
Tvaylin's Focus

Tvaylin woke with a start as his mother dropped off more kill near his sisters, the fight had been to get Tvaylin to act so no punishment was forthcoming to the dragonets.

The clatter only caught his attention for a few seconds before a new smell invaded his sensitive nose, this smell was similar to his mother but different, this smell perked the little wyrmlings interest making him start to scan his surroundings all the while smelling with his uplifted snout trying to find the direction that the smell originated from.

Finally, his keen senses gave him a direction and his head rotated and locked onto the new smell, he took off all the while following the scent. When the new smell started to overpower everything he knew right away that he was close to whatever this almost familiar smell was coming from.

The unfamiliar area he was in gave way to another massive silvery wall not unlike how his mother appeared..... then it clicked and Tvaylins head shot up in alarm as he rose to his full height instinctively before he deflated under the piercing gaze of a massive dragon almost the same size as his mother but the horn crest was different mothers horns swept back in graceful ark's while this dragons horns swept back before curving more to the side, still impressive just not as graceful as his mothers.

Those thoughts flashed through Tvaylin's mind instantly before he took a few steps away from this different dragon, a large claw came out from the silvery wall cutting off his retreat gently but forcefully letting the little wyrmling know that he wasn't going anywhere without her permission.

Tvaylin drew himself up proudly, he looked up at the new dragon unafraid, he had seen his mother shifting when he had turned back for a second and this gave him confidence, he squawked out in challenge as he looked at the massive dragon,

"Sister your little Clutch Champion is brave isn't he?" she asked before looking up thoughtfully and spoke again, "Also stupid, you never challenge from such an unfavorable situation no matter what! If you have no choice but to lose then graciously bow your head while keeping your emotions in check, revenge can come later if you are that concerned about it. Challenging is just stupid, if you are truly a Silver Dragon then you must use your head!" she snapped a the wyrmling before continuing, "This lesson I give freely but the next one won't come so cheap! let us hope you remember enough of this lesson in the years to come wyrmling!" she snorted as she gave a valuable lesson to the hatchling that he would remember for the rest of his life and may even save his scales one day.

Tvaylin crouched lower under the powerful gaze of the massive dragon, he understood her words and had realized he was acting stupid, he tried to imitate her speak to apologize but all he could make was a few squawks and screeches before the divine voice of his mother interrupted him after he started to grow frustrated at knowing how to speak with words but being unable too, "Tvaylin you won't have a voice for a month still my son, as the world mana fills you and your sisters it will change you but this takes time so the ability to speak will come soon, but not yet." she said as she came closer to monitor her sister with her most proud hatchling.

He seemed to deflate before he walked back to his nesting area to eat what was left of the meal he had fought for, when he arrived back, two of his sisters were knowing on the hindquarters of his meal, it looked like they had just arrived so he dragon rushed them and sprinted up to them causing the startled dragonets to let out squawks of alarm.

Tvaylin just crashed into his sister's befor snapping his jaws at them till they turned and fled once again. Tvaylin jumped once towards them and let out the loudest roar he could manage with his body in warning to his sisters, next time he wouldn't let them off so easy if he caught them eating his food. The adventure and the run he did got his appetite flowing in full force forcing the wyrmling to take large chunks of meat of the back end of his prize he won from his sisters before once again crawling on top of what was left and entering deep sleep while dis growing body digested what he had eaten.

Tvaylin's mother snorted in amusement at the squabbles of her hatchlings, "Sister you didn't have to be that harsh on him did you? That was his first time meeting a new fully-grown dragon after all." Lady SilverFang said to her sister

"Just be glad he challenged me and not some feral wildling dragon, they would have gone straight for the kill regardless of age or size! Let's hope he learnt it the first time," she said in disdain at her sister's softness, it had gotten worse since she had gotten back from the front, small moments of softheartedness that had no place in this world, sure dragons were apex predators but that didn't mean it was easy to stay on top, already a few sentient races were at war with the whole dragon continent and still they were being pushed back the prolific breeders humans, and the long-lived forest elves that had allied with the humans against us, combining archery and mystic arts to harm or hamper the dragons as the humans advanced in on trapped dragons to kill from close up, it worked so well that all dragons had been pushed back to their original continent.

It was only a matter of time before humans tried to attack en mass once again to gain a foothold on the dragons land that they could use to exterminate the rest of the dragons left in the world, softness had no place in the world, they needed warries not soft scaled lizards!

number 5! Woot more to come =) check out my other book Bruni the Firemage aswell! more chapters to come for it aswell!

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