
012 Take back everything that belongs to her_1

Translator: 549690339

As Gu Bichen left, a large number of the onlookers, who were patients, followed him. The police officers who had received the call arrived to understand the situation, and the remaining people explained roughly what had happened, each adding their own comments.

"Young people these days are so heartless," they said, "he just let his own wife stand up there all alone. He wasn't even happy when she didn't jump. Marrying this kind of man would be like suffering a curse for eight generations."

"Officer, does forcing someone to jump off a building count as attempted murder? If it does, you should arrest him. This kind of scum is a menace to society when they're alive."

A group of indignant women grabbed the police officer and complained at length. Rong Nian looked at Jiang Xi, who was crying with her lips as pale as her face, and grabbed Xie Jianan.

Xie Jianan leaned in, and Rong Nian whispered in his ear, "Send the police away, and the onlookers too."

At times like these, no matter whether those people were just there for the show or genuinely sympathized with Jiang Xi, their idle chatter added insult to Jiang Xi's already injured emotions.

After glancing at Jiang Xi, who was crying pitifully, Xie Jianan cursed Gu Bichen in his heart, then obediently went to handle the police.

The police had already roughly understood the situation. Seeing that the person involved was all right, and considering Rong Nian's identity, they didn't probe further. They gave them a nominal scolding for not wasting police resources and then left with their team.

Xie Jianan sent the police away and dispelled the overly curious patients. Now, only the four of them were left on the rooftop.

Jiang Xi cried her heart out, and her emotions gradually stabilized. After releasing her feelings in an outburst a moment ago, she now calmed down and felt somewhat embarrassed as her rationality returned.

She sniffled, her cheeks still wet with tears, "Jiujiu, do you have a tissue?"

Qin Jiu hastily searched her pockets, but suddenly, a clean handkerchief was handed over, carrying a faint scent of sandalwood. As they instinctively looked up, they realized Rong Nian hadn't left.

Meeting Rong Nian's eyes, Jiang Xi felt a momentary suffocation and embarrassment, and she stood there, forgetting how to react.

Rong Nian leaned down slightly, extending the handkerchief toward Jiang Xi, "Take it."

Having no pockets in her dress, Qin Jiu obviously couldn't produce a tissue. Jiang Xi had to accept the handkerchief and awkwardly thanked him.

Rong Nian's gaze fell quietly on Jiang Xi's face.

Her little face was red from crying, her eyelids swollen and shiny, and her nose was also tinged with red. She wiped her tears with the handkerchief, and the light sandalwood scent lingered at her nose.

She felt very uncomfortable inside. Today's incident was truly mortifying, especially since it had been witnessed by DouDou's classmate's father. She had no idea what he would think of her.

He probably thought she was crazy.

The more Jiang Xi thought about it, the more embarrassed she became. She couldn't even lift her head, thinking of how she had been at her most disheveled in front of others. Despite her normally thick skin, she struggled to face this socially mortifying scene.

Would it still work if she pretended to faint now?

Jiang Xi decided to faint, closing her eyes and leaning against Qin Jiu, "fainting" completely.

"Jiang Xi, Jiang Xi?" Qin Jiu shook Jiang Xi frantically, and in the next second, the person in her arms was scooped up by Rong Nian.

The sudden feeling of weightlessness frightened Jiang Xi into opening her eyes, glimpsing the man's smooth jawline and pronounced Adam's apple. She swallowed back the cry of surprise that nearly escaped her lips and quickly closed her eyes again to continue feigning unconsciousness.

A soft chuckle sounded by her ear. Jiang Xi kept her eyes tightly shut, not willing to open them even though she realized he was mocking her cowardice, unwilling to embarrass herself further.

Qin Jiu was startled for a moment, then quickly got up from the ground. Without bothering to dust herself off, she hurried to catch up with Rong Nian.

Xie Jianan was waiting at the door when he saw his brother carrying Jiang Xi over. Jiang Xi looked so small in Rong Nian's arms, her figure very frail.

"Brother, what's wrong with Miss Jiang, did she faint from fright?"

Rong Nian responded with a faint "Hmm" and said little else, feeling the person in his arms was as light as if she had no weight at all.

The four returned to the ward, the corridor quiet and still, the patients all having retired to their own rooms to sleep.

Rong Nian placed Jiang Xi on the bed and noticed her trembling eyelashes. A smile curved on his lips as Qin Jiu, standing beside, expressed her gratitude, "Third Master Rong, thank you so much. If it weren't for you, Jiang Xi, she might have..."

The scene on the rooftop just now had left her shaken.

If Rong Nian hadn't grabbed Jiang Xi, she feared that by now she'd be nothing but a splattered mess on the ground.

Rong Nian spoke indifferently, "If I hadn't pulled her back, she would have landed on the air cushion, avoiding any life-threatening danger."

That said, jumping from the seventh floor, even onto an air cushion, could result in a concussion, and looking at the "unconscious" Jiang Xi, Qin Jiu still felt compelled to thank Rong Nian again.

Rong Nian didn't stay long in the ward. Having brought the person back, he left with Xie Jianan.

Upon hearing the door close, Jiang Xi opened her eyes, sat up in bed. Qin Jiu had just seen Rong Nian and the others out, and when she turned around and saw Jiang Xi sitting up, she said irritably, "So you do realize you've embarrassed yourself?"

Jiang Xi forced a pleasing smile, "I'm fine, don't worry about me."

"Why would I worry? It's not me who'd be dead if you jumped," Qin Jiu, arms crossed, stood by the bed, her tone oddly sinister, "Jiang Xi, what were you really thinking?"

Jiang Xi pursed her lips.

"Jiujiu, it's late. You should go back," she said.

"I won't. I don't feel comfortable leaving you alone in the hospital," Qin Jiu, though angry, was not comfortable with the idea of Jiang Xi being alone there.

Jiang Xi grasped her hand, her tone gentle, "Go back, I can take care of myself."

Qin Jiu sighed, knowing that what she most wanted now was probably to be alone. She leaned over to hug her, "Alright, then you get some rest early, and don't do anything foolish if you're feeling desperate."


Qin Jiu left, and the thick curtains were drawn in the ward, the door closed, making the room quiet and gloomy.

Jiang Xi curled up on the hospital bed, making herself into a small ball, hugging herself tightly as if she was burning with a fierce fire with every breath.

The image of Gu Bichen's cold expression on the rooftop flashed before her eyes. Resting her forehead against her knees, she felt cold emerging from every part of her body.

The phone that had been carelessly tossed beside her pillow vibrated.

After a long time, Jiang Xi slowly reached out to pick up the phone and brought it before her eyes.

The lit screen displayed several unread text messages.

—All from Bai Wanwan.

The name appeared before Jiang Xi like a ghost, and she heard her own heavy breathing as her cool fingertips tapped open the message box.

In an age where everyone used social media, it was rare for someone to send a text message.

Jiang Xi opened the message box to find a photo and a text message lying there.

The photo was taken through a glinting night-time window, its glass clearly reflecting the image of a naked man and woman tightly embracing and kissing each other.

"Jiang Xi, I'm back. I will take back everything that belonged to my sister, including my brother-in-law!"

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