
Chapter: 141

It was a spacious room with an oversized bed, much too large for a single person, positioned against the wall in front of the entrance door.

A table stood at the foot of the bed with two large couches on both sides. Just above the table hung a grand chandelier-like light source that harnessed natural profound energy to create illumination.

Despite their disinterest in material possessions, prominent families enjoyed displaying their wealth and noble status. Whether cultivators or not, everyone took pride in the distinctiveness of their home architecture and design.

For instance, the Royal Hall was adorned with gold domes despite the fact that gold held no value whatsoever for an expert. It was akin to stone for them, something they could acquire in abundance, unlike mortals who couldn't cultivate ordinary gems and ornaments that could cost them their lives; experts could obtain them with ease.

Yun Che reclined on the couch, as its softness seemed almost eager to envelop its occupants. He couldn't help but commend the maker; they must have invested considerable time and effort into crafting the couch for maximum comfort. Even in his previous life, Yun Che couldn't recall sitting on a more comfortable couch.

His hands encircled the slender waist of the raven-haired woman, resting above her lean, soft stomach, easily discernible due to the nightgown she wore.

Her raven hair cascaded freely around her shoulders, falling and concealing her still developing chest; despite this, it was a sight that would evoke envy in most girls.

Yun Che leaned in, his face partially buried in her luxuriant, fragrant hair that carried an exquisite scent to his nose and skin.

"Husband," a soft, almost hypnotic voice emanated from beside him, carrying a hint of coldness yet primarily saturated with pure love and tenderness.

"Hm. It's good." Yun Che nodded with a radiant smile, gazing into the icy-blue eyes of the woman seated next to him. A self-assured smile graced her pale countenance, along with luscious cherry-plum lips. Much like the woman on his lap, pressing against his arousal with her heavenly soft and perky buttocks, the woman beside him also surpassed mortal beauty standards.

Her head was crowned with raven hair, completely unrestrained and cascading over her two ample mounds, slightly visible beneath her icy nightgown.

She crossed one bare leg over the other, further stoking the desires of men with their beguiling smoothness and softness.

"I crafted it with Mother," a faint blush tinted her pale cheeks, and her eyes softened. "She said a good wife not only needs to be strong to support her husband, but also must ensure she pleases her husband in every way."

"I'm pleased to see you bonding with my mother, Little Fairy."

"I spent most of my life isolated from the world, focused solely on cultivation. I lack experience in relationships, so Mother decided to guide me in this aspect."

Yun Che chuckled. His hand reached for her face and tenderly caressed it.

"Even if you remain unchanged, my love for you will endure."

"I know." Yuechan responded, closing her eyes. The warm touch of her husband seemed to tempt her to linger in that embrace forever. "Yuechan wished to spend time with husband before accepting Founder Bingyun's offer and journeying to the Snow Song Realm."

"Indeed, you're already in the Sovereign Profound Realm. The Snow Song Realm is the ideal place for you to further enhance your strength." Yun Che smiled, then tightened his grasp on Qingyue in his lap, his hand sinking into her abdomen. "Qingyue too. You've always aspired to visit the God Realm. Are you excited?"

Qingyue gently shook her head. Lifting her head upright, her hair cascaded away from her face, revealing Yun Che's chin in her line of sight.

"Is Husband not accompanying Qingyue?"

Her onyx crystal gaze, untainted by earthly superficialities and desires, her perfect nose, and particularly her moist cherry lips; all of it instantaneously captured Yun Che's attention.

He leaned in, causing the raven-haired woman to close her eyes, and sealed her lips. He tenderly sucked on her upper lip, velvety and delectable, then her lower lip, the sound of their kissing and sucking reverberating louder than ever in the hushed room before they eventually parted, both left with a trace of the encounter.

He observed her eyes glazing over, slightly misty, her ample bosom rising and falling behind her nightgown, her two soft, perky nipples subtly outlined beneath it.

His hand ascended from her abdomen, gently caressing the front of her neck, once again prompting the raven-haired woman to close her eyes and exhale softly, savoring her husband's touch to the fullest.

He leaned down and placed gentle kisses on her cheeks, then her neck, and exhaled tenderly.

"I will accompany you as well. Yet, I have certain matters to attend to in this realm. Once those are settled, I too will venture to the God Realm."

"Mng." Qingyue emitted a soft moan as Yun Che nuzzled her shoulder lightly. "Then Qingyue will await husband."

"Well then, for now, let's savor this night together."

Instantly, isolation barriers manifested throughout his chamber, the sound of impassioned moans and insatiable desire filled the air, enveloping the room in fervent heat and the fragrance of sensual pleasure.


Yun Che had allowed all his wives to enter the God Realm, if they wanted, with Mu Bingyun. Though most had a fighting style and cultivation techniques vastly different from what the Snow Song Realm used, they could still use its facilities to further improve their cultivation faster; something that the Blue Pole Star lacked.

After introducing them to his parents, he also took a small part of their souls and saved them into his inventory in case anything might happen to them; it was better to be safe than sorry.

"For Cang Yue though, I wonder if I can get the Sword Saint to take her as his disciple. From what I remember, he is considered the strongest sword user in the whole Primal Chaos with only a single disciple."

Yun Che's skills obviously allowed him to wield the sword at the divine level without any problem, but the same was not true for Cang Yue or his wives. Even if he gave them skills through [Teacher], they only reached half of their full potential.

They needed a solid teacher to further teach them and to gain a deeper understanding to reach their maximum potential.

The thought of teaching them himself was there, but he squashed it. With how he found himself hard-pressed to not pounce on his wives when they were in front of him, he knew most training would end up with him training his wives into something completely different. It was better to find someone who could wholeheartedly teach them.

"I also need to have a small talk with Bingyun. Sounds fun." Remembering the pink-haired woman who was the very personification of otherworldliness, he couldn't help but laugh to himself. "It will be fun."

"This empress said she has nothing to talk about with you. This empress is busy, you may leave."

He stood in front of the massive door that led to Huan Caiyi's private quarters with a wry smile.

After his wives went back to the Profound Sky Continent this morning, he decided to visit Huan Caiyi, but he did not expect to be met with a cold wall instead.

He remembered that though Huan Caiyi herself never showed many emotions, she was a very possessive woman who would easily get jealous; one of the main reasons why she married Yun Che in the original and went out to meet him was because she got jealous, extremely jealous when he started to hang around with the women from the Twelve Guardian Family.

He did not find it surprising when she declined to meet him.

"I didn't expect my Little Empress to get jealous so easily." Yun Che's teasing remark was met with the full-blown pressure of a Half-Step Divine Realm as a voice, slightly annoyed and mostly embarrassed, came from the other side of the door.

"As if this empress would ever be jealous of you spending time with your wives."

"But I never said you are jealous because of that. So you are jealous after all."

"Leave!" This time, her voice came out more aggressive than before, causing Yun Che to chuckle. If there was anyone who wasn't afraid of her, then that would be him.

"Make me."

"..." Silence instantly engulfed the private chambers of Huan Caiyi before a voice full of indignation came from behind. "What do you want? This empress really is busy."

"Of course I want to spend time with my future wife. Is there a problem with that?" Suddenly, Yun Che sighed. "Alas, my wife doesn't want to meet me. Heaven really is cruel. Maybe I should go back to the comfort of my other wives."

"Then scram! Don't waste this empress's time."

Yun Che's brow twitched.

'The line was supposed to have a different reaction…'

He sighed.

"Whatever. I am coming in." Without waiting for a reply, he pushed open the doors, and the view of Huan Caiyi in her broth suit appeared in front of his eyes.

A blank expression formed over his face as he stared at Huan Caiyi's naked body, her hands touching her chest as a small herbal medicine was placed beside her.

He blinked before he cursed internally.

'Shit. I forgot she had a chest complex!'

Huan Caiyi's eyes widened, to an inexplicable level before—"WHO GAVE YOU PERMISSION TO ENTER THIS EMPRESS'S CHAMBER!"

Indeed, this was going to be another fantastic day in his life...


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