
cHAPTER oNE: Mrs. Sweet

"Too much sweetness can get you crazy..."

Children are born as hard as steel. They know nothing about the reality of the world, things that can loose their minds and break them apart . While those who look after these children, they are the fragile ones. With a single cry, a baby can call the ears of every adult within the range of its crying voice.

Then again, there are babies born with a hollow shell of a body. There is one, an evidence that such things exist. This one, however, will not take it easy to anyone who will dare lay their hands on its soft body. This infant, I saw it tear the flesh from the jugular of its care taker while the other night, the new babysitter got roasted alive in the huge oven. Such terror, this child brought on us. But why do we feel the sense of fear, when we ourselves are born of darkness, and this baby knows no such immensity our powers can reach.

One day the infant, crawled to my kitchen. and then she hands me an empty plate, asking for a cookie by pointing at the jar. I dont spoil children, but after a couple of hours, I stare at my face in the mirror, my smooth and white skin, covered with multiple scars. Filthy child it is.

Its still fresh, the words she said to me after she repeatedly slashed my face.

"I want to see that smile from your face."

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