
New Start

"Why does this always happen to me?"

"Why is everyone in a relationship, but me? Like no one ever got interested in me and I'm always going to be alone." Ade inquires.

"Even my online date decided am not worth it. I was quite happy being alone still people started nagging"

"Why don't you have a boyfriend?" "Why are you single?" "Do you have boyfriend?" "Do you live being alone?" "Don't you feel lonely?" She mocks.

"That jerk, why didn't he message me if he wasn't able to make it" Ade scoffed.

"Is it my attitude? Did I come off rude? Whatever it is his lost" she remarked

Her alarm chimed 1am. Time for bed, she has an early appointment tomorrow with her dentist at 9 am.

The next morning arrived with a slight throbbing at the back of her skull that mocked her for having one too many glasses of wine. She peeked at her clock, it was 11am, her eye flew wide open, and she is late.

"Forget about it. I will reschedule."

"I must be lonely, why am I always talking to myself"

"Yep, it time to adopt some cat, only I am allergic to fur"

Her phone rang.
