

The world can be a bad place if you think about it. Places where lust came from, evil, revenge and war. No matter how much you think about it, it is also hard to predict that such a luxurious place can also be a living hell.

Li Xiao Ling, Li as in "plum" and Xiao Ling as in "Little Bell", will soon be carriage off to this so place called "living hell". Ever since she was born there was always something that bother her such as who is her father, where did she came from, or what is her background of her upcoming? However, she never seem to be bother the fact that she is child with unknown history. Given the name Xiao Ling and carrying her mother's surname all she know was that her name either means: inconspicuous and safe, or a miracle.

A glimpse of shining light...

Even till death do apart her mother didn't leave anything behind, only her blind grandmother who usually curse of the mysterious father who left her beloved daughter suffer. Although Xiao Ling didn't know the real reason why her mother let herself suffered as a widow, she understand one thing. Her mother loved her very much and wish her to live a good life. It's properly the same reason why she often going all out into grooming Xiao Ling when she was still alive. Until her last breath when she is still breathing the same air, she still wish the fatherless daughter to be strong.

Holding the title as a orphan who had a mistress mother, Xiao Ling has already gone through many hardship. Adding the fact she have to support both her blind grandmother and herself, her working days is often stacking.

But unlike her usual days her day geniully change, rather is from better to worst...

"Li Xiao Ling, today is been summon to collect her heritage left by the Yang Headmaster"


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