
Past Scars

Jared sat with his back against a tree, Emily asleep with her head on his lap, a smile on her soft face. Though the woods sheltered them in peaceful silence, Jareds mind was anything but.

In his head a debate was occuring, and he had no calmimg silence.

"You have to tell her at some point, Az, or I will. You wern't honest with her about our past...we haven't always gotten along the best, sure, but YOU know the real reason behind that and she deserves to know what happened to that girl..."

Azazels voice shouted in his head in fury, "What happened to Raewyn does not need to be discussed!"

There was momentary silence in their mind, before Jared spoke to Az once more while stroking Emily's head, looking down at her lovingly, "She deserves to know, brother. And I think...she will forgive you. We didnt know..."

Emily's eyes slowly fluttered open and she stretched and yawned, taking note of the darkening sky. She sat up and brushed her legs off. When she realized he was staring at her, rosy pink rushed to her cheeks. His silver eyes never left her, conflicted and pained as they were.

"What...is it?" she spoke softly, seeing concern in his eye, she rested her hand on his knee and scooted to rest her head on his shoulder. He didn't respond immedietly, but she waited patiently, giving him the time to process his thoughts. When he finally spoke his words were quiet and distant,

"There was...a girl before you, a girl that I was beginning to love. She was Jared's first love, but during their time together I had moments with her that made me want to be around her more. Her father was an elite in the Brotherhood and...he used her for money. She wanted to leave, and we had promised her a way out...

Of course at the time, Jared and I were younger, less knowledgable about what we were, and we didn't understand the importance of us working as one. I was jealous of their love, intervening whenever I had the chance to get a moment with her. She had never been told about me, never got to speak my name...and so I felt invisible in our body. My hatred for Jared weakened me, our equilibrium was hindered."

"When I started to realize I was losing my power I decided I had to end it, in place of Jared, whether he liked it or not. I needed my power...I was selfish, Em."

He looked at her with sorrow in his shining eyes and continued, his voice rough with regret, "He was going to meet her and take her away from here, away from her father. But I got him drunk so I could stay in control long enough to tell her we didnt want her. I was...vicious with my words. I made her believe we hated her...it was the only way I could keep her away."

He closed his eyes and clenched his fist at the memory, sighing deeply. After a long moment he spoke once more, "I...found her hanging from our favourite tree that night....she had dreamed of freedom for so long and we had promised her that, or atleast Jared had..and I ripped it away..I clipped her wings and it killed her..She couldn't face going back to her father and being used for profit again...so she ended it. That's...why I ended up gaining power from those men...using them as my source and..." his voice softened, "my attempt at redemption...for abandoning her.."

When he finished he hung his head, his shoulders shaking as he tried to hold back tears he refused to show. Emily's eyes gazed at him warmly, aching at the sight of this side of him, yet thankful that he had opened up to her.

She ran her fingers through his hair, deciding that silence was best for now, and waited for him to organize his feelings. When he had finally composed himself he looked back at her, "I don't want to hurt you, Em...I may not be emotionless, but I'm still a demon and I still think like one, I won't ever lose my instincts. What if the power becomes too important again? Or Jared and I can't find a balance and this doesn't work? I just feel like you shouldn't put yourself in danger hanging aro..."

Her finger gently pressed to his lips, sealing his words. Her voice was angelic and soothing, "I am not afraid of you, Az. Nor do I have any intention of backing down. Its normal to feel scared, especially after your experience...I am terribly sorry about Raewyn" She stroked his cheek in sympathy, "But neither of you knew how to control what you are, you didn't understand. Now you know more, and I am willing to try and help you both. When you think about it, you two don't really know your full potential, its possible that in finding your balance you may both be stronger."

Her words sunk in his head and he pondered the matter. He supposed she wasn't wrong...they were a beast not yet tamed, and they really had no way of knowing what that could truly become. He nodded to her.

"If you are...happy to stay, then I will do my best to be..." he paused for a moment, thinking, "..more human.."

She giggled at this and hugged him, making him tense slightly in surprise, "Don't try and be so human Az. That's the point here, right? You are not invisible to me, but neither is Jared. I acknowledge both the demon and the human within you. So don't focus so much on being more human, okay?" She thought for a moment and then added with a chuckle, "Be human-like atleast in terms on not killing everyone though, yeah?"

He smirked and shoved her playfully before standing from his spot against the tree and stretching, pulling her up from the ground. "We should really get you home babe."

Her cheeks immediately burned red and he smirked in amusement, "You're so funny, you blush at everything. I wonder how red I can get you later," He winked with a smirk and she turned away in embaressment.

"Behave yourself Az!"

"Oh now, you don't really want me to that do you?" He smacked her ass and laughed. The two joked as they walked back to the cabins, content in eachothers company.

* * *

-In a dark, cold chamber room made of jagged, dripping stone, a demon sat staring at a cloud of red smoke, the image of Azazel and Emily inside its haze. He tightened his grip on his staff and slammed his hand on the table,

"Damnit! That boy cannot be allowed to discover his capability. We have to get rid of that girl!!" He stood in a rush and charged out of the room, his thick black robe bellowing behind him.