
The lost explorer

"What are you doing?"

The girl stopped and looked at him with a neutral look.

Atlas felt a little confused that a little girl could maintain such an expressionless face, but considering that he knew something strange was happening in the castle, he didn't think much of it.

Seeing that the girl did not answer him, Atlas asked another question: "How long was I asleep?"

The girl turned her head and looked out the window. Atlas did the same only to realize that it was night again.

'Ugh... I feel disoriented'

Atlas sat on the sofa while the girl jumped a little and sat next to him without stopping to look at him, but without saying a single word.

Looking around her curiously, Atlas once again looked at the girl.

"Do you know how I got here?"

The girl shook her head, then she stopped looking at him and began to move her legs idly without reaching the floor.

Atlas sighed and simply ignored her.

'I have to go back to the inn...'

Atlas stood up, and upon seeing him, the girl gained momentum and with another jump she stood up. He narrowed his eyes, but said nothing and headed towards the door leaving the room. Behind him, the girl followed him with silent steps.

Atlas began walking through the hallways looking for an exit, and a little after 20 minutes later he came to a large door completely open. Atlas did not hesitate and he left the castle quickly breathing the pure air outside.

As it was night there were few lights on, but Atlas didn't care and continued walking, only for the girl to grab his coat again, stopping him.

Atlas turned and looked at the girl, who, although she still maintained an emotionless face, seemed to have a hint of fear in her eyes.

"I have to go, and you should go back to your family"

Although it was unclear, it was quite likely that the girl was a relative of the emperor. Atlas was even surprised that no one was looking out for her.

"N-no one…" the girl murmured, but she did not continue with her prayer, instead she let go of Atlas and ran back into the castle.

Atlas remained silent, then a couple of seconds later he turned and began walking into the darkness of the night.

A while later, Atlas arrived at the inn, and after greeting the administrator, he headed to his room. There, Faun and Adoh were sleeping peacefully, but Atlas was not tired at all, as if he had slept too much, so just checking that they were okay, he left the inn and headed towards the exit of the city.

'I need to clear my head...'

Atlas summoned the [Maiden's Cloak] and walked through the streets still full of people as always.

Everything was completely normal, everyone was happy going about their lives without problems and worries, but suddenly Atlas heard a nearby scream.

He was close enough to alert everyone around, but no one seemed to think much of it and they continued with their own business.

However, Atlas could not ignore such a scream.

Since he arrived in the capital, no, since he arrived in the empire, he had never heard anyone scream, at least not a cry of pain like that of barely.

Without hesitation, Atlas entered a secondary street in search of whoever had screamed, and walking down street after street, he finally arrived at the place.

Behind a two-story house, there was a man lying on the ground holding his own stomach tightly while a wide pool of blood spread around him. The man was still alive, but seeing the amount of blood around him, he was pretty clear that he didn't have many minutes left to live.

Atlas looked at him from afar, but as soon as he saw the uniform he was wearing under his cloak, he knew he had to save him.

'It is the uniform of the explorers of the kingdom'

It was at that moment that a severe headache attacked him, forcing him to hold his head to endure the pain.


Various memories began to appear in his mind.

'Explorers who never returned...? '

The image of a deserted fortress appeared in his mind with the memory of the conversation he had with Mika a month ago when they crossed the border.

Those memories clashed with his current memories as they did not coincide in the slightest. But Atlas had no time to organize his memories when one of the lost explorers was bleeding to death near him.

Quickly, Atlas approached the explorer and took out a potion that he kept in his ring and forced the explorer to take it even if he was half unconscious.

Atlas doubted he could save him seeing the severity of his injuries, but at least he could wake him up and find answers.

As soon as the potion passed down the explorer's throat, he coughed painfully while his saliva mixed with blood, then he opened his eyes in surprise and when he saw Atlas, he grabbed him by the collar of his cloak and shouted: "Everyone is going to die! Most of them are already soulless bodies!"

Atlas was shocked by the sudden information.

"Calm down and tell me what happened to you"

"There is no time! This place is doomed, I have to report it!"

At that moment the explorer coughed up blood again, only this time it was much worse.

Without having to tell him anything, the explorer himself knew that he did not have much time to live. His eyes, which were losing more and more brightness, focused on Atlas. With effort and pain, the explorer took out a paper that he kept inside his cloak and handed it to Atlas.

"T-there… you have to go there and take my report to the captain at the border"

Atlas looked at the paper and then looked at the man again, but he had gone completely still and his eyes were staring at the wall behind Atlas lifelessly.

Atlas gulped holding the paper in his hand, then he closed the explorer's eyes and stood up quickly.

'What the hell is going on in this place?'



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