
High King of the Seven Seas

Bulat: Sinbad is it working?

Sinbad: I don't know. Akame, Leone, Sheele, Mine and Najenda please stand in front of me.

The girls didn't know what was going on but Tatsumi did. They all stood in a line in front of Sinbad and he was ogling and staring at their lingerie. Najenda and Sheele for him were stunners. He had already seen Leone naked. Mine was a surprise for him and Akame was his adopted sister so he didn't stare too much.

Sinbad: Mmmmm let me keep this for now. It seems to not be rejecting me but it just turns on and off for some reason...

Tatsumi: You shameless bastard! He can obviously see you all in your…

Najenda: In our what?

Tatsumi: In your UNDERWEAR!

Silence. Silence filled the room as Sinbad who was about to shout at Tatsumi turned around and expected some hell fiends to eat him alive. But contrary to expectation there was just shy cute girls standing in front of him. They were all blushing. Leone was fine because Sinbad had seen her naked but that could not be said for the others. Sheele was blushing a little with her head tilted a little. Mine had her head completely down hiding her flush face. Akame was blushing while shyly glancing at Sinbad. Najenda was blushing and didn't know how to feel.

Lubbock and Tatsumi wanted to see a show but they didn't get one. Lubbock got angry when he came up with the thought that Sinbad saw Najenda in her lingerie.

Lubbock: Sinbad you bastard!

Sinbad: What did I do wrong?

Sinbad decided to use his newly acquired acting skill which he gained from Instant Mastery. Lubbock was instantly confused and doubted whether Sinbad had done any wrong.

Lubbock: Sorry for doubting you Sinbad. Tatsumi what are you talking about?!

Tatsumi: It's true! The Teigu allows you to see through things.

Sinbad: It's true Lubbock.

Lubbock: What?! I'm go-

Sinbad: Don't misunderstand Lubbock. I was just checking if I could actually see through their clothes after being surprised by it, nothing else.

Leone: So why do you want to keep it? *smirk*

Sinbad: I can't let a pervert get his hands on this. Plus, I wouldn't want anyone else to see my women and sister in their underwear.

When Sinbad said that it really made the women blush. Lubbock wanted to eat Sinbad alive when he said that Najenda was his woman.

Lubbock: That's it Sinbad!

Lubbock charged at Sinbad in a fit of rage. Sinbad activated his sharingan and used a genjutsu to make him go to sleep. Lubbock immediately face-planted onto the floor and no one cared.

The girls except Leone were still thinking about Sinbad's indirect confession and were flushed bright red like tomato. Bulat and Tatsumi were laughing at Lubbock and carried him away to leave Sinbad and the girls.

Leone: Oh my Sinbad! How could you confess like that? *smirk*

Sinbad: Sorry I just lost myself a little there. *chuckle* However I don't want anyone else to stare at you girls except for me. Najenda, give this Teigu to a woman in the revolutionary army. I'm heading to bed.

Sinbad gave Najenda the Teigu and left with Leone. Sinbad held her hand which surprised the rest of the girls and left them in contemplation.

Leone: Do you mean what you said earlier?

Sinbad: Yeah I did, are you jealous? *smirk*

Leone: Nope! They're like my sisters so I don't have to feel jealous. Also I can't think of a man any better than you to take care of them in the future.

Sinbad: Thanks. I'll confess to them properly one by one when the time is right. It's only fair to them that way. I can't just confess to them like that in that setting because I want to properly convey my feelings to them.

Leone: That's my man!

Leone hugged his arm as they made it to her room to sleep the night away. For some reason, Sinbad had a strange feeling and knew something was brewing elsewhere


Meanwhile in the Northern Lands, Fortified City.

The place was covered in a sheet of snow, people encased in ice, and battered and bloody soldiers hung from spears. A tall, beautiful and slender woman with long light blue hair and blue eyes. She wore a General's apparel with long sleeves, a blue scarf on her neck, and high-heeled boots. She also had a tattoo on her chest, which was the sign of her Teigu. This woman was Esdeath.

She was sat on a chair holding a chain which was chained to a naked man. This once proud hero, was Numa Seika. He was licking her boot clean like a deranged dog asking for food from its owner. He was panting like a pervert peeping on naked girls.


In Konoha, at a hot spring...

Jiraiya: *sneeze* Who's talking about me?

Woman: A pervert!? *scream*

Jiraiya: Gotta leave…


Back to the Northern Lands, Esdeath was playing with her new toy in front of the Imperial army.

Soldier: The Northerners were defeated in a blink of an eye. That's our General for you!

Esdeath: Their army, people and pride were so easily crushed, huh… and this is their supposed hero…? How worthless.

Numa was panting and blushing in front of Esdeath as if she was a Goddess but in his eyes she really was. Esdeath looked at him in disdain.

Esdeath: How boring. Die.

Esdeath cleanly kicked his head off with her boot like killing a pesky cockroach. Blood splattered everywhere on the ground and even on the side of the soldier's face. Esdeath stood up from her throne and walked in front of her army.

Esdeath: Somewhere out there… Is there an enemy that can satisfy me…? *wicked smile*


Sinbad sneezed and woke up. He thought 'How is it possible for me to sneeze? Must be some psycho talking about me.' He went back to sleep and snuggled himself in Leone's breasts.

A few days later, Leone was training Tatsumi so Sinbad had some free time. He decided to go by himself into the capital to see if there was anything interesting. Sinbad walked through the city just enjoying himself in the evening. He noticed the depressed and solemn faces of the citizens and thought 'This country is really getting worse and worse as time passes by. Should I just blow up the Prime Minister? On second thoughts I shouldn't. If I did what is the plan after? Never mind I'll leave it to Najenda to handle when the time comes.'

Sinbad was walking when someone had bumped into him. It was beautiful woman but not on the level of Leone and the others. He saw that she was breathing heavily and had fear stricken eyes. He then looked ahead and saw a group of men that looked like personal guards running in his direction. The woman looked at Sinbad and her eyes pleaded for help. Sinbad just nodded his head and looked ahead. He moved the woman behind him and decided to find out what was the problem. The guards came running over breathless and saw the woman hiding behind Sinbad.

Guard 1: Pretty boy, give back the girl!

Sinbad: Hey lads, aren't you out of your league a little? A girl like this would never end up with gorillas like you. *smirk*

Guard 2: You better watch your mouth pretty boy or our boss is going to make you pay!

Sinbad: Who's this big boss of yours?

Guard 1: Kaine, the Prime Minister's cousin.

The guards all had smug faces when they said that and expected Sinbad to be trembling in his boots. Instead, Sinbad was laughing until he was in tears, which made the guards extremely angry and the woman scared for him. Sinbad thought 'Another cousin of the Prime Minister. They are truly unlucky sometimes. Maybe I should do this to make my presence known to draw away attention from Night Raid.'

Sinbad: Alright lads bring me to your boss then. I would love to meet him, I'm such a big fan of his anyway. *smile*

The guards could obviously could hear the sarcasm from Sinbad's voice while the girl was shocked and horrified at the thought of letting such a handsome man fall under the clutches of Kaine.

Lady: Sir, please don't go! They'll torture you to death!

Sinbad: *chuckle* Miss, there is nothing to worry about. If I wanted to go, then of course I would have the strength to protect myself. But first, I'll send you to safety.

Sinbad teleported her to a safe house that was occupied by the revolutionary army to deal with. The guards were stunned by his ability and knew this man was more than what he seemed.

Sinbad: Bring me to see your boss now please. *smile*

The guards were a bit hesitant but remembered who the boss had on his side and immediately regained their confidence and acted more cocky. Sinbad ignored their proud and cocky faces, focusing how to make his announcement to the world.

The guards led Sinbad over to Kaine's mansion which was particularly huge and oversized for someone who was just the Prime Minister's cousin. The guards brought him inside and escorted him to the main hall of the mansion where Kaine was. They opened the doors for Sinbad and Sinbad walked in.

Sinbad saw that it was decorated beautifully and was excited to destroy the place. Sinbad saw a middle aged man with a scar on his left cheek. He had long black hair reaching down his back. He had a muscular figure and Sinbad wondered how he could squeeze himself into a throne so small.

On each of side of him, were people in special uniforms to signify that they were the elites under Kaine. Their costumes were pure black from head to toe and Sinbad couldn't see their faces. Sinbad could feel their powerful auras they were trying to emit to suppress him but it was nothing to Sinbad. This surprised the guards and Kaine as they became more cautious of Sinbad.

Kaine: How nice of you to come by. *smile*

Sinbad: Nice place you have here.

Kaine: Th-

Sinbad: Too bad this whole place is going to be razed to the ground.

Kaine: What?!

Sinbad teleported above the mansion and smirked. Kaine and his elite guards were scared shitless when he suddenly vanished into a portal.

Sinbad: Spirit of control and obedience, Focalor. Live in my frame.

A gust of wind ate up Sinbad and caused a surge of gale to rip the air. The gust of wind vanished and out came Sinbad. Sinbad had the appearance of a bird, with dark feathers covering various parts of his body. His hair grew longer and was feather-like at the ends. He was adorned with a golden collar and gained a third eye on his forehead.

Kaine and his personal guards came just in time when Sinbad transformed. They could all feel a formless pressure raining down on them suppressing them in his presence. They saw Sinbad smile, when suddenly a powerful green and black aura burst from Sinbad's body.

Sinbad: Time to announce that Sinbad the High King of the Seven Seas is here.

Sinbad's voice resonated in the capital as he utilised the wind to carry his words to all ears even the Prime Minister and the Emperor.

Honest: Who is this imbecile that dares to call himself the High King?

Emperor: Minister, who is this Sinbad?

Honest: Another insect like those Night Raid again.

Meanwhile, Sinbad looked down at Kaine and his guards. He raised his arms and magic circles appeared on top of his hands. Sinbad channeled the green and black auras into each arm forming into two gargantuan tornadoes. Everyone in the capital could see these tornadoes and were scared shitless, even the Prime Minister knew this was big trouble.

Kaine knew he was in big danger and tried to run but he was suppressed by Sinbad's pressure. Sinbad clasped his hands together above his head and looked coldly down at Kaine merging the green and black winds in his hands.

Sinbad: Foraz Zora!

He slammed his hands down at the mansion and unleashed his attack. Kaine and everyone in the vicinity saw the attack and knew there was no hope of escaping.

Kaine: You will pa-

He was engulfed by the attack that had the power to destroy a mountain. Everything in the radius of the attack was exactly what Sinbad said "razed to the ground". Everything was decimated and nothing was left. The bodies of Kaine and his subordinates were gone. The land was completely destroyed as a deep gulf was formed in the ground.

Sinbad: Job done. *smirk*

Sinbad teleported off while the whole capital were stunned by that attack and knew that this Sinbad could destroy the capital if he wanted to. The Prime Minister knew that this threat could completely destroy everything he had built. He was furious and had to get information about this "High King".

Meanwhile Sheele and Mine who were in a middle of a fight with Seryu were interrupted by Sinbad. They were excited but somewhat scared by the scale of his attack. Even Seryu knew that this person called Sinbad was leagues above anyone in the empire. Until the space between Mine and Sheele and Seryu distorted. The space rotated and out came Sinbad still in his Djinn Equip Form. Mine and Sheele were shocked to see Sinbad finding them there while Seryu was stunned by his sudden appearance and appeared more vigilant.

Mine: Sinbad!

Seryu: Sinbad!?

Seryu was now scared that the very man who had launched that attack earlier was right in front of her now. Even her Teigu Hekatonkheires otherwise known as Koro was shaking due to his animal instincts telling it that this person was very dangerous.

Sinbad: I saw that you guys were here so I decided to come over. *smile*

Sheele: Is that your Djinn Equip form?

Sinbad: Yeah, this is my Djinn Equip Focalor. Oh, and who is this nice looking girl and cute puppy?

Sinbad actually knew who it was and this was the reason he came here. To save Sheele. Sinbad walked over to Seryu and Koro which scared them both. Even Koro who was vicious couldn't help but shiver and try to run away however Seryu was holding him tight on a leash so he couldn't leave. Seryu took a step back as Sinbad was walking over but fell onto the floor. Sinbad saw that she was scared and smiled warmly but she mistook it for a sadistic smile.

Sinbad: No need to be scared, little girl. *smile* So what's your name?

Seryu: S-S-Seryu. *trembling*

Sinbad: What a nice name. So who is this cute little guy?

As he said that, he snatched up Koro who trying to escape and petted him like a normal person. However this was a torturous experience for Seryu and Koro. Sinbad's eyes turned scarlet red and began rotating before stopping. Sinbad had activated his EMS. When Seryu and Koro saw his eyes they were even more scared, which could be more said for Koro who felt that these eyes could erase anything from existence. Sinbad decided to use Kotoamatsukami on Seryu so they could have a new ally and, plus Sinbad didn't want to kill someone with talent who had their views construed by the Empire. Sinbad turned to Seryu and immediately her eyes turned soulless.

Sinbad: Seryu, you've hated the Empire your whole life. You've realised that they've harmed the citizens and decided to become a good person that stood up for the innocent. Also you've admired Night Raid for the longest time and always wanted to join them. Your Justice is to stand against the Empire who had wronged the people due to corruption and to join Night Raid is your only chance in achieving that.

After Sinbad said that, Seryu regained her soul in her eyes and looked around before seeing Mine and Sheele who were confused as to why Sinbad had said all those things. Seryu was then so excited to see her heroes and ran up to them. Mine and Sheele thought she going to attack before Seryu pulled out a pen and notebook from out of nowhere.

Seryu: OH MY GOD! It's you Sheele! I'm your biggest fan could you please sign this for me?

Sheele was still trying to process what was just happening. Earlier she was trying to kill her and now she was a fan of hers. This was too much for an airhead like Sheele to comprehend and had steam coming out of her head from overheating. Mine was also still trying to process what had just happened. Seryu had completely changed into a new person. Sinbad was still petting the scared Koro who was confused as to why its owner changed her mind but he didn't care because he was in the arms of a real monster right now.

Sinbad: You better keep following Seryu little Koro otherwise I might have some dog meat tonight. *smile*

Seeing Sinbad's smile was like seeing Satan so Koro nodded its head and didn't care as long as it was alive. Sheele recovered and gave an autograph. Seryu was happy that she got an autograph from one of her heroes. She decided to ask her one more thing.

Seryu: Sheele-san, this may seem daft of me but can I join Night Raid?

Seryu looked down flushed red while Mine and Sheele really wanted to faint when they heard her question. Sinbad laughed and decided to step in.

Sinbad: Sure you can Seryu! Welcome to the team.

Seryu: Really!? But are you in Night Raid?

Sinbad: *laugh* Of course I am, otherwise how could I approve you to join Night Raid?

Seryu: Thank so much Sinbad-san.

Sinbad: No problem. We should go before Mine and Sheele get too excited about you joining the team.

Seryu: Okay!

Sinbad walked over to the girls and teleported back to base. While this was going on, after Sinbad's little show he already had wanted posters plastered onto the walls of the capital. People were frightened by his existence far more than Night Raid, especially those from the military and the government. Sinbad was a country level threat by himself and now became the target of many enemies. Sinbad of course did this on purpose to protect Night Raid and to have some fun at the same time.

Back in base, Seryu was introduced to everyone and was shocked of her previous identity which was explained by Mine and Sheele. Najenda sent Sinbad a questioning look and Sinbad said that he would explain it to her later. After everyone became acquainted with Seryu and Koro they showed her around leaving Sinbad and Najenda in the conference room.

Najenda: How did you do it?

Sinbad: I basically hypnotised her. *smile*

Najenda: But how? *glare*

Sinbad: No need to be angry. *chuckle* I have an ability called Kotoamatsukami which allows the user to enter the mind of any individual within their field of view, and manipulate them by giving them false experiences, making it seen as if they were doing things of their own free will. It's a technique which can be described as the most dangerous due to the victim being entirely unaware that they are being manipulated.

Najenda then became scared of this technique because it was extremely powerful. The ability to manipulate someone's free will without them knowing was horrifying. She looked at Sinbad strangely but remembered he would do anything for Night Raid. Especially when she heard of the commotion caused by him to avert the Empire's attention away from Night Raid to him.

Najenda: *sigh* I don't mind that Seryu is on the team now given the fact that she detests the Empire and is a fan of Night Raid. Well, don't use that technique just to pick up women.

Sinbad: Do I have to? *smirk*

Sinbad vanished and appeared in front of Najenda which scared her. Sinbad wrapped his arms around her waist and looked into her purple eye. Najenda was stunned by his sudden action and felt weak in his arms. Sinbad lowered his head slowly while Najenda was frozen as her mind was in chaos. Eventually their faces were so close they could feel each other's warm breath.

He leaned in and locked lips with her. They both got into it as they were savouring each other's tastes as they intertwined and played with their tongues. Sinbad played with her tongue in all kinds of ways, from twirling to sucking her tongue which garnered a few pleasurable moans from Najenda. They eventually stopped after running out of breath as a strand of saliva still linked their tongues.

Sinbad: Is that enough proof? *smirk*

Sinbad left coolly leaving the flustered Najenda in the conference room. Sinbad knew that more enemies were going to go for him so he wanted to greet them with a few new magic tricks.

Alright leave some thoughts about Sinbad x Najenda because I wasn't too sure if people wanted it but I put it in there to test the waters.

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