

James is just a normal high school boy until he meets a criminal and kills it. Now he's on the run. In those runs, he met some people who have superpowers, and learned the truth that was hidden from them, those who are just a normal person.

Mr_Seeker · Realistic
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39 Chs

Day Off Thought

I went back after I got interrogated. When I reached the front desk, I got swarmed by my fellow staff. In a situation like this, it gave me déjà vu. And how funny, not long ago they avoided my gaze, but now they're swarming me some questions.

"Ok that's enough. All of you, back to work. Don't bother the guy."

The crowd were returning to their place after Ms. Alice butting in.

"Thanks Ms. Alice."

"So, what do they do?"

"Oh that? They–"


Ms. Alice looks at Sam.

"Shin, let's talk there."


Ms. Alice and I walk away from the front desk. But before not getting that far, I look at Sam, and she seems frustrated.

While walking, we came across the Imperium.

"Sir, ma'am, thanks for coming." Ms. Alice said as she lowered her head.

"We're going to leave now." The lady said while the guy just walked past us.

Before continuing to walk, we waited for them to be gone. When they're already gone, we continue walking.

Ms. Alice and I are walking until…

"So continue."

Ms. Alice said that after getting far from the front desk. We're in the hallway right now, in the middle of the way from the front desk to the elevator.

"They ask me a bunch of questions while being blindfolded and holding my head."

"Blindfolded? Holding your head?"

"Yes. I don't know what that's for."


Ms. Alice becomes quiet as she holds her chin.

"Ms. Alice?"


Ms. Alice seems to be thinking something.

"What did they ask you?"

After some long silence, Ms. Alice already said something.

"They asked me about the case."

"That's all?"


"They didn't do anything after interrogation?"

"None. They just let me leave."

"Just like that?"

"Yes, just like that."

Ms. Alice holds her chin again and returns to its thoughts.

"I need to report this to boss. But before that, Shin, I have something to tell you."

"What is it, Ms. Alice?"

"Don't tell this to anyone."

"Ok, got it."

"Then I have to go now. Oh wait, I forgot to tell you. Today, Monday, is your day off."

Then Ms. Alice walked away and rode the elevator. While I decided to go back to the front desk.

"Hey Sam." I said after reaching the front desk.

"Oh, hello."

"You seem angry."


"From me."

"You? No, no."

"Then why did you look frustrated a while ago?"

"Is it obvious?"

"Yea, it's in your face."

"It's kinda rude when you say that."

"Sorry… then why look mad?"

"That b*tch…"


"Who else? That manager is with you."

"Ms. Alice?"

"Yea, that b*tch."


"I really can't take that b*tch. A while ago, she gave me a cold stare. I really despise her."

"She just doesn't want someone to hear what Ms. Alice and I will talk about."

"You're siding with her?!"

"No, you misunderstood me. I'm saying she has a reason"

"No, not only that. She's already cold towards me, before you started working here."


"I think she particularly hates me."


"Huh? I thought Ms. Alice only hates men?"

"Yea… but for some reason she's cold towards me. And I realize that I'm the only one being hated among the girls."

"Back then, I asked you if she hated you, and you said not."

"Her hatred for men and the coldness to me were different. So… I'm not sure if she hates me."

"...then what do you think is the reason?"

"I don't know… Aah! Enough talking about that! You, you, seem not to be wearing your uniform."

"That, I just woke up. Then why are you not going up and change?"

"Oh well, about that… today is my day off."

"Ohoh… is that so…? Then…"

Sam waves her hand up and down.


"Your ear, come close."


"I have something to tell you."

"Then why not say it out loud."

"Just lend me your ear."


I moved closer my head to her then as her lips were close to my ear, hearing her lewdly breath, and whispered, "When it's already break… come to my room…" with a lewd tone.

I gulped after hearing that.

She moved away from my ear.

"Fufu, got turned on?" She said.

"Ah, eh, ih, aheha…"

"Remember, later break."

"Aheha, a, e, ah…" I slowly walk away from the desk.

I decided to head up and eat breakfast.

To be honest, I'm super turned on. So… before going to the canteen, I went to my room and took a shower(busting some nuts).

As I enter the bath, open the shower, hold the soap, then start cleansing my head, arms, upper body, especially DOWN there.

1… 2… 3…

♪♪Rubbing there, Rubbing that, Rubbing this. RubRubRub, as it heats as I Rub. Up, down, up, as I move my hand. Feeling good as I do like that.♪♪

♪♪RubRubRub, as I Rub that white. Sliding on is good like that. RubRubRub, Rubbing it like that. Rubbing it more until…♪♪



After showering and wearing clothes, I went to the canteen. When I entered the canteen, no one's there except a girl eating.

If I remember, she's the girl in the bathroom when it was my first day. I forgot her name, I think it starts with letter L, something. But to remember such a day, I still wonder why she's in the men's bathroom? She said she can't hold her pee anymore, but the men's bathroom and women's bathroom are just literally beside each other. Her reason is far-fetched. Maybe she's a pervert.


She noticed me staring at her. As our eyes met, she became embarrassed(?) and tilted her head down.

Enough staring at her and getting some food.

I went to the serving area, got some food, and sat at a table far from her. After I sat down, she immediately stood up, brought her plate to a basket, and left the canteen.

"Is she avoiding me?" I sighed. "Enough thinking, time to eat."

After I ate, put my plates in the basket, and left. I went to the living room to spend my day watching TV. When I entered the room, the girl was there watching.



[This morning, there's a dead body found at this love hotel.]

The girl looks at me as we stare at each other awkwardly silently while the sound of news running in the background.

I went further inside and sat far from her. But this time she didn't leave and silently watch the TV.

She and I just watch quietly, no conversation at all. We're watching News right now.

I sighed. "Another murder case again?"


I said something, and she didn't react at all.

[The victim was an executive director at Maximum Co.]


As the news showed the picture of the victim, I felt that I had seen that guy.

"Isn't that guy…"

From yesterday…?

Didn't that guy, a guest last night, fought Mr. Logan? Why is he dead now?

Was Mr. Logan the one who killed the guy?

"You know that person?"

While I'm thinking, She finally said something.

"No… I just feel like I have seen him somewhere. Maybe on the TV."

"Is that so?..."

This girl… is she suspecting me? Did she think I'm the killer? I hope not. If she reports this to boss, then… will they lower my salary?

"I have something to do." I said and left the room.

When I left the room, I immediately went down to ask Mr. Logan.

I didn't go straight to the dining area, I went to the kitchen instead. I used the way for the staff only to go to the kitchen.

"Elin!" I said when I entered the kitchen.

All the kitchen staff were looking at me.

"What is it, Shin?"

I went close to her and asked, "Where's Mr. Logan?"

"Dad is out there in the dining area. Why?"

"I have something to ask Mr. Logan."

"What is it? Let me ask him instead."

"No, I have to ask him myself."


At perfect timing.

"Perfect timing, Jessica, can you call Dad here?"

The waitress yesterday, Jessica just entered here then Elin asked her to call Mr. Logan.


She accepted it and went outside to call Mr. Logan.

Mr. Logan entered.

"What is it, Elin?"

"Shin has something to say."

Mr. Logan looked at me.

"What is it?"

"Mr. Logan, what did you do last night?"


"A while ago, I saw in the news that the guest you fought yesterday was got murder."

"That bastard?"

"Are you the one who killed him?"

"Shin, are you accusing my dad?" Elin spoke.

"No. I just want some confirmation."

"I know I fought that bastard yesterday, but I'm not the one who killed him."

"Is that so?... then who is?"

"Where did the guy got murdered?" Elin asked.

"At some love hotel."

"Love hotel? Did some woman kill him?" Mr. Logan said.

"How's that connected to us?" Elin said.

"It's just… its coincidence that he got murder after visiting here." I said.

"Did he died last night?" Elin asked.

"I don't know. After I heard this in the news, I immediately went here."

"The night was long, so maybe it has nothing to do with us."

"But… it's too much of a coincidence."

Just like mine.

"The guy died at the love hotel, right? Means, women is a murderer." Elin said.

Women? Perhaps the waitress did it?

"Enough thinking of it, you two. Hope it, It's nothing to do with us." Mr. Logan said.