw a frown on his face.

"Okay okay, I was just kidding, you should've seen your face, and it was red with rage. It was so cute" he said with a nervous smile.

I felt my face turn red again. Why does he have to make things so complicated?

I said nervously, "Shut up, stop teasing me; it is not funny you know."

"It is to me, it's fun." He said then he stuck out his tongue "blah" I was shocked and angry.

He started laughing, "Why are you laughing, what is so funny?" I asked, he said still laughing,

"You, you are the reason why I am laughing, I hope that we could get along better in the future.

He had the biggest smile that I ever saw.

I noticed that we were getting off-topic.

I said, "so it is decided then, we will do the solar system as our science fair project."

"Yes, it is."

We both went up to Mr. Smith and told him that we were going to do the solar system.

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