

"I'm such a nitwit," she said. "I shouldn't have agree to the date and —"

Her thought was interrupted by the knocking on her car window.

"Ma'am you can't park here." An angry woman glared at Ade

"I know, I just need a moment" answered Ade. Her date failed to show up and she totally embarrassed herself at the restaurant.

She felt like a mess and look like a mess. She was briefly blinded by a car headlight in front of her car. "Damn, would you mind turning off your headlight? Do you want to blind me? What is wrong with people? Why is your full headlight on in the city?"

It time for her to leave. She drove to her apartment complex with a huge headache and empty stomach. The moment she stepped outside her car, the smells and sounds of Dallas embraced her. She pushed through the revolving door of the lobby. Wanting to make the best of the remaining night, she slipped into her favorite BT21 Koya pajama and turned on her Korean drama.

For a night, like this Korean drama solves it all. Korean drama are well made. She love watching Korean dramas, it was her college friend who suggested to watch boys over flowers for the first time and since from then she has been a great fan of k dramas. In most Kdrama, there is no shortcut to love, there is no place for lust, unlike Hollywood, where two people meet for the first time and next second they are kissing. In Kdrama, the characters have a control on their emotions, they take time to build relationships and trust.

But tonight was different, she doesn't want to indulge in delusional perfect love rather she turned on "Hello Counselor". It is a program that brings attention to regular people and their life stories. In the end, the concern is also evaluated or voted on by the audience in terms of whether or not they think it is a valid or "worthy" concern. Unfortunately, the advice given on the show reinforces deeply-rooted societal roles and expectations. Like there were a couple concerns where a child was ostracized for her unique colored eyes. Another child had premature grey hair, while a man got discriminated over his tanned skin & he's a Korean for goodness sakes.

The thing she hate with the many patriarchal concerns is that the jerk gets a free pass cause of his good looks huh WTF🙄 or if the other person pays for the other person's expenses, they (the recipient) should be obedient & compliant to whatever the other person do/says😒 Even if it includes abuse.

She don't like how the panel keep shushing a man/woman who's obviously in need of comfort but they brush it off as a case of too "emotional".

"Lee Young-ja always gives the best advice and the most realist of the panel...The last man was frustrating, I wonder if he will really keep his word... I'm surprised their situation didn't get more votes. Addiction is a serious problem."

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