

Tvaylin was growing each day and by the fourth week he had already tripled in size from when he came out of the shell, hatchlings grew fast in size with the proper diet and his hunger was ferocious, he would devour dear in a single day now, his sisters shared 3 deer to themselves and always fought tooth and nail against Tvaylin when he wasn't quite full from his own meal.

Tvaylin's mother was extremely proud looking at her clutch growing so well she almost forgot the meeting she had with the representative of the Gold Dragon Clan, she drew back out of the clutch cave and towards the meeting, the area's in her home, she soon came to a vast resting area that she had dug out her self, it could comfortably fit 3 fully grown dragons with plenty of room to move, the floor was melted dragon glass, an expensive luxury that was impervious to dragon claw scratches making the maintenance of the meeting halls much cheaper, in the long run, it was not only tough but extremely beautiful, as it sparkled like a thousand gems when it came in contact with the sun.

"Lady SilverFang Pure be the bloodlines for you to have not 5 but 6 eggs hatch and with 2 males to boot! The royal families haven't seen the likes of this in many years and have sent congratulations aplenty, they all have an inquiry as to what is to be done with the Clutch Champion, as you know the Wars have taken a toll on our Protectors and we are greatly interested in adding new blood what say you?" he asked bluntly with no other introductions or words was said stunning lady SliverFang.

Lady SilverFang was stunned at the directness of the golden dragon that was sent over from the Royal Family but quickly adjusted to the conversation and without skipping a beat, she had just entered negotiations with a professional and couldn't lose focus no matter what, she had to secure the best outcome for the entire family her son included, she wasn't about to sacrifice her clutch champion regardless of what the Royal Family offered. "I want to offer him up to the protectors." she said as she met the other dragon's eye's indicating she was willing to have her son join the protectors to learn how to fight and do battle and in doing so fighting in the war to earn his own glory, she was going to give her son the best starting point she could, and all the training he could handle.

Once the Representative was told of her intentions he calmed visibly and became a bit more amiable, he had been prepared to almost fight her to let her son join the protectors, they had very few Clutch Champions remaining in the force, they were sorely needed as well, they were typically smarter, faster and stronger than most other non-clutch champions to a great degree making them ideal Wing leaders, every year he when out to all the clutches that were blessed with a Clutch Champion and did his best to conscript them for the war, in a handful of years the dragons all figured the war would resume in earnest and so he did his best to induct all potential Wing leaders as soon as possible.

This time he had been extremely lucky from what Lady SilverFang went on to tell him her son was extremely lucky as even now the World Mana flowed into her son in great sums making grow ever stronger, usually, the mana intake died down a few weeks after the hatchling escaped its shell but almost a month later and her son was still drawing in mana, no noticeable differences could be seen after the initial thickening of the scales and the improved strength and agility but nothing else was forthcoming, the wyrmling had potential and that's what they all needed now more than ever.

He didn't beat around the bush, he knew this was going to cost him, the willing ones always cost the most, "What do you want in return?" the representative said with calm confidence, he had done this many times so wasn't new to the process, everything had a cost.

Tvaylin was once again in blissful sleep after eating the latest meal that this mother had dropped off before leaving for her meeting, dreams came unbidden to the wyrmling. A flash and what looked like 2 dragons fighting tooth and claw in the sky flashed in his dream and just as fast it was gone and soon another flash came and a dragon flew into the ground before a tide of humans and horses rode forward and used lance's to kill the downed dragon. It was methodical and executed to perfection before the vision also flashed away and a sense of calm settled over the dragon before more normal dreams took over.

Tvaylin awoke to his mother's snout prodding him awake before she started to speak, "My son soon you will leave me, it is for your own good, but not yet, for now, I have someone for you to meet." she said as she brought the hatchling to meet and be inspected by the representative.

Tvaylin was extremely confused now, his mother had never picked him up and now she was carrying him in an upraised claw as they made their way through cave after cave until she came back to the meeting area once again. "This is my son, Tvaylin," she said as she set her son down in front of her guest.

Tvaylin looked at the other dragon that glittered gold, he was only curious about the new dragon before to her utter shock and amazement she turned to his mother and asked, "Who is this new stumpy?" his mother was confused for a moment before she followed her son's gaze as he stared at the other dragon's crest that only had two horn nodes like his sisters.

Woot ch. 6! more to come! please leave a comment and down be afraid to ask questions I will do my best to answer them!

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