7 06. a mayan temple?

Zack: so where is akira's hiding at

Krystal: a base hidden in the woods

Zack: and how far is the woods

omega: 200km

civilian: welcome back krystal glad to see your safe

Krystal: thanks

Krystal: ok Zack first I need to stop and drop of the scrap metal

*inner conversation*

omega: heh

Zack: what

omega: I think she likes you

Zack: what do you mean

Omega: her pulse has gone way up when she is talking to you


omega: obviously that mean she likes you

Zack: that's not how it works omega

*back to Zack and krystal talking*

krystal: this is as far as we can go

Zack:okay then I'll follow you I guess

Krystal:right through here

*krystal walks through a fake wall*

Zack: wait what

krystal: come on let's go

Zack: umm ok then

*:hello my name is delta I am the S.A.I{7} of this place glad to see you ms. quartz akira is waiting for you

Krystal: ok

delta: speaking of waiting you are Zack am I correct?

----------------------silver sword profiles------------------

AI designation: delta(Δ)

role: S.A.I

created by:Zerø corp™{8}

other notes: remembers every command you say, can be at two deferent places at once


{7}: SAI- stands for Security Artificial Intelligence

{8} Zerø corp- the Zerø corporation is known for its high tech(often used by warriors)

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