
Lion and the Lamb

Emily stared up at the man, her body tensing as red flags went off in her head. He had called her a toy, twice now, his eyes were definitely not the shining blue she had seen before, and, although the man appeared to be the same one she knew as Jared, he had grown angry with her for calling him such, and said his name was Azazel. She couldn't help but feel like she was in danger now, and she regretted contacting him at all.

Growing bored with her blank staring, Az sighed and began pacing around her. "Well now, this isn't a very good start. You aren't amusing me at all, and I hate useless toys you know" he nodded matter-of-factly, raising his eyebrows up.

"I am not a toy!" She huffed angrily, "And...and I demand an explanation! If you're Azazel then who the hell is Jared? I mean you're both....you? Right? Or is this some game, are you twins?"

He laughed heartily in response, "Twins!? Absolutely not! I wouldn't say we are the same either, though, no. For the sake of not confusing your sweet little head", he paused momentarily to pat her curls, before continuing his steady walking around "let's just say...Jared and I share this body. I am the one that is intelligent, powerful, and incredibly good with the ladies", he winked as he said this and twisted his head to crack his neck, making a chill run up Emily's spine, "And Jared....well...he's good at getting drunk and playing the ridiculous act of being a perfect gentleman, but always manages to screw it up somehow. He's rather pathetic, if you ask me." He pulled a cigarette from his pocket and lit it, taking in a mouthful of smoke and blowing it above him, "Always so eager to woo the ladies but then clings to them like some sad little puppy, its embarrassing really. Anyway, he had his eyes on you, but chickened out when he realized you were a bit young, he isn't nearly as brave as I am when it comes to breaking the rules, so he made us keep our distance. But when you texted him he was extremely drunk, and that makes it far easier for me to take over. And so..." He stopped to take another puff and blew it out as he said the words, "here we are".

She scrunched her nose at the smell of the smoke lingering in the night air, " You know that stuff stinks, and it will kill you one day ".

"Darling, no offense, but PEOPLE stink." Emily's jaw dropped in offense and she began to argue before he continued, "And I disagree, little lamb, nothing kills me. I am far too good to die". He dropped the end of his cigarette and crushed it with his boot. " Now, I really don't like to have to say it more than once. Amuse me. I grow bored with this conversation and my patience wears thin". With that, he stopped directly in front of her, his boots coming to a halt and crunching the ground below them, his hands now crossed behind his back

After taking a moment to consider what was happening, she started to step back warily. "Look, I...should probably get back home. Before my mom starts to worry" she glanced behind her at the hill, gauging the distance before she reached the nearest houses, but they were far into the woods out here. Still, she had to try. He started towards her, shortening the distance between them and she moved back more quickly, and then turned and ran".

He watched her sprint for a moment, eyes shimmering as his lips curled up into a smirk. In a low, vicious voice, he said, "That's more like it", Before bending forward and running after her.

He caught up to her easily, she had only reached the innermost section of the woods and he had known she couldn't run fast enough to reach anyone. As he approached her, he grabbed her swiftly and spun her to face him, his sharp nails of his free hand scratching up her neck before wrapping into her hair and tugging her head back gently. He leaned forward and ran his tongue along her neck before biting softly, a pleasured sigh leaving Emily's trembling lips. Her hands still trying to push him off, but her emotions overwhelming her. He knew how little contact she had with people, and he knew she had been trying to catch his attention with her walkings lately around camp. "Well, not actually me", he thought to himself, " No...she had wanted Jared..but this ones mine!". As this thought went through his mind he bit down hard on her neck, drawing blood, pushing her to the ground, placing his knees at both sides around her hips. He ran a nail down her chest, cutting into her just enough to sting. His eyes watched hers, grinning as he saw the panic sink in".

Adrenaline rushing now, Emily began writhing beneath him and shouting,"Get off me!!!" and hitting his chest in defense, but his hands quickly grabbed her wrists. She began to sob, her breathing quick and panicked as he brought his face down to hers, and whispered darkly, "And so the lion fell in love with the lamb...."

She screamed and kicked and then he went still, straightening back upright. Her eyes were pressed tightly closed as she waited for what was to come. But nothing did. She opened them slowly and saw him timidly backing off of her, eyes wide in shock, tears forming in his now blue eyes. He began saying, "Fuck.... fuck....not you....not Emily....FUCK, Az WHY?? Why her...." He let out a furious scream, hands gripping his hair as he fell to his knees. Emily wanted to run, but...this wasn't the same person, was it? In body, but not in mind.

She slowly stood and approached him, shaking now on his knees, she reached out to touch his shoulder. He pushed her hand away and shouted, "Stay away from me, Emily. Please just...stay away" and with that, he ran.

Please feel free to message me input or suggestions. I appreciate feedback. Thank you to anyone currently reading my story, I hope to continue to improve

evethrialcreators' thoughts
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