
Bitter Fight

"Most people would not realize this soon enough but you should know that although this is a game, it is still in essence, another form of reality." Oron explained to him

"You can feel a wide range of emotions and also, your actions affect the characters and cause equal reactions. Basically, apart from the fact that you can grow stronger at an abnormally fast rate, and see places not available in the other world, everything else is the same." He finished his explanation.

Rastel looked confused for a moment before realization slowly dawned on him.

Although this was a game, it was virtual reality! Even though he still felt uncomfortable using his character and wasn't used to it yet, he could still perform actions that he could usually in the real world.

"Fighting something stronger than you would force you to acclimatize with your body much faster since it would speed up your brain's reaction due to fear" the old man laughed.

Rastel slit his eyes at the old man. He could have found an easier way for him to do this but he had to use this instead.

"Okay go on now. If the situation gets too dire, Mary here might save you. But that depends on her mood doesn't it, Mary?" Oron was still laughing.

Rastel looked hopelessly at Mary who had pulled up a book from her inventory, causally flipping the pages as she read indifferently.

'It doesn't look like she has any intention of saving me at all!' He sighed wearily as he turned to face the wolf only to see it already charging at him!

'So fast!' he quickly raised an earth wall to block it off.

The wolf reacted by darting to the left and lunging for his stomach.

'A simple lunge should not be a problem.' he thought as he sidestepped to the right hoping to dodge only to see the wolf coming at him faster than he could move.

'Shit! My agility is too low!'

He quickly activated lightning blast as he smacked down on the approaching beast's head.



Even though he got the wolf, it still chomped down on him albeit less hard than it intended to.

50 points of his HP drained out Instantly.

"If you don't deal with that quick enough, you'll bleed to death." Oron chipped in from the side.

"I know! Damnnit old man!" Rastel hurriedly backed away from the stunned wolf while desperately casting Insta heal.

Things like bites could inflict a bleeding status and he didn't have any physical resistance whatsoever right now.

The wolf shook Its head as it recovered and snarled at him. The attack only took 27 points out of its 300 HP, barely 10%.

'This is gonna be tough' he stared back at it grimly.

The wolf growled as it slowly circled him, keeping a distance of about 5 meters as it looked for an opening to attack. It was now cautious of this being who shocked it badly before.

Rastel was following the wolf's movement before gritting his teeth as he suddenly made a decision and dashed towards the wolf.

The wolf also sprinted forwards with its superior speed, easily crossing over 2 meters in an Instant.


Rastel suddenly stopped when they were almost a meter apart and launched a fire slash!

The wolf was moving too fast and couldn't dodge the attack.


Its face took the brunt of the impact as the smell of burnt fur escaped into the air. Rastel then followed it with a fire ball and brought out his dagger as he kept charging towards the wolf.

He had never used his dagger since he started the game.

The wolf was surprisingly able to recover quickly enough to dodge the fire ball. It lunged at Rastel baring Its teeth, aiming for his throat.

Rastel quickly used his knife to block the lunge to give him enough time to smoothly sidestep the attack.

He launched an earth pillar at the wolf's side, sending it flying a few meters away and slamming into a tree.

He had to finish this as quickly as possible. Although the SVN reduced pain to only 50%, the previous bite still hurt like hell!

Even though he had cast Insta heal which increased his HP, it still decreased by -2 per second due to the bleeding effect.

A total of 100 HP was Instantly deducted leaving the wolf with 171. The wolf got up enraged!

It sprinted towards Rastel at top speed aiming low this time.

Rastel was ready. He also ran towards the wolf, flipping up at the last second over the surprised wolf. And launching a fire ball straight into Its back!


The wolf yelped pitifully as it felt the searing pain on Its back. At the end of the day, it was just a beast. It had no mana to give it any resistances or skills and only had to rely on physical strength.

It lost 80 HP from the fire blast and was already planning on retreating. It could not continue fighting with its injuries, but Rastel was not about to let it go.

He immediately turned as he landed and got in a few stabs into Its back which dealt only -10 damage. He only got in four stabs when the wolf's aura suddenly changed!

The wolf was originally planning on running away, but seeing that it might not be able to escape with Its life, it decided to go all out. It would take this foe down with it!

The wolf snapped Its head back and managed to get Rastel by surprise grabbing his ankle with Its teeth and flinging him away.


He flew and slammed hard into the ground losing his dagger in the process, his HP left at 37 points.

"Shit that hurt!" he gritted his teeth at the pain.

He raised his head only to see the wolf bearing down on him with open jaws. He quickly rolled over, narrowly dodging Its fangs and consecutively blasting it with a water stream.

The water blasted the wolf a few meters back leaving it sore, wet and angrily glaring at Rastel as he stood up and faced the wolf.

The wolf snarled Its teeth at him angrily as he tried to feel his broken bones in his body.

"Come on, what are you waiting for" he smiled at it wearily.

The wolf snarled once more as it tensed up its muscles and made a great leap into the air aiming for Rastel's face. It wanted to overwhelm him with pure size and strength.

Rastel seeing this was strangely calm. He quickly arranged his pose, putting his right foot first and stretching out his arms forward just in time to grab the wolf's front paws as it reached him.

Lightning blast!

He activated the skill as he grabbed the wolf stunning it as he sidestepped while directing the wolf's powerful lunge over him before slamming it hard into the ground!


Small clumps of earth tore out of the ground as the wolf's body smashed into it. It let out an agonizing yelp as Its HP zeroed out and it died immediately, granting Rastel numerous exp.







His exp bar filled up to half of LVL 5 before it stopped. Rastel gave out a long sigh as he fell to the floor tired.

Oron walked over smiling down at him handing him a potion.

"Not bad! You did far better than I expected!" He chuckled.

"Thanks" Rastel muttered as he swallowed the warm red liquid in one gulp.

"That last move you did was amazing, some martial arts perhaps?" he looked inquiringly


"Mhmm, quite useful when facing an opponent stronger than you."

"Yeah, yeah it is" Rastel answered feeling quite energetic as he stood up fully recovered.

Potions were really amazing. He recovered all that damage in an Instant.

"So now that you've reached LVL 5, I know you're wondering what I meant by saying you'll get a subclass" Oron asked with a chuckle.

He nodded. Subclasses couldn't be gotten unless you were in town, that was an undeniable fact, unless-

"Before we get to that though tell me, what do you know about dungeons?"

Next chapter