
Silverstorm's Future

The_Warrior_Fan · Others
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LEADER: Bluestar - Navy she-cat with white specks.

DEPUTY: Fireclaw - Big orange tom with a white muzzle.

MEDICINE CAT: Bigleaf - white Gray-spotted she-cat.

QUEENS: (Mothers and pregnant She-cats.)

Spottedlight - Slim silver she-cat (Mother of Cloudkit and Skykit).

Dovewing - Tabby grey she-cat with darker flecks.

Meadowsky - Black she-cat with white belly and paws.

Dottedleaf - Brown she-cat with white specks (Mother of Blackkit and Flowerkit).


Cloudkit - Long-fur white tom.

Skykit - Grey she-cat.

Flowerkit - Golden she-cat with white paws.

Blackkit - Black tom.

PAWS: (Cats six moons or older, in training to become a Warrior).

Greypaw - Grey tom.

Silverpaw - Slim Silver she-cat with darker flecks.

Starpaw - Golden she-cat.

Shadowpaw - Blackish greyish tom.

Firepaw - Handsome golden tom.


Honeyflower - Pale golden she-cat.


Leapordleaf - Golden she-cat with brown spots.

Fireheart - Reddy-brown tom (PAW: Firepaw).

Starynight - Slim navy she-cat with white specks.

Tigerclaw - Long-legged black tom with white paws (PAW: Greypaw).

Lady - Beautiful white she-cat (Former kittypet) (PAW: Silverpaw).

Blossomsky - Very light brown she-cat.

Rex - Handsome black tom with white chest (Former Kittypet).

Bloodrose - Reddy-brown she-cat with red eyes (PAW: Shadowpaw).

Deadberry - Musty brown tom with white tip on tail.

Runningtail - Green tabby she-cat (PAW: Starpaw).

Twinkleclaws - Jet-black she-cat (Former kittypet).

Jayfeather - Brown tom.

Darelight - Black she-cat with white paws and grey left ear.