
Single Stat System

Because of his greed in his past life, Sakim suffered his karma that even the System in the afterlife only gave him a single stat available to be invested. What even worse is that the stat available is Vitality stat. He can still accept it if it's Strength stat but how can he possibly level up in this freakishly Vitality stat?! *** Author's Note: The cover is not mine C: This is actually my favorite character in all times haha. Guess who...?

Jimar_Jemar · Games
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107 Chs

Combo Attack

[Agila: Sorry leader. But I saw that that guy was trying to feed you something. So to prevent it...]

[Julius: F*ck! Then why the hell did you shoot me instead of him?]

[Agila: That guy will only evade my bullet. And I don't want to waste my mana anymore that's why I chose you. After all, you cannot move right now, making you a perfect target. Please understand...]

[Julius: F*ck! What do you mean by that? Are you trying to get on my nerves?]

[Agila: Besides, I didn't use Explosive Bullet this time. You may notice it already but what I just used is my Bullet Push.]
