
Chapter 10 - Suspicion

"And turn right." Cisco sucked on his pop as the navigation on the screen changed rapidly.

"What are you doing?"

The sound startled the man as he tapped the computers shut and swiveled his chair to look at the doctor who gave him a suspicious look.


"Who were you talking to?"

"No one." The engineer denied everything coming his way.

"Are you talking to Barry?"

"Barry, who?"

"Barry Allen; struck by lightning, was in coma for nine months, woke up to be faster than the speed of sound. Ring a bell?"


"Hey!" Nathan waved his as he entered the lab, finding tension between the two. "What's going on?"

"There's fire everywhere! Cisco, are you there?"

"What was that?" Nathan pointed at the speaker, "is that Barry?"

"A...ummm," Cisco opened his mouth to say something, but hesitated.

"Everybody's out, what else you got for me, Cisco?" Barry's voice transmitted from the speaker. Nathan saw Caitlin move and he looked the man, while tracing his hand over his neck, miming the motion of death.

"Barry, it's Caitlin."

"Oh, Hey~ Caitlin. How's your day?"

"Get back to S.T.A.R Labs, now." Her last words earned the man a look who at just sucked at his pop, giving a restrained smile.

"On my way."

Nathan understood the drama unfolding before him and turned to Cisco, who nodded at him and asked, "I thought you were not going come today?"

"Yeah, I decided otherwise." He smiled.

A sound like air being pierced alongside a breeze forced him to look at the man who just made his entrance. "Oh, hey."

"Hi." Nathan nodded and exchanged greetings.

"Why would you be rushing around like that, do you know how dangerous it is?" Caitlin's voice was hard, her stern eyes turning from Barry to Cisco.

"Why not?" Barry shook his head, his expression sour. "This is what we agreed upon; me using my speed to do good."

"We talked about you helping us contain the other people who might have been affected by the particle accelerator explosion. Meta-humans."

"I agree with, Dr. Snow." Harrison Wells came on his wheelchair, his face bearing a light smile. "I might sounding like a broken record, Mr. Allen–but I do caution restraint."

"Dr. Wells..." Barry seemed insistent. "I doubt restraint is how you got to be the man you are today."

"In a wheelchair, and a pariah." Dr. Wells raised his voice. "Lack of restraint is what made me this. Know your limits."

Nathan smiled and walked forward. He put his hand on Barry's shoulder and said, "This is not your job, Barry. Even before the city was doing just fine. For now, focus on catching Meta-humans, rather than squandering your energy when it might be needed elsewhere."

Barry sighed and shook his head. Cisco came from the side and handed him his phone. "Did something happen out there? Some weird telemetry, like your vitals spiked for a second."

"I feel fine." The Speedster assured.

Nathan left to his own chair and Barry picked his call. "Oh, hey Joe, how's everything?"

"Great. I got a fresh crime scene... A dead body... Detectives interviewing witnesses... Miles of yellow tape streched over everything. I am only missing one thing, can you guess what it is?"

"I'll will be right there." He turned to his secret work associates and said, "My day job beckons." And he was gone.

"When do you think he will realise he didn't take his clothing?" Harrison Wells looked at the door and mumbled. Nathan smiled.

Outwardly everything was calm, but Nathan was feeling nervous beneath his sunny exterior. He had made a mistake. He hadn't realised that the man would die, so he had panicked a bit and ran away. Now he was sure the area was already cordoned off by the police, so nothing he could do to make up for his mistake.

Still, he hadn't left any substantial evidence behind, so at least he won't get caught, yet. Nathan looked over his comrades and and then at the monitor which was still tracking Barry's suit vitals.

It went without a doubt that Barry would investigate the crime scene. The guy was a genius, so if he discovered something suspicious the others will get involved. If Nathan was confident in something, it was that his team had abundance of both intelligence and equipment, something that would prove counter initiative of his attempts to get by without getting caught.

On the bright side, he was comparatively harder to kill now. Even if struck by that tornado of Clyde Mardon, Nathan could easily shrug it off. He wasn't sure if he would survive a bullet to the skill though.

Nathan quickly passed through the firewall, parsing through the database that CCPD had on multiple criminals. This was exactly how we he came to know about John. Using his enhanced dynamic vision, he started sifting through the list of recent crimes, finding none that happed this morning or late night.

'It hasn't been documented yet.' It was entirely possible that the crime scene had yet to be cleared, and that the body was still there. But what Nathan wanted was to see what take the authorities had on the crime. Because unlike anything else, the way he killed John was subtle. He didn't fight the man, neither did he electrocute his brain or gave him a stroke.

'It's too clean, that it's suspicious.' Nathan wanted to clap at his own stupidity but he wasn't too worried. John was a criminal and it was entirely possible that the police wouldn't put too much effort into solving this case, especially when the city was brimming with them.

The day passed quickly as Nathan compiled a report on all the possible meta-humans that he met at the club. Once done he left for his work.


Nathan walked through the main hall still wrecked full of debris and took a lift to the topmost floor. Once inside he went straight to the lab, only to find Caitlin admonishing Barry about something.

"What happened?" He asked Cisco who was off to one side.

"It's Barry. He passed out." Cisco replied with his hands crossed.

"You of all people should know that in science, we share." Caitlin stormed out in rage. Her face reminded him of that night the first time he met her.

"I haven't seen anyone make her this angry since Ronnie..." Cisco handed the tablet to Dr. Wells and left after her.

"Ronnie was Caitlin's fiancé, the one that died in particle accelerator incident?" Barry looked at the doctor.

"Yeah. He is..." He paused. "Missed. Now let's find out why this is happening?"

Nathan walked over and asked, "How did you pass out?"

"I was chasing after these men." Barry replied and looked at his hands, "They all wore the same clothes."

"Let's talk about reason afterward." Harrison Wells said and motioned for them to follow.

Nathan looked at the treadmill that Cisco designed a month ago for him to keep measure of his speed. Barry was currently running at his top speed and Cisco was lauding at his own mechanic skills.

"Look at his glucose levels." Harrison Wells nodded at the bar that seemed to be showing Barry's energy levels.

"Wait, why's this happening?" Nathan looked at the man in confusion.

"Barry's metabolism. He burns through the calories worth of energy like it's nothing. He is running out of glucose." Dr. Wells explained.

"No wait, that's obvious." Nathan shook his head. "What I am asking is, why am I not experiencing anything like this?"

"Probably because you are not expending so much as Barry does." Harrison Wells theorized.

"Why is his dark matter not supplementing his reserves?"

"It's physical, not metaphysical." Caitlin voiced from the side. She looked at others and pointed at the man running. "Barry's physique is still human. The running is putting a strain on his body and his energy is depleting fast, not his dark matter."

"I concur with Dr. Snow." Harrison Wells said. "I believe that they way you utilise your ability is different from how Barry does, or how others do, for that matter. Because what you are using is not yours, technically."


"Opps, guys he passed out." Cisco didn't sound worried despite saying that. Was it the confidence he had in his padded wall.


"What happened, did I pass out again." Barry woke up groggily, Cisco helping him on his feet.

Caitlin gave him a brief overview of his situation. Barry looked at her. "I am not eating enough. So an I.V. bag and I am good to go."

Cisco laughed and pointed at the bundle of glucose drips. Harrison Wells sipped on his drink and said, "Try 40. You were thirsty." His voice coming off as sarcastic.

"We will need to fashion a new diet for you."

"I have done a few calculations." Cisco took a round around him and said, "You need to consume 850 tacos, roughly. Unless we are talking about cheese and guac, which is like a whole another set of calculations."

Barry nodded as he watched the man drift away, his thoughts elsewhere.

"For Mexican, I recommend tito's, or bucker avenue?"

A gruff voice turned all the heads to the door where stood a man that Nathan had met a few times.

"Detective West." Dr. Wells gave greeted with a nod and the man nodded back. "What brings you to S.T.A.R Labs?"

The detective didn't spare the man a glance and looked at Barry. Nathan could sense nervous tension in air. He watched the drama unfold, somehow a wrongful feeling blooming in his chest. It was a feeling that conveyed that weirdness of the whole scenario, not about the others but him. Like he wasn't supposed to be here.

"Weird." He rubbed at his chest. The detective left after he finished his small spiel and he looked at Barry and asked. "Barry, you were telling me how you passed out earlier?"

Barry looked at him and nodded. Nathan didn't mind the sullen mood.

Apparently the Speedster was at this convention with Iris and then the robbers appeared. Weirdly however, not did they all wear same clothes, but they even had same stature and height. Which was suspicious, but not something that could be Meta related as they used guns and seemed human for the most part.

Nathan nodded and decided not to think about it. He asked if anything else happened, expressing his intrest in criminal psychology. Barry mentioned how they found a body in an alley.

After the autopsy, the reports stated that the man just dropped dead.

"Wait, dropped dead. Like not a cardiac arrest or something, but just dead?" Cisco asked in wonder.

"Yeah. The guy was alive one second, but then the next, dead." Barry shrugged his shoulders. "There's so much we can't explain with science, so we thought it might a natural death. Except he was too fit and a criminal, at that."

"So what, you think it might be a meta-human?" Nathan asked the CSI, who shrugged and expressed his ignorance.

"Sounds interesting." Harrison Wells smiled and his eyes lingered on Nathan longer than the blonde man would've liked.

He left the lab and went home. It was about time he started being more active.


Author's Note: A chapter on time and a bit rushed, yes. A week to go since my Original Fiction [Heaven's Decree] will be released. I am excited and exhausted. I wish the days could strech twice over, with all the work I have; anyways.

Nathan made a mistake, he knows of it. Thankfully the concerned party was a criminal and least likely to evoke a serious investigation. Multiplex has surfaced and Barry comes to know of his Caloric Weakness.

With this chapter we have completed 10 chapters and well over 20k words. From next chapter on, the plot will start shifting more and we will focus on Nathan. So it's about time I ask you to leave a review.

Next chapter