

I felt a presences right here but nobody seems to be in here.

Arthur saw the person who was taking he was totally covered in black clothes and had a white mask which covered his entire face and seemed to blend in the entire surrounding.

Whew i did not even sense him coming near me if i wasn't for the system's alert he would have surely noticed me and what is with him i can not even sense him even after he is standing near me, System can you scan this person and see why i can not even sense his presence.


The person is a skillful thief level and he is using a spell to hide his presence and blend with the surrounding environment that is why the host can not sense the person.]

What a skillful level thief it seems that i have a bad luck today to come in contact with an earthly warrior and skillful level thief in the same day but it seems that he is not with the merchants but he has come here to steal.

But for a person of his level to come and steal? and the protection given to the caravan it seems that the they are using the Dragon's rumor as a distraction to transport something important and it should be with the earthly warrior.

But for me this is a very good situation i can distract the earthly warrior using the thief and make them go far enough from the caravan so that i can steal easily.

System do you have a method to disrupt his spell for few seconds when i want.


System can apply a Level 0 array on the person which can disrupt the person's spell for few seconds, The array cost 100 exp for using once.]

What a 100 exp i better not use it since i only have about 150 exp left.


The host is notified that the amount of exp is high because the array used has a real time tracking function which works for an hour and the host can know about this person's activities.]

It seems that i no other option for dealing with him, System place the array on him.


System has successfully placed the array.]

Now the only thing i have to do is wait until he moves.

After few minutes of waiting Arthur saw the person moving from the position in a flash.

Wow that is some movement he disappeared from the position in a flash, System can you keep track of him.


System after 5 minutes disrupt his skill.


Snort, Did these old fools think that they can stop me with only an earthly warrior in here, But it still fells weird when i was hiding it felt that someone was staring at me all the time.

He was the person on whom Arthur placed his array.

Suddenly this person came close to a specific place which was surrounded by 2 warrior and in the middle a person sitting in a lotus position.

This seems to much more easier then i thought the only sent a low level earthly warrior, It seems they thought they can fool our organisation's intelligence this easily.

He easily crossed the 2 warrior by easily waking past them and then closer to earthly warrior without alerting the earthly warrior when got enough closer he took a dagger from his clothes and was going to stab the suddenly he felt something wrong and saw that his spell stopped working.

Suddenly the earthly warrior opened his saw the masked person and was shocked and directly sent his fist towards the masked person.


Arthur was staying outside and was waiting and suddenly he heard the sound of huge collision.

It seems that my planned worked out and time for my action has come.