
Reunion Party

I was putting on my shoes when my phone rang. I looked at the caller's id, it was one of my best friends since my first year in secondary school.

"Yah! Where are you? The reunion party is going to start in 30 minutes."

"I'm on my way, don't worry. I'm not going to be late."

When I said that, I was already half way there. The reunion party was held a year after our graduation from secondary school. I took a few deep breath before entering the restaurant. One of my best friends saw me and shouted my name, "ERICA!"

Everybody turned around and their face looked quite disappointed. "It's just her." said one of my classmate. I smiled bitterly while I sat on the chair next to Hana.

"Hana, you shouldn't have shouted my name. It's so embarrassing."

"Sorry, I was just excited. I haven't seen you in like 4ever."

"Seriously, you just saw her yesterday at university."

Hana poked her tongue out at Charity. My best friends: Ain Hana, Elina Ram, Charity Lau and Teoh Xi Xian, and I continued chatting about some random things.

Suddenly, girls started shouting. We looked around and finally realized the school prince, Tan Siew Hong came to the reunion. He's also my senior at the music and theater department in university. He's known for his looks and grades. Rumors are said that he is dating the school's flower.

We started drinking and talking. Then someone said,

"Sorry, I'm late."

When we looked at the person, one of my classmate, Isaac said, "it's okay, Erycca." It was her, the school's flower. The one who has tons of friends.

The one who everybody wants to be.

The one girls envy.

The one boys chase.

The one who's adored by every teacher.

The one who has a similar name with me.

The one who cause trouble to my life.

The one I can never be.

She was perfect. She was good in both academics and sports. She was kind and friendly, always wearing a smile. She was someone above my level. At least, that's what my school mates tells me. "Remember this, your name may have the same pronunciation as her but you can never compete against her."

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