
Household Vessels

Sinbad and the others helped the Night Raiders up from the ground and sat them down in the living room. The Night Raiders were still reeling from their crazy trials. They were sitting down with their eyes closed trying to feel their new found power but there was no response. They were confused and looked to Sinbad who was standing there with a grin on his face as if trying to tease them.

Sinbad: What are you looking at me for? *smirk*

Leone: How do we use our power?!

Sinbad: Shouldn't you know?

Lubbock: No we don't know!

Sinbad: *chuckle* The power you seek lies within something you value the most on your body.

Most of them looked at their Teigu except for Tatsumi and Seryu. Tatsumi looked at the sword he had with him from when he left his home village and Seryu looked at the arm modifications Dr. Stylish had given her which she used as her main weapon. They calmed down their thoughts as their minds delved within their weapons. That was when their weapons and Teigus started to glow.

Sinbad: Do you feel it now? *smile*

Bulat: Yeah... It's a strange feeling.

Chelsea: Sinbad what is that power?

Sinbad: This power originates from my Djinn.

Susanoo: Is that a Teigu?

Sinbad: No it's a foreign power. We might as well see their powers for ourselves. Let's go test it out.

Sinbad used Kamui on the group and teleported everyone to an island. Chelsea and Susanoo were shocked and were even more curious of Sinbad. The Night Raiders got their weapons out and were excited to test out their new powers. The first to go up was Bulat. He activated Incursio and stood in front of the group. Bulat entered a zen state as Baal's voice resonated inside his head and Bulat nodded.

Bulat: Bararaq Tanin!

Suddenly, Incursio's armour shone bright blue as dragon scales assimilated onto the armour. Lightning crackled as wings formed on Bulat's back. The helmet of Incursio transformed into the shape of dragon's head. Everyone was in awe of Bulat's power because they could tell thathe had obviously powered up.

Sinbad: How does it feel? *smile*

Bulat: I clearly feel stronger. The power within Incursio and Baal's is resonating. I can feel Incursio evolving from Baal's power as a catalyst.

Sinbad: Good! Now throw a punch at that mountain over there.

Bulat: Alright!

Bulat flew in the air and he struggled a little before getting used to it. He flew over to the mountain nearby and threw a fully charged punch. Lightning surged across his arm into his fist and released a thunder of an attack. The attack caused the mountain to explode from its immense power. Everyone was gob-smacked from the power of a single punch as it decimated the mountain. Bulat was even more astonished and flew back. He landed and knelt down in front of Sinbad. This action of his made everyone confused and shocked.

Bulat: My King, I fully dedicate my life to you, to follow you to the apex.

Sinbad: Good, then I expect great things from you in the future. *smile*

Bulat: Yes my King.

Bulat got back up and deactivated Incursio and stood behind Sinbad. The Night Raiders now knew that this was their new King so they knelt down also.

Night Raiders: My King, we also dedicate our lives to follow you to the apex.

Sinbad: Don't worry, you won't be disappointed. I will lead you to the top of the universe to see what there is to see. I don't want to rule just a country, I want to rule the universe.

His kingly aura shone in splendour as Sinbad was cloaked in golden light. This made Sinbad seem as if he was the son of the heavens. The girls gulped and blushed in his presence while the guys were in admiration for this man. His conviction really led them to believe that he could really lead them to the top of the universe. Sinbad smiled and thought 'I really have this King thing down don't I?'

Sinbad: Get up everyone, we still need to test out everyone's powers.

Akame: I'll go Nii-san.

Sinbad: Okay.

Akame got in front of the group and unsheathed Murasame. A magic circle appeared on the hilt of the katana and glowed. The poisonous curse ominously covered the blade as black lightning flickered subtly on the blade. Akame sheathed her blade and walked back to the group. The group was speechless because nothing happened. Only Sinbad and Bulat knew what was going on.

Mine: How come nothing happened?

Akame: I don't have a living target to test it on.

Sheele: Can't you ask Sinbad to teleport some danger beasts here?

Akame: I can't control it. It's too volatile and could kill everyone.

Sinbad: She's right. Lightning in general is violent and destructive. To be able to control it requires lots of training. Also Akame's magic is even more dangerous when the poisonous curse in Murasame is paired with Baal's lightning.

Lubbock: So she can basically do long range attacks now?

Bulat: That's right.

Tatsumi: Isn't that too powerful?

Najenda: It obviously requires Akame to train to control the lightning so there is that downside but when she gains control she would become an even more powerful monster than she already is.

Leone: Doesn't Bulat have to do the same?

Sinbad: His magic mainly gives him a physical enhancement boost but earlier all he had to do was channel lightning in a given direction rather than control it. However he still needs to train to control its destructive power to be used in close combat. Well, let's move on shall we?

Mine: Me!

Sinbad: Okay Mine show us what you got!

Mine grabbed Pumpkin off of her back and walked in front of the group. She focused and Vepar uttered some words in her head. Mine pointed her gun at the group which scared them and shouted.

Mine: Vepar Al'Abraj!

Four golden cannons appeared in pairs on each side of Mine. Mine laughed as she saw their shocked faces. She was proud of her magic because she always wanted something to cover her back and now she had four cannons protecting her. However she was feeling a bit drained after summoning them and recalled them.

Mine: *laugh* So what do you think?

Tatsumi: That's awesome!

Lubbock: Hopefully my magic is just as cool.

Mine: How can that be possible? My magic is the coolest.

Sinbad: *chuckle* Okay, okay, let's move on. Tatsumi you're up next.

Tatsumi: Yes.

Tatsumi unsheathed his sword and a gust of wind picked up around Tatsumi. He took his time to feel the wind around him and took a deep breath. He opened his eyes and swung his sword with all his might.

Tatsumi: Fora Shurikin!

A massive shuriken the size of a tree zoomed into the distance and exploded creating a wind storm, tearing down trees with ease. The magic was similar to Rasenshuriken in concept. However Tatsumi could spam them like crazy as long as he had enough energy. Tatsumi started swinging his sword and numerous shurikens flew out into the forest and exploded. Tatsumi was pretty satisfied with his magic and it was Lubbock's turn.

A frost of ice covered the ground as he stepped forward. He raised his hands and icy mist emanated from his palms.

Lubbock: Galfor Nifuhaimu!

A blistering icy wind surged from his palms and covered the entire area. The temperature dropped and barely anything could be seen through the mist. Sinbad raised his hand to prevent the mist from touching the group because he knew it could hurt the others. Lubbock withdrew the mist with a large smile on his face because his new magic could really give him more options in battle. The next person to test their magic was Sheele.

Sheele brandished Extase as she waved it around. A ghastly dark aura radiated from Extase and genuinely gave off the feeling that if you made any contact with the aura you would immediately die.

Sheele: Zulumat Alzalam!

A dark miasma clouded the area and Sinbad knew this was particularly powerful. Any living being in the area of the miasma would slowly die while being robbed of their life force. The life force in turn would be converted into more power making Sheele's magic even stronger. Sinbad thought 'Furfur really had to give her something so powerful, huh?'

Sinbad: Sheele could you retract that miasma please. *smile*

Sheele: Oh sorry...

Sheele retracted the miasma as it got sucked back into Extase like a whirlpool. Everyone had sweat down their backs because their instincts told them that Sheele's magic was extremely dangerous. They could feel that it was more harmful than Akame's.

Sinbad: Sheele don't use that magic unless you are in danger, okay?

Sheele: Okay Sinbad.

Sinbad: Good, but you can train to control it. However be sure to not be in the range of living things.

As he said that, that was when everyone looked at the ground around Sheele and realised that the grass that was once there a moment ago and withered and died. It was Seryu's turn next so she and Koro moved to the front. She raised her hand and pointed it at Koro.

Seryu: Zepara Genzentoki!

An ominous sound entered the ears of everyone. The sound entered Koro's ears and Koro's eyes began to gleam scarlet red. Small red horns grew out of his head as black flames erupted around his little paws.

Mine: What happened to my cute Koro?!

Lubbock: He looks so cool!

Seryu: This is one of Koro's forms, Demon Koro!

Akame: So you have more than one variation of magic?

Seryu: Yep! But I haven't unlocked the other two yet.

Sinbad: Hmmm... Then we'll get to see next time. Leone you're up next.

Leone: Cool!

She slammed her fists together in anticipation. It was her time to showcase her magic and she was excited. So far, everyone's magic was so unique and diverse yet so powerful in their own ways and Leone hoped that her magic was the same. She activated her Teigu and transformed into a Lioness.

Lione: Fakhar Al'Alsad!

The island trembled under her roar. Mountains began to break, trees fell down and fissures broke open on the ground. Everyone was trying their best to stand up but the rumbling of the island was too much. It was like the island was splitting apart under the immense pressure of the roar. Eventually she stopped roaring and everyone sighed in relief.

Lione: *sigh* That felt good!

Sinbad: Are you sure you don't want to continue?

Lione: Nope I'm good. *smile*

Sinbad teleported everyone back after testing their new magic. When they got back Najenda formally introduced everyone to Chelsea and Susanoo. Mine and Lubbock obviously had grudges with Chelsea and Susanoo similar to the anime. Lubbock disliked Susanoo because he was close with Najenda. However, the one thing that Lubbock didn't know was that Sinbad and Najenda were in a relationship but that's a story for next time when he finds out.

Najenda: Now that our base has been found, we have to relocate for a while. In that time period for who know how long, we will train until the time is right for us to return.

Leone: Sinbad are you still going to train elsewhere?

Sinbad: Yes, I apologise but I don't want to take any chances. I want to be strong enough to protect all of you from danger.

Akame: Okay Nii-san.

Najenda: We also have to leave right now. Everyone pack up anything necessary and meet up outside.

Everyone left but Sinbad pulled Leone, Najenda and Akame to the side. Najenda was surprised Akame was here but Leone filled her in and Najenda smirked which made Akame blush.

Sinbad: I'm sorry for leaving of all times right now. But I hope you take care of the others while I'm gone.

Najenda: What do you think I've been doing before you showed up?

Sinbad: *chuckle* Sorry... I know I haven't spent much time with any of you three but I promise to make it up to you all soon.

Leone: We still have our date so you better make it up to me soon.

Sinbad: I will. *laugh*

Akame: How long will you be gone Nii-san?

Sinbad: I don't know, but until I feel satisfied I guess. I promise I'll finish training and come back as soon as possible though. *smile*

Akame: Okay.

Sinbad: *smirk* Well, let me give you a little farewell gift for the time being to make up for me being gone.

Sinbad grabbed Leone's waist which made her scream a little but her mind went elsewhere when Sinbad's lips pressed against hers. They got into it, as their tongues played with each other while Leone wrapped her arms around his neck to taste even more of him. It was like a drug, his taste was so addictive that Leone couldn't help but suck on his tongue to savour him even more. Akame and Najenda were blushing on the side, feeling a bit aroused and couldn't help but wait for their turn. After a while they stopped as a bridge of saliva was connecting the two as they parted.

Leone licked her lips and pushed Akame into Sinbad's arms. Akame squeaked cutely in surprise and landed in his safe arms. She looked up and grabbed his neck and kissed him. Sinbad loved to feel Akame's soft small lips and got a bit more assertive. Akame didn't resist as she felt weaker and weaker in his arms. She treasured every moment as they kissed and didn't want to forget any of it as she etched it into her mind. Eventually they stopped after running out of breath and Akame was flushed bright red remembering that she was kissing Sinbad in front of Leone and Najenda.

She got out of Sinbad's embrace and then Najenda jumped right in. She surprised Sinbad and before he could say anything he was enveloped by a warm hot tongue in his mouth. Najenda got deeper into the kiss as she missed Sinbad dearly when she was gone. She missed his teasing and loving care, something that she hadn't experienced for most of her life. Sinbad could clearly feel her feelings and pulled her closer. Finally they stopped and Sinbad hugged her close. Sinbad then let her go and hugged Leone and Akame.

Sinbad: *smile* Well, I gotta go now. Tell the others to train hard when I'm gone. *wink*

Sinbad teleported away in front of their eyes and they all couldn't help but tear up a little. Although he was only going to be gone for a bit, it still hurt them to see him go. However, they regained their composure and knew he would be disappointed in them if they didn't get stronger while he was doing so for them. Therefore they couldn't let him down.

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