1 The Greeting

Within the mercenary guild walls, the chattering among them has been louder as usual. Many would recount their time on the field and what they've been through dealing with some monsters. Meanwhile at the reception:

-HEY, HEY! This isn't enough of my paycheck dammit! Where's the rest of it?! Exclaim the human mercenary.

-I'm sorry, but due to some incident in the field and a complaint with the client, we have to pay all the damages done to the property that you cause! Said Lizzie, the receptionist.


As the mercenary rose his hand and was about to strike, the doors flung open, revealing Sir Knight had arrived before the disaster struck. Everyone in guild halls looked at him as he walked by the receptionist giving her the report. To her astonishment, it would seem that Sir Knight has finished collecting the materials for the client.

-Ah, Sir Knight it seems that you've finished collecting the necessary materials for the alchemist.

-Of course. Responded the knight. 34 goblin teeth, 25 mushrooms from the poison mountain and 4 sets of eyes from the ogres, as per the request of the alchemist.

-Alright, that would lead to your payment of 32 silver and 27 copper coins. Thank you for your service, Sir Knight.

As the receptionist was about to give the knight his payment, the mercenary from early complained about it since HE got his full payment, while he got only half. Lizzie already explained it, but Sir knight interjects and gave him half his silver coins

-This should be enough. Said the Knight as he gave him the coins.

-Hmm, yeah that should be enough.

-But, Sir Knight that's your payment!

-It's fine, I rather not let things escalate where someone like you might get hurt.

-O-oh alright. She answered while being flustered.

Afterward, the knight went looking for another job on the board, suddenly the door flung open again, but this time a small group of mercenaries came in all beaten up and it would seem that they were in a huge fight of some sort.

-Here we've finished the job. Said the leader of that small group.

-Ah, I see you've finished dealing with the bandits near the east gate, then that total would bring up to 15 silver coins.

-Oh come on that wouldn't cover each of our medical bills! Said one of the low-ranking mercenaries.

-You realize that when you take up this job, you all know the consequences of it!

-Fine! As one of the members of the group takes the coin bag.

As they left the building one of them commented that they were idiots for taking the job of taking care of some lowly bandits on their own, as they laugh all simultaneously. Considering that the small group were low-ranking mercenaries they didn't know any better, their equipment is quite lacking in certain areas, such as armour, swords and magic. Although, their magic caster has taken a lot of damage considering that she was the group's healer, plus by observing her equipment, it would seem that she could only use some low-level magic.

Moments later, Sir Knight left the building as he was done looking for jobs anyway, plus it was a Saturday afternoon, and there was a bar the knight likes and a singer that is southing to hear in the afternoon after a long day of work in the field, plus all the quest has been taken either newcomer of the mercenary guild or experience mercenaries who's already made names of themselves. Besides, Sir Knight is a bit thirsty and wants to invite this small group to a bar, he took an interest in them and wants to have a little friendly talk with them and give the group some solid advice.
