
Stealing The Mana Fruits

System can you think of a way to easily steal the fruits.


System can not think for the host, The host has to think for himself, The system can only assist the host.]

Alright, But i can not directly go against them, System can you provide any help.


System has programmed data of few low level potions and arrays that can useful to the host and can be brought through exp and if the user wishes to get more array and potion knowledge the user have to gather the knowledge himself.]

System i do not have any exp what should i do.

[The host can get a loan from the system but the host has to payback twice the exp the host has borrowed.]

What twice the exp it is daylight robbery, System can n't you do something else.

[Sorry the system can only provide this help to the host.]

OK, System tell me what thing will be useful in this situation.

[The system has a level 1 imaginary sound array which can produce noises related to beasts and it costs only 100 exp, The system recommends to use this for his purpose.]

Aaa, 100 exp that means i would have to pay atleast 200 exp back, Alright system loan me the exp and buy the array and deploy it when i say.

Arthur started making plan and slowly got closer to 3 mage apprentices when got enough closer he played the array in the ground and moved backward, System deploy the array.

[Deploying the array.]

Lloyd,Becky are you hearing some noise.

Decker that is enough there are no noises coming.

Wait Decker is right Lloyd i am also hearing some noises

HOOO, This is the howl of the black wolf pack Decker shouted, What both Lloyd and Becky shouted at the same time.

Lloyd started shouting, Damn they must be attracted towards the mana fruits but there were no wolfs in forest in past, Dammit it would just take few more minutes for the fruits to mature what the heck should we do now.

Lloyd we should get out of here now.

Decker what the hell are you saying if we give up the fruits now do you know the amount of time we require to form mana core without this fruits will be increased, There would be only few wolves we can easily kill few wolves using magic.

Lloyd i think Decker is right we can easily kill few of them but the wolves always come in packs and we can not keep killing them all we should get out of here, Although the fruits are important but our lives are more important.

OK,Becky alright let's get out of here.

Lloyd,Decker and Becky ran away from the place, Arthur was staying far way and was watching them leave after some time he came to the place and got closer to the fruits.

System stop the array,He got closer to the fruits and smelled them, Wow they really smell delicious i should take it back quickly otherwise they may come back.

Just as he took the fruits and planning to go back he saw shinny tiny black ring and take it through using his claws, System what is this i can fell mana from it.

[Host this a space ring in which people use to carry stuff with them it has a individual space inside the ring which can be used as a storage but it cannot store any living thing.]

System can you open this space ring.

[System has started analyzing the space ring structure it will take sometime since it is the first time later the it will not take much time for opening.]

Mm, Arthur listening to it flew back to his cave with the mana fruits and the ring.

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