
simple question

Chapter 1

After a long journey I came back from my short vacation. Everybody in my hostel thought, I must have had a good time at my house this time. Yes I did,  I took extra 10 days from my vacation and tried hard to sort out my parents problems. But unfortunately my parents thought of giving more importance to their ego than their daughter. I'm Anubhavika Jayaraj and this is my story, where for everyone else my life looked perfect, except for me. My parents finally decided to take a step, that would set them free and help them move in their own paths. In simple language we call it "divorce." What forced them to take this decision was simple misunderstanding, after 20 years of happy marriage they wanted get separated for a simple misunderstanding.

I tried hard but I failed. May be true love didn't exist in this world, I believed. Heart broken I reached inside my hostel. I opened my room and suprisingly my roommate was already in there. She saw me and asked," and here comes the queen, what took you so long." I hesitated to reply,"There was a family function Shelly. I couldn't avoid it." Shelly my roommate, she is the only thing in this world that kept me going when I had tough times. She said," of course rich people have rich gatherings. Couldn't you inform me atleast once. You know because of you I got scolding from our organic chemistry teacher." I was surprised and asked," But I had already informed Vishwanath sir, that I may be late to join this semester." Shelly made an angry face and said," Vishwanath sir has gone for personal leave due to some health issues, instead of him one rude fellow is come as a guest lecturer. One idiotic fellow, I just hate him. First day while taking attendance he asked me where are you, I told him you haven't come back. He scolded me so badly for not knowing that when would my roommate arrive. After that I'm always a target for him." I felt bad for her, with lot of guilt inside I said,"I'm really sorry Shelly, but still, how could he blame you for my mistake? Anyways don't worry I will deal with him tomorrow." 

Next day I was all set to face the rude arrogant teacher. While thinking I suddenly saw everyone stood up, yes Mr arrogant had arrived. He was young man would be in his late 20's.  I asked shelly to confirm Mr arrogant. Yes it was him, suddenly I heard my name being called out and that was it, my heart begin to beat faster due to fear. I stood up and for the first I saw his face clearly.  He was a normal person with french beard, wheatish complextion, a person who hardly smiles. Suddenly my observation process got distracted with his rude voice," So you're Anubhavika Jayaraj. So madam could you explain to me what took you so long to report for this semester." I again hesitated to answer, but still I took the courage and Said, "Sir I had a family function to attend." He said in an angry, voice, " So madam you could have stayed there itself right. Why the hell did you come back. Don't you have manners to inform your teacher or place a leave letter before you extend your leave." I didn't reply, but he continued," and the other madam, your roommate, even she don't know when you will be back. Don't come to me at the end of semester if you get attendance shortage. And this for the whole class I'm not going to entertain any kind of indiscipline activity in my class." Now you may take your seat. From that day onwards I had tagged him as a attitude man. I hated his class and hated him so much. Everyday he used to catch hold of shelly and ask questions. I had the guilt that I was the one who was responsible for Shelly's present situation. One day when he continued to ask questions to shelly, I lost my control and stood up in anger and said," Sir, I guess shelly is not the only person in this class. Stop torturing her for my mistake. Stop making her feel dumb." I saw Mr attitude man stood and came right in front me. My heart knew I was screwed, but stood like a fearless women. He said in a firm voice," listen miss, whatever your name is. this is my class and I can ask questions to anybody I want. You're nobody to question me. Just because you have less attendance, I'm leaving you, or else by now you would have been out of my class. I don't want my student to lose a year for this simple reason. So better shut up and mind your own business." I didn't even know when the fearless women within me got melted. I could fell my wet eyes the very next moment.