
Simulator Sistem : Anime Comprehensive World

Yuki Kato, a transmigrant from Earth who has been living in this new world for 16 years, has to accept the fact that he is just a weak human being who is ready to be slaughtered by the great powers of this world at any time. But when Yuki hanedak gives up on his life, the system comes and saves him from despair. 1000 - 1200 words per chapter Cover image not mine Note: I used a machine to translate my novel into English if there are wrong words or spelling please forgive

Kaze003 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 12 : Conspiracy theory

Time passed, with yuki and utaha who were now walking together towards the place where her school was located. Although to be honest, yuki's body was still feeling tremendous pain in almost every corner of her body as a result of the battle last night, yuki still moved his body towards the school quickly.

While Utaha followed from her side silently, as if she was an obedient wife.

With a short journey that would not take up to half an hour, Yuki and Utaha arrived in front of a giant gate that at first glance seemed luxurious.

With many intricate carvings plus strange patterns that even yuki herself had never seen, making this school gate has its own charm.

Seeing that luxurious gate, Yuki couldn't help but sigh, no matter how many times he saw the super luxurious facilities in this school, Yuki couldn't help but be impressed.

While Utaha who was beside her looked at yuki in confusion.

"What's wrong, yuki?" Utaha asked when she saw Yuki daydreaming.

"Nothing, let's go in."

Sighing for a moment, yuki entered through that luxurious gate, although in the past yuki herself had seen many things that were much more luxurious than this, yuki still could not help but hold a sense of admiration for this school.

But right when yuki entered, he was greeted with the sight of many students passing by.

Walking leisurely among the crowd without anyone seeing his, yuki entered hid class quickly before he heard some talks from some of his classmates.

While Utaha parted ways with her and walked to her class alone.

Moving his chair closer to eavesdrop, yuki began to hear the topic of their conversation.

"Guys! Did you feel the big shaking last night?" asked an unnamed Random 1 NPC excitedly.

"What do you mean the earthquake that happened last night? Of course I felt it, to be honest, my dog's cage was destroyed by the tremors," replied a Random NPC 2 with a sad expression.

"oh yeah! Speaking of the earthquake, have you heard about the conspiracy theory behind it?" again Random NPC 1 spoke.

"Do you mean the conspiracy that says that all the earthquakes that have been happening lately are caused by monsters running amok? Of course I've heard of it" NPC NO.3 said proudly when she found out the conspiracy behind the earthquake they were talking about.

Hearing NPC NO.3's words Yuki couldn't help but think wryly 'Conspiracy? No, I'm afraid all the things you said are true' yuki thought before going back to eavesdropping.

"Yes, you're right, lately there are a lot of wild theories scattered on the internet" NPC No.2 said casually

"hey! Hey! What's a conspiracy theory! It's obvious that monsters are real! And let me tell you, I've actually seen one of them myself" said NPC No.4 who had just joined the conversation.

"Cih* do you think we're elementary school kids who can be tricked so easily? Give us some proof before you speak" said NPC No.2 sarcastically.

"Seriously! I'm not lying at all! I saw the monster with my own eyes, let me tell you, at that time when I had just returned from the minimarket, the earthquake warning siren suddenly sounded loudly and at that time I was late to evacuate and finally there I saw it, a beautiful girl in purple armour, there I also saw that the beautiful girl was holding a large sword in her hand" explained NPC No.4 at length.

'Hm! A beautiful girl in purple armour? And a big sword? Did this person take drugs back then...eh?! Wait I think I know who that girl is' Even though yuki could only remember similarly through life in his previous world, yuki could still confidently say that he knew who the girl that NPC No.4 was talking about was.

"Hahahaha what are you saying? A monster in the form of a beautiful girl? Hahahah" NPC No.2 said with a laugh

"Dude, looks like you've been reading too many light novels or maybe you've been watching too many anime? but seriously this is so funny" NPC No.1 also laughed.

"Seriously! I'm not lying! I really saw it, even that beautiful girl was also fighting with some mecha girls who can fly in the sky" NPC No.4 said in annoyance.

For a moment the three Other NPCs looked at each other before laughing loudly again.

Seeing that, the face of NPC No.4 turned red and started to turn around before talking to one other person.

"Itsuka - kun! You believe what I'm saying, right?!"

"Eh?!" In response to the question that came suddenly from that NPC, Shido was silent for a moment before turning his face away in silence.

Seeing what the four NPCs who were not even part of her class were doing, Yuki could only smile wryly before shifting his focus to his slightly dirty study table.

But just when yuki was busy cleaning up her dirty-looking desk, a beautiful voice that soothed his heart sounded in his ears.

"Good morning, kato-kun"

Looking up to see the owner of that soft voice, Yuki saw a beautiful girl with pink hair that fluttered slightly when the wind blew past her.

Having clear white skin and a pair of beautiful bright pink eyes, yuki recognised the girl who was currently standing in front of his.

With a bright smile, the girl greeted yuki kindly.

Under this girl's beautiful smile, everyone (NPCs) could not help but fall silent for a moment, as if a bunch of cherry blossom petals contrasting with her beautiful hair had fallen displaying a beautiful and exotic scene at the same time.

The girl in question was the beautiful senpai that yuki had known before, it was Sakura Akino Senpai or commonly worn as the president of Cosmos, the only beautiful girl who had been with and quite close to yuki from junior high school.

"Hm? Akino Senpai? Why did you come here? Didn't you say you would be busy for the past few days" Yuki asked in confusion.

"Hm~ am I not allowed to see my cute junior without a reason?" Akino spoke in a sweet voice.

"I don't think so" Yuki replied flatly.

Hearing yuki's answer, akino's face became gloomy.

"Yuki-kun, you know I still have the video when we were in middle school" Akino spoke with a creepy smile.

"Ehem! I'm just kidding senpai, honestly I'm very happy that you came to see your cute junior"

"Fufu~ I actually came here because I wanted to ask you to rejoin me into the high school student council" Akino welcomed Yuki with open arms as Yuki politely declined.

"Ah, about that, I'm sorry senpai, I must reluctantly decline your offer"

"Eh? Why?" Akino asked in confusion while she looked at yuki strangely.

Shouldn't someone like Yuki be very happy to be invited to join the circle of friends when he himself had a very low presence?

She didn't understand at all what was going on with yuki right now, after all the reason why she intentionally vacated the vice chairman position was so that she could spend a lot more time with yuki.

"Are you sure you don't want to join?" Akino once again asked for confirmation.

"I'm already very sure of my decision akino senpai"

"If it's your decision then I can only agree to it."

Akino reluctantly agreed to Yuki's decision as he left when the first lesson bell rang.


