
Fragments of a Dream

-(Part 1-2)

Waking up abruptly as I sat up in place, I caught my breath while shaking and terrified where I found myself in. Desperately looking around the room, I began to regain control of my breathing as I touched my chest and found no traces of a wound. I was dressed in the same kimono I had on a day ago and awoke in my bed at the mansion.

Turning my gaze as I heard the sound of the peaceful little pnd on the other side elf the doors, I stood up and skid the doors open as I stared at the small, familiar garden.

"Is everything well, Miss? "

Sharply turning my gaze as if I heard a familiar voice, my heart begam to beat out of control as I me the gaze of Lizzy as she was dressed as a maid.

"Are you... Liz-"

Stopping myself in mid sentence, I began to understand everything as her worried gaze only confirmed my suspicion that it was all an elaborate dream I concocted of my own accord. The daily tranquil life I've had thus far was begging to manifest itself in my dreams.

"I'm... Fine. I... Only needed some fresh air. "

Nodding, she gently excused her self as she left and returned with a tea set and a heated water pot.

Having sat down over the smooth surface of the stone, I picked up a cup as she filled it with water as I began smelling the fragrant tea leaves dying the water. Moving my leg gently ober the water, I lowered my toes and softly touched the surface as if I unconsciously felt the rythum of a song play over the ripples in the water.

Back and fourth, I closed my eyes while tilting my head and intently listed to the swaying water as my toes glided above the water. Lost in the echo of the talking pond, I failed to notice my heart was fluttering and as I opened my eyes, he appeared over the bridge like a spirit I had summoned with my motions.

"Haveing a late night stroll... Miss ghost? "

Lowering my gaze as I closed my eyes once more while responding in my own way.

"Fallen gently onto a lake, I yearn to become a cherry blossom while flowing to the wild rythum that is its soul... "

Hwring him scoff, I blushed unconsciously as I got swept in the moment. He spoke as I kepty clear composure.

"And what shall I do when I yearn to become the lake that moves the fallen blossoms? "

Twitching my ear, I thought about an answer for the next several minutes and spoke.

"What good will having that power do once the blossoms wither away..."

"I'll find a way to preserve the blossom and hold a light to her as I put her on a mantle, tall enough for the whole world to see... "

Inhaling a soft breath as his response stirred my emotions, I felt myself blushing as I gulped down the hot tea and calmly headed back tot he room. Claiming the doors, I grit my teeth as I knew my feeling for him were growing more by the day. Sliding gently onto the floor, I touched the door as I held my hand over my chest to hear my still, fluttering heart.

Resting my forehead onto the cool wool from the door, I opened my eyes as I felt my eyes glisten with the sound of his voice as he ordered his maid to rest. The thought of him alone had begun to trigger my body temperature to rise. Controlling my breath, I heard his footsteps disappear and a so exhausted a slight breath, his voice suddenly echoed from the other side.

"Have you no need for a bed, Miss ghost? "

Startled, I felt a small smile form as I do. Posed myself and sat my back on the door.

"Do ghosts even require sleep... "

Feeling the slight push on the door as he rested his bakc ontit he door as well, we sat on opposite directions as we continued our conversation.

"That depends entirely in the ghost... "

Slightly smiling as the concept of a ghost sleeping had a funny ring to it.

"Does a ghost require any need for sleep... "

Waiting fkr his response, I closed my eyes as the mid-night crickets echoed in the distance.

"I believe they do, Sleep. "

Curious, I rested my head back as I asked how he would know such a thing.

"Well... I know this one beautiful ghost who blew over my tea after she elegantly poured me my drink... "

Recalling the first moment we met, I lightly chuckled and continued as he recalled our every meeting since then. In that moment, I turned my body as I rested my hand gently over the door and listened to his vibrant voice.

"I have come to find myself fallen for her quiet and distant gazes... I have come to adore the way she glides her legs over the water surface... My heart has become bound to this intelligent ghost as she ever only talks of other ghosts... Tell me, Miss ghost... Wjat should I do with this burning fire she has left in place of my heart... "

Gasping a slight breath as he knew just what to say to stir up my heart as I clenched my hand over the door in hopes he would open it...

As a minute turned into an hour, my heart was still fluttering strong as I couldn't calm myself or even know if he had long since left. Letting up in on the door, I trembled while closing my eyes and felt the warm pain in my stomach calm as I reached to slide the door open.

Stopping midway, I did'nt see his shape as my exitment was subdued with the thought that he had left. As I released my breath, I rested my eyes while overlooking at the glistening little pond. Leaning over the wooden beam, I rested my head as I dropped my guard for a moment.

As my eyes hung lower, I fell asleep when a sudden wave of relief washed over my chest as if I could feel his presence right I fornt of me... Falling asleep with the thought, I was sure to hold the image as long as I was conscious.

"Hmm... Ghosts do sleep after all. "

Opening my gaze as our eyes met from a few feet apart, I wondered if I was still dreaming as the radiant glow arljmd him from behind the pond made it seem as if he was a real spirit. Lifting my hand gently and reaching his face, I felt weak as I couldn't risk finding out. As I took my hand back, I fully awoke then moment his war hand touched mine.

"A ghost can pass through walls... But, a ghost can't pass though a spirit can it... Isn't that why you hesitated to touch my face? "

Shocked with my defenses lowered, I showed my genuine surprise as I looked into his eyes in awe. Gulping when he came close, I touched his cheek as he gently wrapped his coat over mine.

"Well, Miss Ghost... What do you think about eantjnh time becone a cherrcherry Blossom when you have a body I can respond to with a more delicate response... "

Blushing, he stood up as I was left in shock as this was the first time he had broken through my defenses...

I haling softly, I let out only two words...

"I... Lose. "

Turning his gaze to me, he chuckled and sat beside emerald as he broke me out from my trance by holding my hand. As I slowly turned my gaze to meet his, I was lost with a blank mindset as all I could think about, was his clever ruse to lure me out and catch me when my guard was at my lowest.

"I didn't know you conceded defeat, Miss ghost... After all, I've only just won your attention, I have yet to win over your heart entirely as you have with mine... "

Choking as I exhausted a soft breath, he tended to me as I was blushing beyond my intro as my emotions were all over the place. Afterwards, he wished me good night as I was sure he noticed I was at my limit. Closing the doors, I melted o to the flokr while touching my cheek where his mouth brushed against.

Heading striaght to sleep, I laid down in my bed while thinking of how close he was. Falling asleep with tbe warmth of his coat, I held it to my chest as I stayed awake for a while...

Not flinching as I heard the door to the room open and close, I held still as I suddenly felt a presence behind my back. My heart was beating out of my chest as the night had set me in the mood to lose control of my nest perfect composure. Feeling his advancements, I slightly turned and faced his glistening eyes as he looked and memorized my every feature.

As a shining, silver necklace hung over his bare chest, I only stayed still while meeting his gaze with my own. We were both not wild animals as we waited to see a moment of weakness to strike...

Leaning closer to my face, he brushed his cheek like before eagaisnt mine and as I flinched, his intoxicating voice whispered in my ear.

"Please... Don't move... An inch... I don't know... How much longer I can... control myself... "

As I lowered my gaze, the moment passed as he saw I was staying still. Pinned in between his arms, I waited as an hour passed. Claiming himself as he regained control, he looked into my eyes as he apologized for being so abrupt.

The moment he looked away from my gaze, I lost all control and ended up holding his fave as I kissed him as if I wanted his entirety without having him ever forget this feeling belonged to me and me alone...

I had finally stopped being the ghost... And finally began living as I was meant to with my body as my souls vessel. As we both lost restraint, within that single kiss, I held a low gaze as a soft tear fell down my face. Feeling the Earth of his feeling and finally understanding my own, I was reminded what it was to love someone... And what's more, I learned what it was time be loved in return as this burning desire was an unbearable drug he must had felt since the moment he fell for me...

Closing my eyes and accepting his heart, I took him into mine as we both overcame a sorrow only the other could provide with their tender warmth.

Suddenly, the doors opened up as a woman stood with a vicious glare directed solely at me.

"Mother?! "

Looking as his gaze fell from what it was a second ago, I sat up as she took him by the arm and dragged him away as the maids if the mansion stood still imas they awaited her order.

"You... Get out of my sons home before I have yoh thrown out. "

Glaring at her as I regained my cold and distant composure, I stared her down as we kept our piercing gaze on each other as if we were fighting for the reason of being. Not left with many options, I stood up and walked right infornt of her. Asking her only once as why she took the boy away.

"Hes my son... I can do whatever I please with hi-"

Slapping her across the face as the smack, echoed within the masnion. With wnat I felt, my burning heart was filled with an overwhelming rage as I wanted to punish her for taking him away. It was almost as if a rushing cold rested where my heart should have been.

More than anything, I fleet a deep yearning to feel his warmth again. Whatever price I had to pay, I was addicted and absolutely needed to have him back to counter this crushing feeling. Even if it meant going against his mother. I had to get to him, no matter what anyone said.


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