
011 Jiang Xi, we are not done!

Translator: 549690339

The moment she said those words, the air around them suddenly fell silent.

Jiang Xi turned around, stepping onto the railing in one stride, the night wind lifting her too-large hospital gown, making her appear waifish and fragile.

It seemed like a slightly stronger gust would sweep her away.

Gu Bichen stared at Jiang Xi's back in shock, his hand by his side clenching into a fist, and he sneered coldly, "Fine, then jump!"

"Gu Bichen, you son of a bitch!" Qin Jiu cursed furiously. She didn't dare to pull on Jiang Xi, fearful she might fall, her voice quivering, "Jiang Xi, come down quickly. It's not worth it to take your life over such scum."

Jiang Xi stood on the railing, thinking she would be scared or upset, just like on countless deep nights spent lying in bed, listening to the familiar sound of an engine outside.

If there were car noises, he was coming home.

If not, her heart would feel empty the whole night. That unsettling feeling of not having solid ground beneath her feet had followed her for four years, and she no longer wanted to continue living a life of listening for engine sounds, waiting for someone to come home.

Such days were hopeless and interminable.

"I know you hate me. For a long time, I've been thinking, if the one who had jumped from here were me, would you miss me like you miss Bai Wanwan?"

The night wind howled, chilling to the bone in the summer night.

At the door to the rooftop stood quite a few onlookers, patients who had been alerted by their commotion in the corridor, and they gasped in fear as they saw Jiang Xi climb over the railing.

"Quick, call the police, that girl is going to jump off the building."

Good samaritans quickly took out their phones to call the police; Xie Jianan was among the crowd, turning to the expressionless Rong Nian beside him, "Brother, Miss Jiang won't really jump, will she?"

"Shut up." Rong Nian's headache worsened from the noise, lifting his eyes to look over there.

Jiang Xi didn't notice the onlookers behind her, immersed in her own emotions, appearing very sad, "That year when I was ten, Grandma Gu passed away. You held my hand and told me we would be together for a lifetime, never leaving each other, that not even death could separate us. I've always remembered those words..."

"I've long forgotten them." Gu Bichen interrupted her, his tone particularly impatient.

As if she didn't hear him, Jiang Xi continued on her own, "Promises made in youth are too naive to be taken to heart. It's good that you have forgotten, so I don't need to keep holding on to the promise, waiting for you to change your mind."

Gu Bichen's hand by his side clenched so tight, his knuckles cracked, his expression incredibly ugly.

"Don't make it sound like you're the aggrieved one, Jiang Xi. The first person to break the promise was you."

"Okay." With that single soft word from Jiang Xi, she stepped forward, and behind her came Qin Jiu's piercing scream, "Jiang Xi, get down, we haven't reached this point, don't joke with your life."

The distant crowd inhaled sharply, Xie Jianan scared to the point of covering his eyes, not daring to look, feeling a gust sweep past him.

He quickly opened his eyes, peeking through his fingers to see Rong Nian walking towards the edge of the rooftop.

Seeing the situation was bad, he hurriedly followed after.

Jiang Xi closed her eyes, her heart aching. She knew that Gu Bichen was pressing her to continue waiting by his side, without complaint or regret.

But a marriage without love was as cold as an ice cellar. She had endured for four years and couldn't stand it any longer.

Standing here, she was gambling that Gu Bichen wouldn't actually push her to death.

Perhaps there was no love between them, but having grown up together since childhood, they had already become each other's most important family.

"Jiang Xi, don't do anything foolish!"

Qin Jiu turned her head and glared at the silent Gu Bichen, her anger boiling over, "Gu Bichen, you provoke her with such words, do you really wish her dead, or do you still love her deep down and don't actually want a divorce?"

It had to be said that Qin Jiu's words were sharply insightful, and Gu Bichen's complexion visibly worsened.

Lately, Jiang Xi had been frequently bringing up divorce. At first, he didn't care, hearing without really listening, as the amnesic Jiang Xi was wholeheartedly devoted to him; how could she bear to leave him?

In his eyes, Jiang Xi's talk of divorce was a ploy to get his attention and a protest against his years of philandering—it was proof that she still cared about him.

But just now, when she brought up divorce again, the look in her eyes was both resolute and determined.

A sudden panic took hold of him; in that moment, he truly felt her determination to leave him, but how could he let her go?

She had betrayed their promise, discarded him like a dog, and he wasn't about to turn the page just because she had lost her memory, pretending as if nothing had happened.

He hated her, but his hate was wrapped in love, making even his hatred impure.

Every time he thought about that year, he wanted to kill her. That anger lodged in his chest, choking him as if he were bound at the throat by an invisible rope, unwilling to draw close yet reluctant to move away.

Gu Bichen ignored Qin Jiu, his eyes half-closed as he stared at Jiang Xi's frail figure, "If you don't want to jump, then get down, and stop putting on an act."

Jiang Xi's heart was pierced by his harsh words. She had gambled on him not being able to bear parting with her, but she lost, defeated utterly.

He truly didn't care if she lived or died!

She took a half-step forward, the red and green lights of the police cars below beginning to shine. Closing her eyes, her body leaned forward...


Screams and gasps rose and fell in succession, the people too frightened to look, as Qin Jiu hastily reached out to grab Jiang Xi, only to be bumped aside by a force.

"Which son of a..."

Before Qin Jiu could finish cursing, she saw Jiang Xi being pulled down from the railing by Rong Nian. Jiang Xi, her legs weak, fell to the ground, gasping for air in shock.

Tears flowed uncontrollably, blurring her vision, as she saw Gu Bichen, his face indifferent, standing with his arms folded to the side.

From beginning to end, Gu Bichen hadn't tried to stop her, hadn't tried to pull her back, as if it made no difference to him whether she was alive or dead.

Jiang Xi's heart was pierced by his coldness, and she broke into uncontrollable tears.

Qin Jiu swallowed the angry words on the tip of her tongue, squatting in front of Jiang Xi to hug her into her arms, comforting her softly and with heartache.

Jiang Xi was like a child overwhelmed by emotion, crying wildly and wretchedly, clinging tightly to Qin Jiu, sobbing until her throat was raw.

She knew that her hopeless love from her youth had come to an utter end.

Hearing Jiang Xi's cries, Gu Bichen's brooding gaze finally tore away from Rong Nian, staring intently at Jiang Xi, his eyes not showing any relief from her survival, only an intensified loathing for her.

"Jiang Xi, this isn't over!"

After dropping that harsh remark, Gu Bichen pushed past Xie Jianan, who was blocking his way, and strode off.

Xie Jianan looked utterly perplexed, "Bro, is he sick or something? His own wife almost jumps off a building, and he takes it out on someone else. What a scumbag!"

Rong Nian frowned; the look Gu Bichen had given him was complicated and hostile, yet it was clearly their first meeting—where was this hostility coming from?

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