
Silent Truth

Author: Weird_Unicorn
Romansa Kontemporer
Ongoing · 50.7K Views
  • 46 Chs
  • 5.0
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  • NO.200+

What is Silent Truth

Read ‘Silent Truth’ Online for Free, written by the author Weird_Unicorn, This book is a Romansa Kontemporer Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Hari di mana pengacara dan notaris membacakan surat wasiat, semua orang berharap-harap cemas atas apa yang akan mereka d...


Hari di mana pengacara dan notaris membacakan surat wasiat, semua orang berharap-harap cemas atas apa yang akan mereka dapatkan. Saat mendengar bahwa The Grand-Lady jatuh sakit, mereka rela meninggalkan kegiatan mereka sehari-hari dan terbang ke Perancis dari berbagai negara, untuk menjaganya. Semua orang berusaha menjadi yang terbaik, yang termanis, yang paling berpengertian. Semua orang ingin diakui sebagai yang paling disayang. Warisan apa yang akan masing-masing dari mereka dapatkan? Apakah Mansion megah? Jet pribadi? Hotel besar di Paris? Koleksi perhiasan? Segudang mobil? Tidak ada yang tahu. Satu hal yang pasti, mereka akan berusaha agar mendapatkan sesuatu.

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Omnitrix force in marvel

I do not own Marvel or Ben 10. I came up with this idea while reading Ben 10/ Marvel fanfiction or novel. If there is already a novel or fanfiction about this please let me know as I will take this down as long as a different person came up with this idea before I did unless he or she allows me to continue this. Long story short: A guy reincarnated into Marvel mcu with an Omnitrix. He decides to make a force composed of only himself and his aliens in the Omnitrix. He makes it seem like he was chosen to be a part of their force that is composed of many different aliens. when in reality he is just having fun being a hero and getting shield and the other heroes worried about a huge alien force with the potential to invade Earth. Note: As of now this is only an idea. If I decide to start writing chapters do know that it will likely not be often. If someone wants to take over this idea and start making chapters I would allow it, but if multiple people want to do so, then I would be fine since I would like to see it as a multiverse where and you guys, gals, or both can make a chapter from two different viewpoints where the MC's interact with each other. Please do let me know. But if you decide to end it or put it on indefinite hiatus. Then I have full permission to allow others to either continue from where you left off in their own novel or fanfiction and make it a near identical universe where the two MC's did the same thing until that point in time and it changes from there. The cover is not mine. If it is yours and you would like me to take it down. Please let me know and I will do so.

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is this some kind of some luxury story? new money or old money? anyway, it's interesting to see some big cities in Europe to be featured here. nice job.


a shameless review from the author. it's a really amazing experience to write this novel. never before I wrote such novel like this. I'm curious about the ending, i hope you too 💛 happy reading 💛


akhirnya! akhirnya sudah terbit! akhirnya sudah terbit di link baru. aku sudah menunggu updatenya. apalagi sudah ada tambahan update 2 bab baru...╰(*°▽°*)╯


ternyata pindah link ya? sudah update juga. akhirnya bisa lanjut membaca. saya sudah penasaran dengan bagaimana kelanjutan kisah Ana dan Samuel ini.


new link! new chapters!! karakter Ana tuh bikin penasaran deh... apalagi udah ada male characternya, si Samuel. can't wait for the update!! penasaran banget ceritanya bakal kek apa... huuu


wah, akhirnya novelnya sudah terbit di link yang baru. good job. wajib dibaca ulang dari awal. apalagi sudah ada tambahan update 2 bab baru. yeay


saya sudah baca yang di link lama, sekarang ada link baru ya? sudah update juga. saya suka karena pada awal cerita menuliskan beberapa kota internasional yang ada di Eropa.


finally!!! new update, 20 chapters at oncee??? 😱😱 been curious to death for the next chapters. here it is. I'm so relieved. happy reading! 🤗


apakah ini akan menjadi cerita romantis? atau apakah ini adalah cerita kekuarga? latar belakangnya cukup bagus dengan kota-kota besar di Eropa. saya menantikan alur cerita selanjutnya.


dari judul dan sinopsisnya sudah membuat penasaran. apakah akan ada cerita romantis di dalamnya? saya menantikan akhir ceritanya. semangat terus tho.


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