
Marquis Ian

HA,HA, My acting was really good i should get rewarded for my acting.

Let's look what's the merchandise.

Arthur went close to boxes which was left there and after ramping through few box he saw a small black box in which mana was gathering.

Mm, Why is so much mana coming through the box, Well let's open and see.


Host is advised to not directly open the box since it is sealed using a powerful sealing array and forcefully opening might cause a rebound from the array which can seriously injure the host.]

What, Arthur dropped the box he was holding in his claws, Oh my god i nearly died due to this box,

System tell me can you unlock this box.


The system has started analyzing the array structure implanted in the box, It will take the system about half a day to decipher the array structure, The system advises the host to be patient till that time.]

Alright there is nothing important on the other boxes, I will take this box back to the cave and wait for it to be unlocked.

At the same time in a place with huge mansion was covered with huge walls and was guarded by guards who were there in there armor and horse. In a specific room of the mansion a person with brown a hair and middle aged looks was taking and throw things down in anger.

Dammit how the heck can a dragon come there, This person was Marquis Ian who was the owner of the black box which was taken by Arthur.

Darling you should calm down, Little far away from the place where the Marquis was throwing the stuffs down, A blond women who had a young and beautiful appearance was standing in the side and was advising the Marquis Ian to calm down, She was the wife of Marquis Ian.

Ann it is not that i want to get angry but this task was personally given to me by the Duke himself.

Darling why did the Duke did not send his own solider instead let you be responsible for this work.

Ann, Lord Duke himself wanted to come personally and get the merchandise, But he can't even send one of his solider let alone him coming here personally, Because the royal family is keeping a strict watch over all of his actions and if he tries to do something the royal family will definitely intervene.

Darling if you wanted to surely secure the product then you should have let your personal knights go and get the product rather than the send a middle level knight commander since even if you would lost few of your personal knights atleast you could have secured the product.

I know it, I also wanted send my personal knights but a letter delivered to me it was from Duke himself and he commanded me to send the Knight commander only, He is probably someone sended by the Duke to monitor my actions.

Even if some humans had stolen it we could have been retrieved it since it contains a powerful sealing array and if anyone tries to open it without the correct key they would die from the rebound from the array but now a damn dragon has taken it, It can easily destroy the array.

We can now only pray that the Duke does not blame as for this incident and send his troops to kill that damned dragon.

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