
Sinto's War

Author: Gavin_Sinto
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another Crossover with the Multiverse

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Chapter 1Part 1

Sinto's War

CHATER 1: Universe collision

Gavin Oshima was training with Marcia when the ground began to shake violently, the two looked up to see a crack in the sky. Gavin's eyes widened at the sight of it.

"What is that?" she asked, Gavin looked her straight in the eyes replying: "It's...a crack in reality, I don't know what's causing it to happen, but the outcome of a universe crossing over to ours is bound to have severe consequences" The man summoned his outra before ascending for the paranormal occurrence, his soul mate followed behind as they reached the event in minutes.

Trimo slowly extended his hand in the crack's direction, the dark-haired girl along with her outra Puriara watched with fear in her eyes. Suddenly a shockwave was released from the opening, causing Trimo to vanish as Oshima lost consciousness. The user began falling from thousands of feet before Marcia caught him with her other.

"Are you ok!?" she asked setting the guy in the grass in front of her, just then the crack opened completely and the sky turned red... figures appeared all around the girl who kept her hand on the out cold warrior.

"W-who are all of you?" she responded, not keeping her eyes off all of them.

One approached her wearing a white suit, "my name is Gavin Takachi, I'm from universe 1...but I've noticed something's been happing to our worlds, causing them to collide along with becoming unstable" The vampire walked over to Oshima who hadn't moved since the shockwave and knelt down beside his body.

"This should help" he commented before cutting a small tip of his index finger, he then let the blood drip onto the warrior's face. Some watched in interest as others watched in disgust. The blood faded into his skin like a sponge before the warrior awoke from his unconscious state.

"What- happened?" Oshima said as he rose back to his feet. His universe 1 counterpart Takachi wiped his finger with a small tissue he had in his pocket responding: "you made contact with the universal barrier, only a fool would do such a thing" The outra user gave him an annoyed look while Marcia kept her teammate's arm wrapped around her shoulder in case the man lost his balance again.

They both looked at the large group of people from different universes...Dakkida along with Brandon who were both from universe 7...and a few from universe 11, they had powerful auras swarming around them, it was as if their aura was strong enough to stagger an opponent.

"I don't have time for all of you to be bothering us so go back to your own worlds while I try to seal the barrier back up" One of the fighters from UN.11 went on the offense with a quick rush attack in the direction of Oshima, but even in his state he was able to knock the enemy off his feet sending him staggering off into a rock.

"Anyone else?" the man commented as he let go of Marcia and revealed Trimo to the others. There were four others from that world and were preparing the attack.

"Go now" one of them announced, the other three flew in different directions in an attempt to trap the warrior. As they all went for an attack their target just stood there...Finally Trimo flung his arms out in both directions causing two of the approaching threats to be forced across the grassy field into a building and the other in a crater from the impact. Marcia was about to jump in when both Oshima and Mashida saw a flash come from the fourth opponent's left eye, it was a bright purple light that seemed to cover the entire area...

CHAPTER 2: It has come to this

As the light slowly darkened...The two users realized they were paralyzed, no matter how much effort they used the two couldn't break the frozen state they were in. Takachi took off for the threat while Dakkida tried to break the paralysis, Brandon ascended into the air motioning the three followers of the villain to make a move. The one in the cater wiped his white hair back showing off his golden eyes before flying at a tremendous rate for his target.

"It's over!" he yelled throwing the strongest punch he could. The impact of the punch shook the whole field, but when the foe looked...Brandon had caught the attack with his hand.

"No, it can't be, y-you're not strong enough to do this!" Without a word Brandon struck the open foe in the chest with his other hand then threw the foe at the leader of the three men. Once again, a flash went off causing the staggering opponent to freeze in midair.

Meanwhile Dakkida was feeling the two heroes' brain activity with the palm of his hand on their heads. "So, they really are stuck in some kind of time manipulation...Maybe this could work" The hooded fighter made copies of himself that all went for an attack. The leader continued stopping each clone that came his way until Dakkida fell to his knees from all the duplications draining his power.

"T-that should work...they may be copies of me but the more people he has to freeze, the less concentration and power he has"

In the sky Brandon was in hand to hand with the two remaining followers of the powerful foe.

"Come now I'm sure this isn't the best you two have to offer" The enemies frowned with anger while continuing to attack with everything they had. As Brandon went for a finishing blow he was also frozen in time like the others.

"Shit" the boy said behind his unmoving lips. The two followers were just about to kill the open hero when they both stopped with their eyes wide before descending knocked out, they hit the grass with blood running from their necks.

"Ah there's nothing better than a sip of blood on a hot afternoon" The leader turned around in an attempt to stop Takachi in his tracks but saw no trace of him.

"Where'd that bastard go?" he thought to look around quickly... The vampire emerged from a cloud of smoke and began to approach the over-powered villain.

"So, what's your name?" Takashi asked making his way closer. The foe tried stopping him without a reply but once the purple ray of light rushed past him, the hero continued to proceed forward as if nothing had happened.

"N-no, it can't be" The leader tried once more...still the fighter walked forward until they were just a few feet away. A smile appeared on his face as he waited for the frightened leader's next move.

"M-my name is Alamare...what are you going to do?" The foe replied still visibly shaken by the vampire's immune to the time manipulation. Without hesitation, Takashi forced his hand straight through Alamar's body like a dagger. The villain hit the ground dead causing all the paralysis to cease. The staggering follower came spiraling towards the vampire just as he was also stabbed straight in the chest.

2 Hours later...

All the fighters sat in an empty parking lot trying to relax for the moment. Just then the hole between all their universes began to close.

"What's happening!?" Oshima shouted, Brandon, closed his eyes feeling the shift in energy through the wormhole...

"Oh no, universes are beginning to fade away, seems they're fading in order"

Takashi clinched his fist..." so I'll be the first one to fade away" Sinto walked over putting his hand on the worried man.

"Just because your world is gone, doesn't mean you'll fade away...it's your world not it's history there's a difference" The counterpart looked at him and took a breath.

"You're probably right"

Suddenly A being that looked like Takachi touched down in front of the group of warriors.

"What...who are you?" Takachi demanded. The figure grinned with his arms crossed.

"I'm Lokomi from UN 7 and I've taken over your body...you're probably wondering: why would choose the vampire's body-

Takachi along with Dakkida both fired a blast of energy head on at the new foe. Once the smoke cleared, they saw Lokomi standing there with no wounds or scratches. Shocked, all fighters shot a barrage of energy attacks that seemed imposable to affect. Surprisingly The god-like advisory started deflecting the separated energy attacks until the group shot a blast all on sync, creating an energy blast the size of a tsunami.

"I can do this" Lokomi told himself as he placed both hands out in front of him, the massive attack made contact with the palm of his hands forcing him back. The body's eyes went from Lokomi's green eyes, to a very dark red. His body was severely sweating with its clothes starting to tear from the immense pressure.

"Damn it!!!" The blast finally overwhelmed the foe sending him backwards in a wave of their combined power. They all flew over to the location where Lokomi had landed. He was up against a destroyed skyscraper before hitting the street.

"Did we get him?" Sinto commented in the background. Oshima groaned at him.

"No, he may be really injured but does he look dead?" Sinto frowned but they all focused on the motionless body.

"Somebody go check on him" Marcia said sitting down from lack of power.

Brandon including Sinto drifted over to Lokomi  and reached for the body, at the last second the body got up and threw knifes made out of energy straight for both of the fighters. Brandon evaded the sharp weapon but the two knifes end up piercing through Sinto's stomach.

"Darn it" the boy responded before collapsing with blood running from his wound. A tear ran down Takachi's face.

"You bastard" the vampire flew as fast as he could with his fist clinched tightly. The warrior threw his fist forward when suddenly he passed through the foe's body.

"Oh no" the man said to himself, Gavin looked at his hand to see it turning transparent.

"Goodbye universe 1" The vampire faded away from existence with nothing left of him. "Alright who's next to lose their life?" Brandon blocked his path to the remaining warriors.

"You're up against me now, leave the others out of this mess"

Lokomi grinned wiping the dark hair out of his eyes, "don't worry...I'll tend to the others once I'm through with you" Brandon pulled his sword out covering it in a barrier of energy.

"Go ahead" the boy responded ready for his opponent. The advisory moved so quick that Brandon easily lost sight of him. The hero looked around his surroundings but couldn't find any sign of the foe.

"How sad, I move at 50% and you instantly lose sight, you might as well give up, my capabilities far surpass yours"

The others watched as Brandon took a deep breath...suddenly his body glistened with a bright red aura.

"I will show you, how much power I have!" The boy's right eye twitched causing the sky to go from blue to a dark purple. Meteorites began descending from the clouds like laser beams, raining down at high velocity. They continued to hit Lokomi's location with great force.

"This is nothing" he taunted in a blocking position. Brandon started to walk backwards with his hand on his hurting skull.

"Fine if it's nothing...then handle this!" Brandon's eye widened going from black to dark purple completely. Everyone looked up before their jaws dropped from shock, a ball of energy the size of Pluto's moon Charon. The massive ball of power entered the sky's slowly about to hit the planet's surface.

Brandon quickly aimed his free hand at his allies and transported them to the nearest inhabitable planet. His foe stopped the massive sphere but couldn't seem to move it.

"It's useless...why prolong this assured defeat?"

Brandon began to laugh under his breath, "I'm sure you'll be back, but I know this'll stop you for now" the warrior smiled. "If I don't survive this...I'm sorry I failed" Brandon charged up his remaining power and his eye twitched towards the sphere of light. It instantly tripled in size, nearly equal to the size of earth's moon!

"D-damn it...this is too much for me to handle!" Lokomi shouted before the gigantic ball erupted in a violent explosion, with his small amount of strength, Brandon attempted to form a shield around the blast, it worked for a few moments before cracking apart, sending the weakened fighter across the sky into a lake. Brandon was too weak to swim properly and began to sink to the bottom...


The others were on a new planet just outside of the solar system with a start similar to the sun but it was pink.

"What's going on!?" Marcia asked a little freaked out, Oshima bopped her upside the head, "will you quit complaining...the one fighting Lokomi must've teleported us here so we wouldn't get hit by his attack" Marcia nodded trying to stay calm. Oshima and Dakkida rested under a tall purple tree while Marcia went to explore the world.

"Shouldn't we follow her in case something happens?" Dakkida questioned.

"Alright covered" Gavin responded pointing in his lover's direction. Dakkida could see the man's outra following the girl quietly without her noticing. Dakkida was about to go back to relaxing when he saw one of Gavin's eye's turn blue.

"Are you alright?" He asked concerned for his ally.

"Yeah, my eye turns red when I want to see through my outra's eyes, I call it multi-cognition"

Marcia made her way through the purple forest with sparkles of light flying around like the fireflies on earth. She smiled admiring the beautiful world. Just then Marcia could feel something nearby, her outra manifested behind her as she carefully made her way in the source's direction.

"Where are they?" Marcia whispered to herself. At that moment, a fireball came ragging across the forest burning everything in its path. Before her outra could do anything, Trimo appeared in between her and the approaching projectile absorbing it through his sword.

"Got it" Oshima commented as flames covered his hands before evaporating. "Dakkida she's in danger, let's hurry to the location" His ally nodded standing up. They flew off above the trees in Marcia's direction.    

On the ground Marcia clinched both fists waiting for another attack. She suddenly heard something land behind her, turning around she saw a strange creature, it had dark red skin that looked as if it were inside out. It also had a crystal in the center of its forehead that was red and blue. The creature's clothes seemed ancient, however the skirt part was dark blue while the part that wrapped around the torso was golden.

"What is that thing?" Dakkida commented landing next to the disgusted outra user.

"How would I know!?" she replied not taking her eyes off the thing. It grinned with sharp teeth but appeared to not have any eyes. The monster lunged at Marcia with its sharp fingers heading for her face. As the brute was just inches from its target, Trimo emerged once more, catching the arm filled with sharp fingers with just one arm as well. The monster gave a surprised groan before the outra tightened his grip throwing it across the forest into a cave that happen to be only half a mile away.

Oshima heard the blow from the monster hitting the inside of the cave and quickly shot a fireball at the top of the rock formation causing large pieces of it to fall and cover the cave's opening.


"That won't hold it...but it'll give me time to charge an attack strong enough to get rid of him" The warrior took in a deep breath, his outra's aura outlined his body as he focused more power. Gavin carefully pulled his hand back waiting for the evil creature to go on the offensive...

At that moment the brute emerged from the ground right in front of the prepared warrior. The foe struck him with its powerful fist then pulled something out from behind its back.

"Oh shit" Marcia thought seeing what it was, Gavin attempted to escape but right as he jumped into the air, the villain threw it's arm forward causing something to wrap around Oshima's leg.

"D-damn it!" He thought still trying to ascend, but the hero could feel spikes stabbing his leg until the man finally stopped trying and hit the ground. Blood ran down his leg as he tried pulling the spiked whip off his bleeding leg.

"You...you asshole!" Marcia yelled in anger, her outra appeared in front of the foe beginning to attack it with a fierce onslaught of punches. The other continued its powerful strikes with no intention of stopping. Gavin got the whip off his leg and limped over to his allies. Marcia was still breathing heavily from her intense rage, luckily her outra puriara halted its assault phasing back inside the girl.

All of them watched as their enemy bit the dust, the monster laid there motionless...All three aimed their hands at their foe...the purple forest filled with red light as they finished off the beast in one final attack. 

"Now I really do need to rest" one of them said laying in the grass. Marcia walked over to her injured ally and pulled out a thick paper towel before wrapping it around the man's wound. Dakkida let out a sigh standing nearby.

"Let's see if anyone else is around" he whispered. The warrior clapped his hands together then stood completely still and silent...

After about two minutes the hooded fighter threw both arms out, releasing what seemed like a faint shockwave, it traveled a far distance before going out like a light.

"Hmm, strange thought there'd be someone on this planet not counting that asshole Marcia just beat up" 

CHAPTER 2: Death comes for you

After hours of rest and exploring, they passed the time training against each other. Marcia and Dakkida were almost matched, Oshima watched most of the time because of his injuries. They were in a plain area with just rocks around, the sun was going down. Moments later the spectating warrior thought he felt a dark aura just out of the planet's atmosphere...

A loud sound of a blade piercing something rang out, the two fighters saw Gavin stabbed through the torso, blood dripped from the tip of the sword.

"It can't be!" Dakkida shouted in fear. The blade was pulled from Oshima's wound to reveal Lokomi standing behind him.

"How can he still be alive after that kind of attack!?" the shaking warrior shouted. Their enemy smirked walking past Gavin's lifeless body, the bloody sword was gripped tightly in his hand ready for the next strike.

"You heroes are so naive, do you keep forgetting why I chose this body as my own?... immortality, regeneration, never lose my capabilities from lack of training, this is nearly the perfect body for a master fighter if it wasn't for the need for blood every few days"

"Enough of this!" The hooded hero shouted firing the strongest energy blast possible. Lokomi proceeded forward even with the blast hitting him head on.

"All of you are weak compared to me, I am a god among insects...Takachi was too ignorant to know the true power of his own body!" The adversary lifted Dakkida off the ground by his throat.

"Time for you to meet Fukimaro" they were about to respond when Lokomi shot a beam out of his eyes melting through his opponent's skull then brain. "One pest left" he commented turning towards Marcia.

Marcia looked at her friend's dead body then back at him. "Get away...But Lokomi continued to approach her. "I said...get away!!!" As soon as she let out the scream, her aura released a blue wave that washed over her combatant. When she opened her eyes, the entire surroundings were covered in a blue water-like aura even the sky. She looked at Lokomi to see him frozen in place, she waved her palm in front of the villain's face but didn't seem to phase him, they weren't even blinking.

She began to cry from the loss of all her friends. "I can't do this alone...is anyone left from the universes that can help me?" Marcia took off into space, her tears slowly flying off into the endless void. Suddenly she was pulled into a black hole that was much stronger than a normal one and passed out from the intense pressure. When she awoke, she found herself laying on a narrow golden sidewalk.

"Where-am I?" she asked. A being made from blue light appeared.

"Welcome, you are in Universe 17, I heard your pled and have come to aid you in your horrific battle"

"I thought there were only 16 Universes" the girl responded still confused. The being of light formed a body and walked over to her.

"There are much more then 16 worlds, you probably focus on 16 of them...you should expand your horizons and let go of all the limitations your world seems to bring you"' It changed its form into Gavin Oshima, "I can sense your love for this man, this...Gavin of yours. He may be dead but that shouldn't keep you from loving him, I can feel his love for you as well...I can give him back to you, same as he was before death...would you want that?"

She nodded with tears running down her face. The deity summoned Oshima's lifeless body and laid him on a pile of grass that was nearby. It placed its hand upon the corpse's body and smiled.

"Together...forever" suddenly it turned back into a blue light, phasing inside the body... A minute went by when Gavin opened his eyes, they were blue instead of hazel.

"Are you really Oshima?" She questioned noticing the change of eye color. Gavin got up putting his hand on her cheek.

"Yes, it's me baby" she quickly hugged him tight crying from joy. He smiled kissing her forehead. At that moment a tear in reality began to form, the two watched as the rip became bigger until someone landed in front of the warriors.

"I finally found you!" Marcia starred in fear as Lokomi stood a short distance from them. "It's time to rid myself of all you worthless insects" Marcia shook from fear when Gavin stood in front of her with a serious expression on his face.

"Don't let him scare you" he said with a blue aura glistening from his body. Lokomi laughed under his breath before lunging at the confident hero.

"This time you'll stay dead!!" The advisory yelled reaching his hand out to grab the glowing warrior. Oshima aimed his hand back at his foe and created a force of energy that sent his target staggering across the plains into a large rock formation. Marcia could see a new outra manifest next to her man, it looked powerful.

"That must be the being that brought him back to life, but I didn't expect it to be his outra and boost his power exponentially" Meanwhile Lokomi picked up one of the mountains and threw it straight for his foe, the fighter stood in his one spot not hesitating, as the massive rock came crashing towards him he reached out for the giant formation of rock before stopping it with just the single hand. It shattered like glass into thousands of pieces of rubble.

"Do you give up now?" Gavin asked still in the stopping position with his hand out in front of him. Lokomi took a deep breath then put both hands up.

"Prepare for my greatest attack!" Gavin watched as his opponent proceed to glow with a dark red energy all around his body, his aura expanded with it becoming brighter and more intense. Suddenly Lokomi's body evolved into what seemed like an assassin, he gained four swords that were each a different color; red, blue, white and multi-colored.

"Fate's given me the peak of my evolution and I intend to do as I see fit" Lokomi pulled out his blue sword before taking off towards the combatant. Gavin focused his outra's power into the shape of a katana just as his foe went for an attack, their swords clashed in a violent shake of force.

"How much stronger have they become?" Marcia said to herself as she stood back from the fight. The two warriors traded blows with their blades clashing each time, the longer and harder they fought, the more the world around them started to crack apart, Marcia ascended up noticing the ground cracking apart creating a large canyon.

"Oh no, the planet can't take much more of this" she took in calm breaths and concentrated her outra's power...

"Stop!" She announced hoping her ability to stop time would work, but the foes continued their battle. Marcia looked down too see a burst of lava launch from the growing canyon. Oshima noticed another one and dodged it just before he got burned. Some of the hot goo landed on Lokomi's arm burning off some of his sleeve.

"Damn it!" the villain groaned from the incredible heat. Lokomi twitched from anger and pulled out the multi-colored blade. Gavin closed his eyes without moving...

The villain swung his weapon as hard as he could when it instantly shattered to pieces. At that moment the hero struck his opponent so hard it went straight through the target's body. He pulled his fist out and backed up.

"I can regenerate dumb-" before he could finish his sentence his body began to evaporate. "But, I'm immortal!!" The warrior grinned as he wiped the blood from his fist.  

Hours later...

They were practicing techniques when the planet shook once more, lava shot straight out of the planet's surface with cracks filling the air with toxic gas from the material. Marcia began to choke from the contaminated air all around them. The user hit the ground getting dizzy slowly losing consciousness. Even with his increased powers, the guy passed out next to his girl. Marcia saw a faint figure just before she passed out too.

They awoke in a giant room that seemed to be made of crystals. Gavin sat up with his hand on the side of his head.

"wow, I have a bad headache from all that toxic gas the lava was dispersing into the atmosphere" As Marcia was getting up a man with blonde hair, blue eyes and golden armor walked into the room.

"Ah, I see you two have awoken from your comas, got A little worried after the 2nd hour"

"You are?" Marcia demanded.

"Oh how could I be so informal, my name is Michal Hadakai, member 8th in the 10 members of the Odomi organization, each of us have our own part in the team. Mine is to watch over nearby worlds or life, naturally I deem most life worthy of my help"

Gavin took a breath before replying : "Anything  else you can tell us about Odomi?" The dark blonde man nodded brushing the hair from his eyes even with it at a short length.

"There are 10 of us in total and together we are a force to be reckoned with, I actually don't remember the last time I lost which is why I'm 8th out of the 10. Each number represents a rank of power and experience...so logically only two other members exceed my capabilities. 9th isn't that high from me but our 10th far exceed anything I could reach any time soon"

Michel took them into a large room that had a high desk with nine other people sitting perfectly aligned. One in the center chair smiled looking down at the three approaching the large desk.

"welcome to the Odomi's judgement hall where the organization goes over all the duties or missions of high importance, our 8th informed us of life on the Soriara planet in sector two of the galaxy so I had him observe what was occurring until the world proceeded to crumble and fill with lava. What a shame...was a beautiful planet up until that point"

One of the others coughed in a form to remind the 10th to get back on topic.

"Oh, right I almost forgot to inform both of you that we have agreed to offer you both a place in the Odomi"

"We appreciate the offer but I don't think we belong here, also me and Marcia aren't really the following orders kind"

The 10th's silver hair fell across his face before he responded: "Very well, it's your choice but I should let you know though, you'd be making an unwise choice" Gavin summoned his outra then took off out of a small window in the top right of the room.

"Thanks for saving us" Marcia said before leaving as well...

The leader sat in his chair pondering...Finally he looked up at the window they had left from and commanded: "numbers one and two...kill them" The two men nodded then chased after the targets. Michael frowned unsure about the 10th's order.

"They didn't do anything wrong, why kill them...this isn't right, if this escalates....I'll have to do something" those thoughts filled his head as he started at the window as well.


Oshima along with Mishida were soaring across the sky when an energy projectile went past them. Gavin sighed but didn't slow down instead proceeded to accelerate in attempt to gain some distance from his opponents. Suddenly one of the adversaries chasing them appeared in front of them blocking their way, Gavin sent his outra straight for the obstacle while the user continued to fly straight as if there was nothing there. The outra clinched the sword in its hand and went for a slash when it randomly disappeared.

"What!?" The foe commented as Gavin instantly punched him in the torso breaking half his ribs in one blow. Blood fell from the member's mouth before he didn't have enough strength to stay in the air.

"Just in case you try to trick me" Gavin shot a ball of energy out of one hand that trapped his weakened foe in a dome. The user turned to see Marcia trading blows with another Odomi member, they were almost equal when her outra got a lucky hit at the combatant's jaw, sending the women across the darkening sky into a building made out of crystals as well.

"Crap it's getting dark and I'm not much of a night fighter...even if I used my outra to sense where the opponent is it'd be slower than my normal velocity" The blue haired member got up from the impact point and headed straight for Gavin this time. But as she was just inches from an attack, she was kicked in the stomach by her target's other.

"C-come on...I thought I was superior" she made loud breathing sounds before hitting the street. Both warriors landed in front of her, the man picked her up by her uniform's collar.

"Why are you two attacking us!?" She choked a little before telling him how the leader order them to kill the two users. "Hmph, well you can tell that jackass that if he wants to kill us, he'll have to do better than this" She nodded and slowly flew off back towards the Odomi. Gavin found an abandoned house where he decided to sleep…             

The warrior woke up in the morning while it was still dark too the feeling of Marcia's and two owns energies out in the forest near the house.

"I'm coming babe!" The hero took off in the direction of the situation before stopping in front of two more Odomi members, one was a small child-like boy with blue hair while the other, a woman with dark silver hair. The outra user summoned his other waiting for one of them to approach him.

"Seems our second target has shown himself" the blue haired boy pulled his sword out with a smile, "prepare yourself, I number three A.K.A the 3rd will challenge you!" Oshima soared straight for the boy with his outra by his side. The two opponents clashed with all the trees blowing away like a tornado had just tore them from their roots. Marcia was observing the fight when the women who was considered the 4th put her hand out in the girl's direction. Just as the girl was planning to move, she saw a duplication of her opponent on the opposite side of her.

"You won't get away" the 4th smirked shooting a blaze of flames from the palm of her hand from both positions. The heroine manifested her other in an attempt to force the approaching flames back. Suddenly the two flames changed direction beginning to spiral together into a fierce fire tornado. Even with the girl's great strength she couldn't seem to stop the fire's immense heat. Gavin noticed and struck his foe in the gut before reaching the spiraling tornado.

"Maybe I can slow the flames down with my mental abilities"

The warrior took a deep breath and placed his hands out in front of him at the attack's location. A powerful wind started to build on both sides of the tornado, with both winds going in different directions the flames slowed down before going out completely.

"Hmph, I can see why the other two were defeated by you...however we have more up our sleeve, just because we're low rank in the organization doesn't mean we're no threat in battle" 4th pointed her finger towards the open fighter when she instantly turned to Marcia, lightning shot out nearly hitting Mishida. Gavin's outra managed to push his ally out of the way just as the attack struck a tree setting it on fire.

"Take your best shot at me!" Oshida taunted. The 4th frowned charging up even more power than the last shot. The member of Odomi released a fierce beam of electricity that shined all around them. The user managed to reflect the blast back staggering her across the ruined forest until she landed on a deserted  road. As the villain was rising to her feet, Gavin was already in melee range. He punched the women with such strength causing her to collapse to the ground once more.

"I'm getting tired of your organization" the dark blue and armored outra appeared in front of its user before pulling its swords from their sides. The powerful being sent both sword in opposite directions, one flying towards the 3rd member and the 4th that was just a few feet away. One foe was pierced through the chest while the other took the attack straight in the center of the forehead. The girl died almost instantly while the other fell to his knees with blood dripping from the tip of the blade.

"Y-you won't beat all of us, t-the 9th and 10th have capabilities far beyond your potential... 3rd hit the ground in an expanding pool of his blood just like his ally...

CHAPTER 3: The Organization

Off world deep in space the Odomi were in their base going over the past events that had occurred and what their next step should be...

"Alright, seems we've lost; 1st, 3rd and 4th. We can't keep dying like this, we only have seven members left...it's time for us to take them out now!" Suddenly 10th shot a beam so fast that only 8th and 9th could barely keep track of. The 2nd was hit in the head instantly dying on impact. The others watched as the women fell from her chair hitting the ground.

"W-why'd you kill her!?" the man gave him an angered look, "are you questioning my choices!?" The 5th stood up shooting orange beams directed at the leader, each attack was easily deflected by his target hitting the walls of the base. 10th vanished from the members sight with no trance of his energy.

"Where'd he go!?" An intense pain flowed through the rebel's body before he died laying in the center of the room. Their leader pulled his hand out of the corpse's wound before throwing it out into space.

"Anyone else gonna rebel against me?" The others shook their heads still sitting in their seats. "Good we're heading out to kill those fools once in for all"

The five remaining members left their planet heading for the hero's location. Michael planned a strategy taking on his superior but feared the low chances of victory...

Gavin and Marcia were about to try to find a new world when five figures landed on a cliff about a mile away, the man snapped his fingers and member 6th along with 7th aimed their hands at the couple before creating an energy field keeping the two from going any further. Oshima and his girl turned around to see Michael, the 8th and 9th.

"So, the organization has finally come to finish the fight" Marcia was surprised to see the smirk on her ally's face. 10th walked closer with his hood hiding his face in darkness.

"Your pointless rebellion will come to an end here, 8th finish them off" Michal took a deep breath and stepped forward. Suddenly the blonde armored warrior spun around shooting a wave of purple lightning that split into two attacks, member 9th was hit head on staggering back in a storm of electricity while 10th stood there holding the palm of his hand out. The Odomi warrior landed on his back with burns and cuts all over his body.

"How dare you 8th! You're defying me as well!?" The armored man frowned looking at his former leader then nodded.

"My name is Michal, I won't stand to be called that anymore or for you to harm anymore innocent people!" The Odomi leader clinched his fist with great rage before going for his old ally, Michal pulled out his great sword swinging it towards the approaching foe, it stopped the villain's attack before shattering to pieces. The man's eyes widened just as he was punched in the ribs. His golden armor cracked as he went staggering through the empty area, hitting the energy field that 6th and 7th had made.

"Come now, I know you're smarter than this Michal...why not just admit that my view and power is far superior to yours and either join me or die here" But the rebel put both hands out creating chains made out of his own energy that wrapped around the evil man. Michael made a fist causing the chains to tighten greatly, the leader shook trying to break free as the bonds grew tighter every second.

Meanwhile Marcia was fighting the 6th while Gavin took on the 7th. Oshima's outra shot two blue lasers out of its eyes heading straight for his opponent, the Odomi member evaded the projectiles but they quickly changed their path back towards him. 7th's hazel eyes widened as they came firing back like shooting stars.

"Shit!" he ascended up but still they followed, every way he went they followed not slowing down. Once the escaping advisory made another turn in an attempt to slow the beams down the two beams went in opposite directions cutting him off. Both beams finally hit him, one in the torso while the other in the center of the spine.

"D-damn it" the wounded fighter fell from thousands of feet before hitting a plain area in a large crater. A large rock fell from a formation crushing him.

Michal was continuing his battle with his leader when suddenly he was punched so hard that blood ran down the side of his face, but he stood back up pointing towards the evil man.


A purple aura began to glisten all over the hero's body.

"A change of aura isn't going to phase me, I Monahara will kill you all!" the man took off in his dark coat at such speed that Gavin and Marcia didn't even realize he had moved. But when the evil man faced his target, Michal's skin had turned silver pale while his irises had vanished in two purple spheres of light. Lastly his hair had grown longer and turned dark.

"W-what!?" Monahara was shocked at the sight of his foe's new form. Without hesitation the warrior struck the villain in the ribs causing two of them to fracture nearly on contact. The man hit the weakened shield that only 6th was barley keeping up, but when the foe hit the wall of red energy it shattered like large pieces of glass.  "Heh, seems you've awakened the Chikara, well done" Monahara wiped blood from his face getting up from the dirt area.

"What's a Chikara?" Gavin responded landing beside the awakened warrior. The foe cracked his neck then begun to explain.

"It's one of few awakening stages that will grant the person exceptional power or traits, each stage requires the body to go through certain experiences to acquire the powers, by the way...I'm done fighting your shadows or outras as you call them" Monahara put his palm towards both the two outra users and they began to feel a surge of pain seconds before the two warriors collapsed.

Michal glared at his foe, "What did you do monster!?" 

The leader laughed under his breath, "I merely took their outras away, now they're weak as humans" The awakened warrior's eyes widened causing him too quickly make hand sighs before teleporting the pair of humans off to a safe area.

"Hmph, you would transport them away...once I've killed you I'll find those weaklings and finish what I've started" Suddenly red and blue particles formed beside Monahara before a figure manifested at his side.

"What is that?" he asked preparing for his next attack. Monahara smiled as the being took off for the powered-up hero.

"This warrior is a being of my own creation who also have the powers and abilities of all past fighters, you may think he's just a fusion of their souls or bodies but this warrior is his own person with the capabilities of nearly 50!" Michal took a deep breath as his new foe leapt into the air going for a punch, but right when they were about to connect their attacks, the being disappeared.

"By the way, if I had to give him a name...I'd say: Kilamara to make it similar to mine, now go kill the fool Kilamara and we can end this!"  The being with rainbow colored eyes and purple hair nodded as it emerged in a cloud of black smoke behind its target. The being's aura was multi colored seeming as if he were going to use multiple abilities at once. Just then He created a giant form of himself made completely out of his own energy, Michal had never seen such an ability but went on the attack.

The hero thought: "Since its only made from his inner power I should be able to break through it with enough hits" Michal put his hands together as if he were praying causing a ray of gold light to shot out from his entire body. Kilamara's aura absorbed the light with the glowing hand palm. While the state glowed with Michal's golden light, the hero landed on the ground before falling to his knees.        


H-how could one attack take so much out of me!?" The weakened advisory drifted up into the sky and used most of his energy to create a sphere of power the size of Pluto. "If this doesn't kill him, or even break the barrier then all is lost for this world" Michal shot the overwhelming attack in his target's direction and stayed there to keep the sphere going in the right location. The ball began to impact the overpowered enemy hitting the aura form head on...

After an incredible explosion, the warrior saw Kilamara's state was down and he was on his knees out of breath in a crater that was miles long. Even with dazed vision Michal planned a final blow when his combatant stood up quickly healing and his aura form coming back in seconds.

"D-damn-it" The dizzy fighter fell from his position towards the ground, but seconds before impact he managed to create a rift and fall into it, it immediately closed before the two enemies could follow...


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Sensual_Sage · Fantasy
203 Chs
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Volume 1


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